GCC Code Coverage Report

Directory: ./
File: src/urdf-parser.cpp
Date: 2025-02-14 11:26:53
Exec Total Coverage
Lines: 0 271 0.0%
Branches: 0 764 0.0%

Line Branch Exec Source
1 //
2 // urdf-parser.cpp
3 // gepetto-viewer
4 //
5 // Created by Anthony Couret, Mathieu Geisert in November 2014.
6 // Updated by Joseph Mirabel in February 2019.
7 // Copyright (c) 2014 LAAS-CNRS. All rights reserved.
8 //
10 #include <gepetto/viewer/urdf-parser.h>
12 #include <QBuffer>
13 #include <QDebug>
14 #include <QDomDocument>
15 #include <QDomElement>
16 #include <QFile>
17 #include <QFileInfo>
18 #include <QMap>
19 #include <QString>
20 #include <QStringList>
21 #include <QtGlobal>
22 #include <iostream>
23 #include <osg/Version>
24 #include <string>
25 #include <vector>
27 #include <osgQt/Version>
28 #endif
30 #include <gepetto/viewer/leaf-node-box.h>
31 #include <gepetto/viewer/leaf-node-capsule.h>
32 #include <gepetto/viewer/leaf-node-cylinder.h>
33 #include <gepetto/viewer/leaf-node-sphere.h>
35 #include "log.hh"
37 namespace gepetto {
38 namespace viewer {
39 namespace urdfParser {
41 namespace details {
42 typedef std::map<std::string, ::osg::NodeRefPtr> Cache_t;
43 struct Material {
44 bool hasColor, hasTexture;
45 osgVector4 color;
46 std::string texture;
47 Material() : hasColor(false), hasTexture(false) {}
48 };
49 typedef QMap<QString, Material> MaterialMap_t;
52 class LinkNode : public GroupNode {
53 private:
54 bool currentIsVisual_;
55 std::vector<NodePtr_t> visuals_, collisions_;
57 public:
58 virtual ~LinkNode() {}
60 LinkNode(const std::string& name) : GroupNode(name) {
61 addProperty(BoolProperty::create(
62 "ShowVisual",
63 BoolProperty::getterFromMemberFunction(this, &LinkNode::showVisual),
64 BoolProperty::setterFromMemberFunction(this, &LinkNode::showVisual)));
65 }
67 const bool& showVisual() const { return currentIsVisual_; }
69 void showVisual(const bool& visual) {
70 if (currentIsVisual_ == visual) return;
71 VisibilityMode m = (visual ? VISIBILITY_ON : VISIBILITY_OFF);
72 for (std::size_t i = 0; i < visuals_.size(); ++i)
73 visuals_[i]->setVisibilityMode(m);
75 for (std::size_t i = 0; i < collisions_.size(); ++i)
76 collisions_[i]->setVisibilityMode(m);
77 currentIsVisual_ = visual;
78 }
80 void add(const NodePtr_t& child_ptr, bool vis) {
81 VisibilityMode m =
82 (currentIsVisual_ == vis ? VISIBILITY_ON : VISIBILITY_OFF);
83 addChild(child_ptr);
84 if (vis)
85 visuals_.push_back(child_ptr);
86 else
87 collisions_.push_back(child_ptr);
88 child_ptr->setVisibilityMode(m);
89 }
91 static LinkNodePtr_t create(const std::string& name) {
92 LinkNodePtr_t robot(new LinkNode(name));
93 robot->initWeakPtr(robot);
94 return robot;
95 }
96 };
98 bool getShowVisuals(const GroupNode* gn) {
99 bool value = true;
100 for (std::size_t i = 0; i < gn->getNumOfChildren(); ++i) {
101 NodePtr_t n = gn->getChild(i);
102 if (n->hasProperty("ShowVisual")) {
103 bool v;
104 n->getProperty("ShowVisual", v);
105 value = value && v;
106 }
107 }
108 return value;
109 }
110 void setShowVisuals(GroupNode* gn, bool visual) {
111 for (std::size_t i = 0; i < gn->getNumOfChildren(); ++i) {
112 NodePtr_t n = gn->getChild(i);
113 if (n->hasProperty("ShowVisual")) n->setProperty("ShowVisual", visual);
114 }
115 }
117 QStringList rosPackagePath() {
118 const QString rosPathVar(qgetenv("ROS_PACKAGE_PATH"));
119 if (rosPathVar.toStdString() != "") return rosPathVar.split(':');
120 const QString amentPrefixPath(qgetenv("AMENT_PREFIX_PATH"));
121 if (amentPrefixPath.toStdString() != "") {
122 QStringList paths(amentPrefixPath.split(':'));
123 QStringList res;
124 for (const auto& path : paths) {
125 res.append(path + QString("/share"));
126 }
127 return res;
128 }
129 throw std::invalid_argument(
130 "neither ROS_PACKAGE_PATH nor AMENT_PREFIX_PATH environment variables is "
131 "defined.");
132 }
134 std::string getFilename(const QString& input) {
135 if (input.startsWith("package://")) {
136 QStringList rosPaths;
137 try {
138 rosPaths = rosPackagePath();
139 } catch (const std::invalid_argument& exc) {
140 throw std::invalid_argument(
141 std::string("Input path: \"") + input.toStdString() +
142 std::string("\" starts with \"package://\", but ") + exc.what());
143 }
144 for (int i = 0; i < rosPaths.size(); ++i) {
145 QFileInfo fileInfo(rosPaths[i] + '/' + input.right(input.size() - 10));
146 if (fileInfo.exists() && fileInfo.isFile())
147 return fileInfo.filePath().toStdString();
148 }
149 throw std::invalid_argument(
150 ("File not found: " + input +
151 ". Check ROS_PACKAGE_PATH environment variable.")
152 .toStdString());
153 }
154 return input.toStdString();
155 }
157 template <typename ReturnType>
158 void toDoubles(const QString& s, ReturnType& vect) {
159 #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 14, 0)
160 QStringList nums = s.split(' ', Qt::SkipEmptyParts);
161 #else
162 QStringList nums = s.split(' ', QString::SkipEmptyParts);
163 #endif
164 if (ReturnType::num_components != nums.size())
165 throw std::logic_error("Could not parse " + s.toStdString());
166 bool ok;
167 for (int i = 0; i < nums.size(); ++i) {
168 double d = nums[i].toDouble(&ok);
169 if (!ok) throw std::logic_error("Could not parse " + s.toStdString());
170 vect[i] = d;
171 }
172 }
174 template <typename ReturnType>
175 void toFloats(const QString& s, ReturnType& vect) {
176 #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 14, 0)
177 QStringList nums = s.split(' ', Qt::SkipEmptyParts);
178 #else
179 QStringList nums = s.split(' ', QString::SkipEmptyParts);
180 #endif
181 if (ReturnType::num_components != nums.size())
182 throw std::logic_error("Could not parse " + s.toStdString());
183 bool ok;
184 for (int i = 0; i < nums.size(); ++i) {
185 float d = nums[i].toFloat(&ok);
186 if (!ok) throw std::logic_error("Could not parse " + s.toStdString());
187 vect[i] = d;
188 }
189 }
191 void parseOrigin(const QDomElement element, osgVector3& T, osgQuat& R) {
192 QDomElement origin = element.firstChildElement("origin");
193 if (!origin.nextSiblingElement("origin").isNull())
194 throw std::logic_error("URDF contains two origins.");
196 T = osgVector3(0, 0, 0);
197 R = osgQuat(0, 0, 0, 1);
198 if (origin.isNull()) return;
199 QString xyz = origin.attribute("xyz");
200 if (!xyz.isNull()) toFloats(xyz, T);
201 QString rpy = origin.attribute("rpy");
202 if (!rpy.isNull()) {
203 osgVector3 rpy2;
204 toFloats(rpy, rpy2);
206 double phi, the, psi;
207 phi = rpy2[0] / 2.0;
208 the = rpy2[1] / 2.0;
209 psi = rpy2[2] / 2.0;
211 R.x() = sin(phi) * cos(the) * cos(psi) - cos(phi) * sin(the) * sin(psi);
212 R.y() = cos(phi) * sin(the) * cos(psi) + sin(phi) * cos(the) * sin(psi);
213 R.z() = cos(phi) * cos(the) * sin(psi) - sin(phi) * sin(the) * cos(psi);
214 R.w() = cos(phi) * cos(the) * cos(psi) + sin(phi) * sin(the) * sin(psi);
215 }
216 }
218 NodePtr_t createMesh(const QString& name, const QDomElement mesh,
219 Cache_t& cache) {
220 std::string mesh_path = getFilename(mesh.attribute("filename"));
222 Cache_t::const_iterator _cache = cache.find(mesh_path);
223 LeafNodeColladaPtr_t meshNode;
224 if (_cache == cache.end()) {
225 meshNode = LeafNodeCollada::create(name.toStdString(), mesh_path);
226 cache.insert(std::make_pair(mesh_path, meshNode->getColladaPtr()));
227 } else
228 meshNode =
229 LeafNodeCollada::create(name.toStdString(), _cache->second, mesh_path);
231 if (mesh.hasAttribute("scale")) {
232 osgVector3 scale(1, 1, 1);
233 toFloats(mesh.attribute("scale"), scale);
234 if (scale != osgVector3(1, 1, 1)) {
235 meshNode->setScale(scale);
236 meshNode->applyScale();
237 }
238 }
240 return meshNode;
241 }
243 /// \param collision collision or visual tag
244 bool isCapsule(const QDomElement& link, const QDomElement& collision) {
245 QString gname = collision.attribute("name");
246 if (gname.isNull()) return false;
247 QDomElement cc = link.firstChildElement("collision_checking");
248 if (cc.isNull()) return false;
250 for (QDomElement element = cc.firstChildElement("capsule"); !element.isNull();
251 element = element.nextSiblingElement("capsule"))
252 if (element.attribute("name") == gname) return true;
254 return false;
255 }
257 Material parseMaterial(const QDomElement material) {
258 Material mat;
260 // Set color
261 QDomElement color = material.firstChildElement("color");
262 mat.hasColor = !color.isNull();
263 if (mat.hasColor) {
264 toFloats(color.attribute("rgba"), mat.color);
265 }
267 // Set texture
268 QDomElement texture = material.firstChildElement("texture");
269 mat.hasTexture = !texture.isNull();
270 if (mat.hasTexture) {
271 if (!texture.hasAttribute("filename"))
272 throw std::logic_error("texture tag must have a filename attribute.");
273 mat.texture = getFilename(texture.attribute("filename"));
274 }
275 return mat;
276 }
278 void setMaterial(const QDomElement material, NodePtr_t node,
279 MaterialMap_t& materials) {
280 if (material.isNull()) return;
281 Material mat;
283 if (!material.hasAttribute("name"))
284 throw std::logic_error("material tag must have a name attribute.");
286 QString name = material.attribute("name");
287 if (materials.contains(name)) {
288 mat = materials[name];
289 } else {
290 // Parse material
291 mat = parseMaterial(material);
292 if (!mat.hasColor && !mat.hasTexture) {
293 log() << "material tag " << name
294 << " must have either a color or a "
295 "texture.\n";
296 mat.color = osgVector4(0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f, 1.f);
297 mat.hasColor = true;
298 }
299 materials[name] = mat;
300 }
302 // Set color
303 if (mat.hasColor) node->setColor(mat.color);
305 // Set texture
306 if (mat.hasTexture) {
307 NodeDrawablePtr_t nd = dynamic_pointer_cast<NodeDrawable>(node);
308 LeafNodeColladaPtr_t lc = dynamic_pointer_cast<LeafNodeCollada>(node);
309 assert(nd || lc);
310 if (nd)
311 nd->setTexture(mat.texture);
312 else if (lc)
313 lc->setTexture(mat.texture);
314 }
315 }
317 template <bool visual>
318 void addGeoms(const std::string& robotName, const QString& namePrefix,
319 const QDomElement& link, LinkNodePtr_t& linkNode, bool linkFrame,
320 Cache_t& cache, MaterialMap_t& materials) {
321 static const QString tagName(visual ? "visual" : "collision");
322 static const QString nameFormat("%1/%2_%3");
323 QString name = nameFormat.arg(robotName.c_str()).arg(namePrefix);
325 int index = 0;
326 for (QDomElement element = link.firstChildElement(tagName); !element.isNull();
327 element = element.nextSiblingElement(tagName)) {
328 NodePtr_t node;
329 QString name_i = name.arg(index);
331 // Parse tag geometry
332 QDomElement geometry = element.firstChildElement("geometry");
333 if (!geometry.nextSiblingElement("geometry").isNull())
334 throw std::logic_error(
335 "Visual or collision tag contains two geometries.");
336 int N = 0;
337 bool ok;
338 for (QDomElement type = geometry.firstChildElement(); !type.isNull();
339 type = type.nextSiblingElement()) {
340 if (type.tagName() == "box") {
341 // Create box
342 osgVector3 sideLengths;
343 toFloats(type.attribute("size"), sideLengths);
344 node = LeafNodeBox::create(name_i.toStdString(), sideLengths * .5f);
345 ++N;
346 } else if (type.tagName() == "cylinder") {
347 float radius = type.attribute("radius").toFloat(&ok);
348 if (!ok) throw std::logic_error("Could not parse cylinder radius.");
349 float length = type.attribute("length").toFloat(&ok);
350 if (!ok) throw std::logic_error("Could not parse cylinder length.");
351 if (isCapsule(link, element))
352 node = LeafNodeCapsule::create(name_i.toStdString(), radius, length);
353 else
354 node = LeafNodeCylinder::create(name_i.toStdString(), radius, length);
355 ++N;
356 } else if (type.tagName() == "sphere") {
357 float radius = type.attribute("radius").toFloat(&ok);
358 if (!ok) throw std::logic_error("Could not parse sphere radius.");
359 node = LeafNodeSphere::create(name_i.toStdString(), radius);
360 ++N;
361 } else if (type.tagName() == "mesh") {
362 node = createMesh(name_i, type, cache);
363 ++N;
364 }
365 }
366 if (N != 1)
367 throw std::logic_error(
368 "geometry tag must contain only one of box, cylinder, sphere or "
369 "mesh.");
371 // Parse tag origin
372 if (linkFrame) {
373 osgVector3 static_pos;
374 osgQuat static_quat;
375 parseOrigin(element, static_pos, static_quat);
376 node->setStaticTransform(static_pos, static_quat);
377 }
379 // Parse tag meterial
380 setMaterial(element.firstChildElement("material"), node, materials);
382 linkNode->add(node, visual);
383 ++index;
384 }
385 }
387 void parseXML(const std::string& urdf_file, QDomDocument& model) {
388 bool ok;
389 QString errorPrefix, errorMsg;
390 int errorRow, errorCol;
392 if (urdf_file.compare(urdf_file.length() - 5, 5, ".urdf") == 0) {
393 std::string urdf_file2 = getFilename(QString::fromStdString(urdf_file));
394 QFile file(urdf_file2.c_str());
395 ok = model.setContent(&file, false, &errorMsg, &errorRow, &errorCol);
396 errorPrefix = "Failed to parse ";
397 errorPrefix += urdf_file.c_str();
398 } else {
399 QBuffer buffer;
400 buffer.setData(urdf_file.c_str(), (int)urdf_file.length());
401 ok = model.setContent(&buffer, false, &errorMsg, &errorRow, &errorCol);
402 errorPrefix = "Failed to parse XML string";
403 }
405 if (!ok) {
406 throw std::invalid_argument(QString("%1: %2 at %3:%4")
407 .arg(errorPrefix)
408 .arg(errorMsg)
409 .arg(errorRow)
410 .arg(errorCol)
411 .toStdString());
412 }
413 }
414 } // namespace details
416 std::string getFilename(const std::string& input) {
417 return details::getFilename(QString::fromStdString(input));
418 }
420 GroupNodePtr_t parse(const std::string& robotName, const std::string& urdf_file,
421 const bool& visual, const bool& linkFrame) {
422 QDomDocument model;
424 // Parse the XML document
425 details::parseXML(urdf_file, model);
427 // Parse the materials
428 details::MaterialMap_t materials;
429 for (QDomElement material =
430 model.firstChildElement("robot").firstChildElement("material");
431 !material.isNull(); material = material.nextSiblingElement("material")) {
432 if (!material.hasAttribute("name"))
433 throw std::logic_error("material tag must have a name attribute.");
435 details::Material mat = details::parseMaterial(material);
437 if (!mat.hasColor && !mat.hasTexture)
438 throw std::logic_error(
439 "material tag must have either a color or a texture.");
440 QString name = material.attribute("name");
441 materials[name] = mat;
442 }
444 GroupNodePtr_t robot = GroupNode::create(robotName);
445 QDomNodeList links = model.elementsByTagName("link");
447 robot->addProperty(BoolProperty::create(
448 "ShowVisual",
449 BoolProperty::Getter_t(boost::bind(details::getShowVisuals, robot.get())),
450 BoolProperty::Setter_t(
451 boost::bind(details::setShowVisuals, robot.get(), _1))));
453 details::Cache_t cache;
454 for (int i = 0; i < links.size(); i++) {
455 QDomElement link = links.at(i).toElement();
456 if (link.isNull()) throw std::logic_error("link must be a tag.");
457 QString name = link.attribute("name");
458 if (name.isNull()) throw std::logic_error("A link has no name attribute.");
460 std::string link_name = name.toStdString();
461 log() << name << '\n';
463 details::LinkNodePtr_t linkNode(
464 details::LinkNode ::create(robotName + "/" + link_name));
465 linkNode->showVisual(visual);
466 // add link to robot node
467 robot->addChild(linkNode);
469 if (visual) {
470 details::addGeoms<true>(robotName, name, link, linkNode, linkFrame, cache,
471 materials);
472 if (linkFrame) {
473 try {
474 details::addGeoms<false>(robotName, "collision_" + name, link,
475 linkNode, linkFrame, cache, materials);
476 } catch (const std::invalid_argument& e) {
477 std::cerr << "Could not load collision geometries of " << robotName
478 << ":" << e.what() << std::endl;
479 }
480 }
481 } else {
482 details::addGeoms<false>(robotName, name, link, linkNode, linkFrame,
483 cache, materials);
484 if (linkFrame) {
485 try {
486 details::addGeoms<true>(robotName, "visual_" + name, link, linkNode,
487 linkFrame, cache, materials);
488 } catch (const std::invalid_argument& e) {
489 std::cerr << "Could not load visual geometries of " << robotName
490 << ":" << e.what() << std::endl;
491 }
492 }
493 }
494 }
495 return robot;
496 }
497 } // namespace urdfParser
498 } /* namespace viewer */
500 } // namespace gepetto