coal  3.0.1
Coal, The Collision Detection Library. Previously known as HPP-FCL, fork of FCL -- The Flexible Collision Library
coal Documentation


Coal is a modified version the FCL libraries.

It is a library for collision detection and distance computation between various types of geometric shapes reprensented either by

Using Coal

The main entry points to the library are functions


detection and distance lower bound

Collision queries can return a distance lower bound between the two objects, which is computationally cheaper than computing the real distance. The following figure shows the returned result in CollisionResult::distance_lower_bound and DistanceResult::min_distance, with respect to the objects real distance.

The two parameters refer to CollisionRequest::security_margin and CollisionRequest::break_distance.

In the green hatched area, the distance lower bound is not known. It is only guaranted that it will be inferior to distance - security_margin and superior to break_distance.
If CollisionRequest::security_margin is set to -inf, no collision test is performed by function coal::collide or class coal::ComputeCollision and the objects are considered as not colliding.