GCC Code Coverage Report

Directory: ./
File: src/path-planner/states-path-finder.cc
Date: 2025-03-07 11:10:46
Exec Total Coverage
Lines: 18 983 1.8%
Branches: 40 1954 2.0%

Line Branch Exec Source
1 // Copyright (c) 2021, Joseph Mirabel
2 // Authors: Joseph Mirabel (joseph.mirabel@laas.fr),
3 // Florent Lamiraux (florent.lamiraux@laas.fr)
4 // Alexandre Thiault (athiault@laas.fr)
5 // Le Quang Anh (quang-anh.le@laas.fr)
6 //
7 // This file is part of hpp-manipulation.
8 // hpp-manipulation is free software: you can redistribute it
9 // and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
10 // License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version
11 // 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
12 //
13 // hpp-manipulation is distributed in the hope that it will be
14 // useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
16 // General Lesser Public License for more details. You should have
17 // received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with
18 // hpp-manipulation. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
20 #include <algorithm>
21 #include <hpp/constraints/affine-function.hh>
22 #include <hpp/constraints/explicit.hh>
23 #include <hpp/constraints/locked-joint.hh>
24 #include <hpp/constraints/solver/by-substitution.hh>
25 #include <hpp/core/collision-validation-report.hh>
26 #include <hpp/core/collision-validation.hh>
27 #include <hpp/core/configuration-shooter.hh>
28 #include <hpp/core/diffusing-planner.hh>
29 #include <hpp/core/path-optimization/random-shortcut.hh>
30 #include <hpp/core/path-planning-failed.hh>
31 #include <hpp/core/path-projector/progressive.hh>
32 #include <hpp/core/path-validation.hh>
33 #include <hpp/core/path-vector.hh>
34 #include <hpp/core/problem-target/goal-configurations.hh>
35 #include <hpp/core/problem-target/task-target.hh>
36 #include <hpp/manipulation/constraint-set.hh>
37 #include <hpp/manipulation/graph/edge.hh>
38 #include <hpp/manipulation/graph/state-selector.hh>
39 #include <hpp/manipulation/graph/state.hh>
40 #include <hpp/manipulation/path-planner/states-path-finder.hh>
41 #include <hpp/manipulation/roadmap.hh>
42 #include <hpp/pinocchio/configuration.hh>
43 #include <hpp/pinocchio/joint-collection.hh>
44 #include <hpp/util/debug.hh>
45 #include <hpp/util/exception-factory.hh>
46 #include <hpp/util/timer.hh>
47 #include <iomanip>
48 #include <map>
49 #include <pinocchio/fwd.hpp>
50 #include <pinocchio/multibody/model.hpp>
51 #include <typeinfo>
52 #include <vector>
54 namespace hpp {
55 namespace manipulation {
56 namespace pathPlanner {
58 using Eigen::ColBlockIndices;
59 using Eigen::RowBlockIndices;
61 using graph::EdgePtr_t;
62 using graph::Edges_t;
63 using graph::LockedJoints_t;
64 using graph::Neighbors_t;
65 using graph::NumericalConstraints_t;
66 using graph::segments_t;
67 using graph::StatePtr_t;
68 using graph::States_t;
70 using core::ProblemTargetPtr_t;
71 using core::problemTarget::GoalConfigurations;
72 using core::problemTarget::GoalConfigurationsPtr_t;
73 using core::problemTarget::TaskTarget;
74 using core::problemTarget::TaskTargetPtr_t;
76 #ifdef HPP_DEBUG
77 static void displayRoadmap(const core::RoadmapPtr_t& roadmap) {
78 unsigned i = 0;
79 for (auto cc : roadmap->connectedComponents()) {
80 hppDout(info, " CC " << i++);
81 for (auto n : cc->nodes()) {
82 hppDout(info, pinocchio::displayConfig(n->configuration()));
83 }
84 }
85 }
86 #endif
88 StatesPathFinder::StatesPathFinder(const core::ProblemConstPtr_t& problem,
89 const core::RoadmapPtr_t& roadmap)
90 : PathPlanner(problem, roadmap),
91 problem_(HPP_STATIC_PTR_CAST(const manipulation::Problem, problem)),
92 constraints_(),
93 index_(),
94 sameRightHandSide_(),
95 stricterConstraints_(),
96 optData_(0x0),
97 graphData_(0x0),
98 lastBuiltTransitions_(),
99 goalConstraints_(),
100 goalDefinedByConstraints_(false),
101 q1_(),
102 q2_(),
103 configList_(),
104 idxConfigList_(0),
105 nTryConfigList_(0),
106 solved_(false),
107 interrupt_(false),
108 weak_() {
109 gatherGraphConstraints();
110 inStateProblem_ = core::Problem::create(problem_->robot());
111 }
113 StatesPathFinder::StatesPathFinder(const StatesPathFinder& other)
114 : PathPlanner(other.problem_),
115 problem_(other.problem_),
116 constraints_(),
117 index_(other.index_),
118 sameRightHandSide_(other.sameRightHandSide_),
119 weak_() {}
121 StatesPathFinderPtr_t StatesPathFinder::create(
122 const core::ProblemConstPtr_t& problem) {
123 StatesPathFinder* ptr;
124 RoadmapPtr_t r = Roadmap::create(problem->distance(), problem->robot());
125 try {
126 ProblemConstPtr_t p(HPP_DYNAMIC_PTR_CAST(const Problem, problem));
127 ptr = new StatesPathFinder(p, r);
128 } catch (std::exception&) {
129 throw std::invalid_argument(
130 "The problem must be of type hpp::manipulation::Problem.");
131 }
132 StatesPathFinderPtr_t shPtr(ptr);
133 ptr->init(shPtr);
134 return shPtr;
135 }
137 StatesPathFinderPtr_t StatesPathFinder::createWithRoadmap(
138 const core::ProblemConstPtr_t& problem, const core::RoadmapPtr_t& roadmap) {
139 StatesPathFinder* ptr;
140 ProblemConstPtr_t p = HPP_DYNAMIC_PTR_CAST(const Problem, problem);
141 RoadmapPtr_t r = HPP_DYNAMIC_PTR_CAST(Roadmap, roadmap);
142 if (!r)
143 throw std::invalid_argument(
144 "The roadmap must be of type hpp::manipulation::Roadmap.");
145 if (!p)
146 throw std::invalid_argument(
147 "The problem must be of type hpp::manipulation::Problem.");
149 ptr = new StatesPathFinder(p, r);
150 StatesPathFinderPtr_t shPtr(ptr);
151 ptr->init(shPtr);
152 return shPtr;
153 }
155 StatesPathFinderPtr_t StatesPathFinder::copy() const {
156 StatesPathFinder* ptr = new StatesPathFinder(*this);
157 StatesPathFinderPtr_t shPtr(ptr);
158 ptr->init(shPtr);
159 return shPtr;
160 }
162 struct StatesPathFinder::GraphSearchData {
163 StatePtr_t s1;
164 // list of potential goal states
165 // can be multiple if goal is defined as a set of constraints
166 graph::States_t s2;
168 // index of the transition list
169 size_t idxSol;
171 // Datas for findNextTransitions
172 struct state_with_depth {
173 StatePtr_t s;
174 EdgePtr_t e;
175 std::size_t l; // depth to root
176 std::size_t i; // index in parent state_with_depths
177 // constructor used for root node
178 inline state_with_depth() : s(), e(), l(0), i(0) {}
179 // constructor used for non-root node
180 inline state_with_depth(EdgePtr_t _e, std::size_t _l, std::size_t _i)
181 : s(_e->stateFrom()), e(_e), l(_l), i(_i) {}
182 };
183 typedef std::vector<state_with_depth> state_with_depths;
184 typedef std::map<StatePtr_t, state_with_depths> StateMap_t;
185 /// std::size_t is the index in state_with_depths at StateMap_t::iterator
186 struct state_with_depth_ptr_t {
187 StateMap_t::iterator state;
188 std::size_t parentIdx;
189 state_with_depth_ptr_t(const StateMap_t::iterator& it, std::size_t idx)
190 : state(it), parentIdx(idx) {}
191 };
192 typedef std::deque<state_with_depth_ptr_t> Deque_t;
193 // vector of pointers to state with depth
194 typedef std::vector<state_with_depth_ptr_t> state_with_depths_t;
195 // transition lists exceeding this depth in the constraint graph will not be
196 // considered
197 std::size_t maxDepth;
198 // map each state X to a list of preceding states in transition lists that
199 // visit X state_with_depth struct gives info to trace the entire transition
200 // lists
201 StateMap_t parent1;
202 // store a vector of pointers to the end state of each transition list
203 state_with_depths_t solutions;
204 // the frontier of the graph search
205 // consists states that have not been expanded on
206 Deque_t queue1;
208 // track index of first transition list that has not been checked out
209 // only needed when goal is defined as set of constraints
210 size_t queueIt;
212 const state_with_depth& getParent(const state_with_depth_ptr_t& _p) const {
213 const state_with_depths& parents = _p.state->second;
214 return parents[_p.parentIdx];
215 }
217 // add initial state (root node) to the map parent1
218 state_with_depth_ptr_t addInitState() {
219 StateMap_t::iterator next =
220 parent1.insert(StateMap_t::value_type(s1, state_with_depths(1))).first;
221 return state_with_depth_ptr_t(next, 0);
222 }
224 // store a transition to the map parent1
225 state_with_depth_ptr_t addParent(const state_with_depth_ptr_t& _p,
226 const EdgePtr_t& transition) {
227 const state_with_depths& parents = _p.state->second;
228 const state_with_depth& from = parents[_p.parentIdx];
230 // Insert state to if necessary
231 StateMap_t::iterator next =
232 parent1
233 .insert(StateMap_t::value_type(transition->stateTo(),
234 state_with_depths()))
235 .first;
237 next->second.push_back(
238 state_with_depth(transition, from.l + 1, _p.parentIdx));
240 return state_with_depth_ptr_t(next, next->second.size() - 1);
241 }
242 };
244 static bool containsLevelSet(const graph::EdgePtr_t& e) {
245 graph::WaypointEdgePtr_t we = HPP_DYNAMIC_PTR_CAST(graph::WaypointEdge, e);
246 if (!we) return false;
247 for (std::size_t i = 0; i <= we->nbWaypoints(); i++) {
248 graph::LevelSetEdgePtr_t lse =
249 HPP_DYNAMIC_PTR_CAST(graph::LevelSetEdge, we->waypoint(i));
250 if (lse) return true;
251 }
252 return false;
253 }
255 static bool isLoopTransition(const graph::EdgePtr_t& transition) {
256 return transition->stateTo() == transition->stateFrom();
257 }
259 void StatesPathFinder::gatherGraphConstraints() {
260 typedef graph::Edge Edge;
261 typedef graph::EdgePtr_t EdgePtr_t;
262 typedef graph::GraphPtr_t GraphPtr_t;
263 typedef constraints::solver::BySubstitution Solver_t;
265 GraphPtr_t cg(problem_->constraintGraph());
266 const ConstraintsAndComplements_t& cac(cg->constraintsAndComplements());
267 for (std::size_t i = 0; i < cg->nbComponents(); ++i) {
268 EdgePtr_t edge(HPP_DYNAMIC_PTR_CAST(Edge, cg->get(i).lock()));
270 // only gather the edge constraints
271 if (!edge) continue;
273 // Don't even consider level set edges
274 if (containsLevelSet(edge)) continue;
276 const Solver_t& solver(edge->pathConstraint()->configProjector()->solver());
277 const NumericalConstraints_t& constraints(solver.numericalConstraints());
278 for (NumericalConstraints_t::const_iterator it(constraints.begin());
279 it != constraints.end(); ++it) {
280 // only look at parameterized constraint
281 if ((*it)->parameterSize() == 0) continue;
283 const std::string& name((*it)->function().name());
284 // if constraint is in map, no need to add it
285 if (index_.find(name) != index_.end()) continue;
287 index_[name] = constraints_.size();
288 // Check whether constraint is equivalent to a previous one
289 for (NumericalConstraints_t::const_iterator it1(constraints_.begin());
290 it1 != constraints_.end(); ++it1) {
291 for (ConstraintsAndComplements_t::const_iterator it2(cac.begin());
292 it2 != cac.end(); ++it2) {
293 if (((**it1 == *(it2->complement)) && (**it == *(it2->both))) ||
294 ((**it1 == *(it2->both)) && (**it == *(it2->complement)))) {
295 assert(sameRightHandSide_.count(*it1) == 0);
296 assert(sameRightHandSide_.count(*it) == 0);
297 sameRightHandSide_[*it1] = *it;
298 sameRightHandSide_[*it] = *it1;
299 }
300 }
301 }
302 constraints_.push_back(*it);
303 hppDout(info, "Adding constraint \"" << name << "\"");
304 hppDout(info, "Edge \"" << edge->name() << "\"");
305 hppDout(info, "parameter size: " << (*it)->parameterSize());
306 }
307 }
308 // constraint/both is the intersection of both constraint and
309 // constraint/complement
310 for (ConstraintsAndComplements_t::const_iterator it(cac.begin());
311 it != cac.end(); ++it) {
312 stricterConstraints_[it->constraint] = it->both;
313 stricterConstraints_[it->complement] = it->both;
314 }
315 }
317 bool StatesPathFinder::findTransitions(GraphSearchData& d) const {
318 // all potential solutions should be attempted before finding more
319 if (d.idxSol < d.solutions.size()) return false;
320 bool done = false;
321 while (!d.queue1.empty() && !done) {
322 GraphSearchData::state_with_depth_ptr_t _state = d.queue1.front();
324 const GraphSearchData::state_with_depth& parent = d.getParent(_state);
325 if (parent.l >= d.maxDepth) return true;
326 d.queue1.pop_front();
328 const Neighbors_t& neighbors = _state.state->first->neighbors();
329 for (Neighbors_t::const_iterator _n = neighbors.begin();
330 _n != neighbors.end(); ++_n) {
331 EdgePtr_t transition = _n->second;
333 // Don't even consider level set edges
334 if (containsLevelSet(transition)) continue;
336 // Avoid identical consecutive transition
337 if (transition == parent.e) continue;
339 // Avoid loop transitions
340 if (isLoopTransition(transition)) continue;
342 // Insert the end state of the new path to parent
343 GraphSearchData::state_with_depth_ptr_t endState =
344 d.addParent(_state, transition);
345 d.queue1.push_back(endState);
347 // done if last state is one of potential goal states
348 if (std::find(d.s2.begin(), d.s2.end(), transition->stateTo()) !=
349 d.s2.end()) {
350 done = true;
351 d.solutions.push_back(endState);
352 }
353 }
354 }
355 // return true if search is exhausted and goal state not found
356 if (!done) return true;
357 return false;
358 }
360 Edges_t StatesPathFinder::getTransitionList(const GraphSearchData& d,
361 const std::size_t& idxSol) const {
362 Edges_t transitions;
363 if (idxSol >= d.solutions.size()) return transitions;
365 const GraphSearchData::state_with_depth_ptr_t endState = d.solutions[idxSol];
366 const GraphSearchData::state_with_depth* current = &d.getParent(endState);
367 transitions.reserve(current->l);
368 graph::WaypointEdgePtr_t we;
369 while (current->e) {
370 assert(current->l > 0);
371 we = HPP_DYNAMIC_PTR_CAST(graph::WaypointEdge, current->e);
372 if (we) {
373 for (int i = (int)we->nbWaypoints(); i >= 0; --i)
374 transitions.push_back(we->waypoint(i));
375 } else {
376 transitions.push_back(current->e);
377 }
378 current = &d.parent1.at(current->s)[current->i];
379 }
380 std::reverse(transitions.begin(), transitions.end());
381 return transitions;
382 }
384 struct StatesPathFinder::OptimizationData {
385 typedef constraints::solver::HierarchicalIterative::Saturation_t Saturation_t;
386 enum RightHandSideStatus_t {
387 // Constraint is not in solver for this waypoint
389 // right hand side of constraint for this waypoint is equal to
390 // right hand side for previous waypoint
392 // right hand side of constraint for this waypoint is equal to
393 // right hand side for initial configuration
395 // right hand side of constraint for this waypoint is equal to
396 // right hand side for goal configuration
398 }; // enum RightHandSideStatus_t
399 const std::size_t N, nq, nv;
400 std::vector<Solver_t> solvers;
401 std::vector<bool> isTargetWaypoint;
402 // Waypoints lying in each intermediate state
403 matrix_t waypoint;
404 const Configuration_t q1;
405 Configuration_t q2;
406 core::DevicePtr_t robot;
407 // Matrix specifying for each constraint and each waypoint how
408 // the right hand side is initialized in the solver.
409 Eigen::Matrix<LiegroupElement, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> M_rhs;
410 Eigen::Matrix<RightHandSideStatus_t, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> M_status;
411 // Number of trials to generate each waypoint configuration
412 // _solveGoalConfig: whether we need to solve for goal configuration
413 OptimizationData(const core::ProblemConstPtr_t _problem,
414 ConfigurationIn_t _q1, ConfigurationIn_t _q2,
415 const Edges_t& transitions, const bool _solveGoalConfig)
416 : N(_solveGoalConfig ? transitions.size() : transitions.size() - 1),
417 nq(_problem->robot()->configSize()),
418 nv(_problem->robot()->numberDof()),
419 solvers(N, _problem->robot()->configSpace()),
420 waypoint(nq, N),
421 q1(_q1),
422 robot(_problem->robot()),
423 M_rhs(),
424 M_status() {
425 if (!_solveGoalConfig) {
426 assert(_q2.size() > 0);
427 q2 = _q2;
428 }
429 waypoint.setZero();
430 for (auto solver : solvers) {
431 // Set maximal number of iterations for each solver
432 solver.maxIterations(
433 _problem->getParameter("StatesPathFinder/maxIteration").intValue());
434 // Set error threshold for each solver
435 solver.errorThreshold(
436 _problem->getParameter("StatesPathFinder/errorThreshold")
437 .floatValue());
438 }
439 assert(transitions.size() > 0);
440 isTargetWaypoint.assign(transitions.size(), false);
441 for (std::size_t i = 0; i < transitions.size(); i++)
442 isTargetWaypoint[i] = transitions[i]->stateTo()->isWaypoint();
443 }
444 };
446 bool StatesPathFinder::checkConstantRightHandSide(size_type index) {
447 // a goal configuration is required to check if constraint is satisfied
448 // between initial and final configurations
449 assert(!goalDefinedByConstraints_);
450 OptimizationData& d = *optData_;
451 const ImplicitPtr_t c(constraints_[index]);
452 LiegroupElement rhsInit(c->function().outputSpace());
453 c->rightHandSideFromConfig(d.q1, rhsInit);
454 LiegroupElement rhsGoal(c->function().outputSpace());
455 c->rightHandSideFromConfig(d.q2, rhsGoal);
456 // Check that right hand sides are close to each other
457 value_type eps(problem_->constraintGraph()->errorThreshold());
458 value_type eps2(eps * eps);
459 if ((rhsGoal - rhsInit).squaredNorm() > eps2) {
460 return false;
461 }
462 // Matrix of solver right hand sides
463 for (size_type j = 0; j < d.M_rhs.cols(); ++j) {
464 d.M_rhs(index, j) = rhsInit;
465 }
466 return true;
467 }
469 bool StatesPathFinder::checkWaypointRightHandSide(std::size_t ictr,
470 std::size_t jslv) const {
471 const OptimizationData& d = *optData_;
472 ImplicitPtr_t c = constraints_[ictr]->copy();
473 LiegroupElement rhsNow(c->function().outputSpace());
474 assert(rhsNow.size() == c->rightHandSideSize());
475 c->rightHandSideFromConfig(d.waypoint.col(jslv), rhsNow);
476 c = constraints_[ictr]->copy();
477 LiegroupElement rhsOther(c->function().outputSpace());
478 switch (d.M_status(ictr, jslv)) {
479 case OptimizationData::EQUAL_TO_INIT:
480 c->rightHandSideFromConfig(d.q1, rhsOther);
481 break;
482 case OptimizationData::EQUAL_TO_GOAL:
483 assert(!goalDefinedByConstraints_);
484 c->rightHandSideFromConfig(d.q2, rhsOther);
485 break;
486 case OptimizationData::EQUAL_TO_PREVIOUS:
487 c->rightHandSideFromConfig(d.waypoint.col(jslv - 1), rhsOther);
488 break;
489 case OptimizationData::ABSENT:
490 default:
491 return true;
492 }
493 hpp::pinocchio::vector_t diff = rhsOther - rhsNow;
494 hpp::pinocchio::vector_t diffmask =
495 hpp::pinocchio::vector_t::Zero(diff.size());
496 for (auto k : c->activeRows()) // filter with constraint mask
497 for (size_type kk = k.first; kk < k.first + k.second; kk++)
498 diffmask[kk] = diff[kk];
499 value_type eps(problem_->constraintGraph()->errorThreshold());
500 value_type eps2(eps * eps);
501 return diffmask.squaredNorm() < eps2;
502 }
504 bool StatesPathFinder::checkWaypointRightHandSide(std::size_t jslv) const {
505 for (std::size_t ictr = 0; ictr < constraints_.size(); ictr++)
506 if (!checkWaypointRightHandSide(ictr, jslv)) return false;
507 return true;
508 }
510 void StatesPathFinder::displayRhsMatrix() {
511 OptimizationData& d = *optData_;
512 Eigen::Matrix<LiegroupElement, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic>& m = d.M_rhs;
514 for (std::size_t i = 0; i < constraints_.size(); i++) {
515 const ImplicitPtr_t& constraint = constraints_[i];
516 for (std::size_t j = 0; j < d.solvers.size(); j++) {
517 const vectorIn_t& config = d.waypoint.col(j);
518 LiegroupElement le(constraint->function().outputSpace());
519 constraint->rightHandSideFromConfig(d.waypoint.col(j), le);
520 m(i, j) = le;
521 }
522 }
524 std::ostringstream oss;
525 oss.precision(2);
526 oss << "\\documentclass[12pt,landscape]{article}" << std::endl;
527 oss << "\\usepackage[a3paper]{geometry}" << std::endl;
528 oss << "\\begin {document}" << std::endl;
530 for (size_type ii = 0; ii < (m.cols() + 7) / 8; ii++) {
531 size_type j0 = ii * 8;
532 size_type j1 = std::min(ii * 8 + 8, m.cols());
533 size_type dj = j1 - j0;
534 oss << "\\begin {tabular}{";
535 for (size_type j = 0; j < dj + 2; ++j) oss << "c";
536 oss << "}" << std::endl;
537 oss << "Constraint & mask";
538 for (size_type j = j0; j < j1; ++j) oss << " & WP" << j;
539 oss << "\\\\" << std::endl;
540 for (size_type i = 0; i < m.rows(); ++i) {
541 std::vector<int> mask(constraints_[i]->parameterSize());
542 for (auto k : constraints_[i]->activeRows())
543 for (size_type kk = k.first; kk < k.first + k.second; kk++)
544 mask[kk] = 1;
545 std::ostringstream oss1;
546 oss1.precision(2);
547 std::ostringstream oss2;
548 oss2.precision(2);
549 oss1 << constraints_[i]->function().name() << " & ";
551 oss1 << "$\\left(\\begin{array}{c} ";
552 for (std::size_t k = 0; k < mask.size(); ++k) {
553 oss1 << mask[k] << "\\\\ ";
554 }
555 oss1 << "\\end{array}\\right)$" << std::endl;
556 oss1 << " & " << std::endl;
558 for (size_type j = j0; j < j1; ++j) {
559 if (d.M_status(i, j) != OptimizationData::ABSENT ||
560 (j < m.cols() - 1 &&
561 d.M_status(i, j + 1) == OptimizationData::EQUAL_TO_PREVIOUS)) {
562 oss2 << "$\\left(\\begin{array}{c} ";
563 for (size_type k = 0; k < m(i, j).size(); ++k) {
564 oss2 << ((abs(m(i, j).vector()[k]) < 1e-6) ? 0
565 : m(i, j).vector()[k])
566 << "\\\\ ";
567 }
568 oss2 << "\\end{array}\\right)$" << std::endl;
569 }
570 if (j < j1 - 1) {
571 oss2 << " & " << std::endl;
572 }
573 }
574 std::string str2 = oss2.str();
575 if (str2.size() > 50) { // don't display constraints used nowhere
576 oss << oss1.str() << str2 << "\\\\" << std::endl;
577 }
578 }
579 oss << "\\end{tabular}" << std::endl << std::endl;
580 }
581 oss << "\\end{document}" << std::endl;
583 std::string s = oss.str();
584 std::string s2 = "";
585 for (std::size_t i = 0; i < s.size(); i++) {
586 if (s[i] == '_')
587 s2 += "\\_";
588 else
589 s2.push_back(s[i]);
590 }
591 hppDout(info, s2);
592 }
594 void StatesPathFinder::displayStatusMatrix(const graph::Edges_t& transitions) {
595 const Eigen::Matrix<OptimizationData::RightHandSideStatus_t, Eigen::Dynamic,
596 Eigen::Dynamic>& m = optData_->M_status;
597 std::ostringstream oss;
598 oss.precision(5);
599 oss << "\\documentclass[12pt,landscape]{article}" << std::endl;
600 oss << "\\usepackage[a3paper]{geometry}" << std::endl;
601 oss << "\\begin {document}" << std::endl;
602 oss << "\\paragraph{Edges}" << std::endl;
603 oss << "\\begin{enumerate}" << std::endl;
604 for (auto edge : transitions) {
605 oss << "\\item \\texttt{" << edge->name() << "}" << std::endl;
606 }
607 oss << "\\end{enumerate}" << std::endl;
608 oss << "\\begin {tabular}{l|";
609 for (size_type j = 0; j < m.cols(); ++j)
610 if (transitions[j]->stateTo()->isWaypoint())
611 oss << "c";
612 else
613 oss << "|c|";
614 oss << "|}" << std::endl;
615 oss << "Constraint";
616 for (size_type j = 0; j < m.cols(); ++j) oss << " & " << j + 1;
617 oss << "\\\\" << std::endl;
618 for (size_type i = 0; i < m.rows(); ++i) {
619 oss << "\\texttt{" << constraints_[i]->function().name() << "} & "
620 << std::endl;
621 for (size_type j = 0; j < m.cols(); ++j) {
622 oss << m(i, j);
623 if (j < m.cols() - 1) oss << " & ";
624 }
625 oss << "\\\\" << std::endl;
626 }
627 oss << "\\end{tabular}" << std::endl;
628 oss << "\\end{document}" << std::endl;
630 std::string s = oss.str();
631 std::string s2 = "";
632 for (std::size_t i = 0; i < s.size(); i++) {
633 if (s[i] == '_')
634 s2 += "\\_";
635 else
636 s2.push_back(s[i]);
637 }
638 hppDout(info, s2);
639 }
641 bool StatesPathFinder::contains(const Solver_t& solver,
642 const ImplicitPtr_t& c) const {
643 if (solver.contains(c)) return true;
644 std::map<ImplicitPtr_t, ImplicitPtr_t>::const_iterator it(
645 sameRightHandSide_.find(c));
646 if (it != sameRightHandSide_.end() && solver.contains(it->second))
647 return true;
648 return false;
649 }
651 bool StatesPathFinder::containsStricter(const Solver_t& solver,
652 const ImplicitPtr_t& c) const {
653 if (solver.contains(c)) return true;
654 std::map<ImplicitPtr_t, ImplicitPtr_t>::const_iterator it(
655 stricterConstraints_.find(c));
656 if (it != stricterConstraints_.end() && solver.contains(it->second))
657 return true;
658 return false;
659 }
661 bool StatesPathFinder::buildOptimizationProblem(
662 const graph::Edges_t& transitions) {
663 OptimizationData& d = *optData_;
664 // if no waypoint, check init and goal has same RHS
665 if (d.N == 0) {
666 assert(transitions.size() == 1);
667 assert(!goalDefinedByConstraints_);
668 size_type index = 0;
669 for (NumericalConstraints_t::const_iterator it(constraints_.begin());
670 it != constraints_.end(); ++it, ++index) {
671 const ImplicitPtr_t& c(*it);
672 // Get transition solver
673 const Solver_t& trSolver(
674 transitions[0]->pathConstraint()->configProjector()->solver());
675 if (!contains(trSolver, c)) continue;
676 if (!checkConstantRightHandSide(index)) return false;
677 }
678 return true;
679 }
680 d.M_status.resize(constraints_.size(), d.N);
681 d.M_status.fill(OptimizationData::ABSENT);
682 d.M_rhs.resize(constraints_.size(), d.N);
683 d.M_rhs.fill(LiegroupElement());
684 size_type index = 0;
685 // Loop over constraints
686 for (NumericalConstraints_t::const_iterator it(constraints_.begin());
687 it != constraints_.end(); ++it, ++index) {
688 const ImplicitPtr_t& c(*it);
689 // Loop forward over waypoints to determine right hand sides equal
690 // to initial configuration or previous configuration
691 for (std::size_t j = 0; j < d.N; ++j) {
692 // Get transition solver
693 const Solver_t& trSolver(
694 transitions[j]->pathConstraint()->configProjector()->solver());
695 if (!contains(trSolver, c)) continue;
697 if ((j == 0) ||
698 d.M_status(index, j - 1) == OptimizationData::EQUAL_TO_INIT) {
699 d.M_status(index, j) = OptimizationData::EQUAL_TO_INIT;
700 } else {
701 d.M_status(index, j) = OptimizationData::EQUAL_TO_PREVIOUS;
702 }
703 }
704 // If the goal configuration is not given
705 // no need to determine if RHS equal to goal configuration
706 if (goalDefinedByConstraints_) {
707 continue;
708 }
709 // Loop backward over waypoints to determine right hand sides equal
710 // to final configuration
711 for (size_type j = d.N - 1; j > 0; --j) {
712 // Get transition solver
713 const Solver_t& trSolver(transitions[(std::size_t)j + 1]
714 ->pathConstraint()
715 ->configProjector()
716 ->solver());
717 if (!contains(trSolver, c)) break;
719 if ((j == (size_type)d.N - 1) ||
720 d.M_status(index, j + 1) == OptimizationData::EQUAL_TO_GOAL) {
721 // if constraint right hand side is already equal to
722 // initial config, check that right hand side is equal
723 // for init and goal configs.
724 if (d.M_status(index, j) == OptimizationData::EQUAL_TO_INIT) {
725 if (checkConstantRightHandSide(index)) {
726 // stop for this constraint
727 break;
728 } else {
729 // Right hand side of constraint should be equal along the
730 // whole path but is different at init and at goal configs.
731 return false;
732 }
733 } else {
734 d.M_status(index, j) = OptimizationData::EQUAL_TO_GOAL;
735 }
736 }
737 }
738 } // for (NumericalConstraints_t::const_iterator it
739 #ifdef HPP_DEBUG
740 displayStatusMatrix(transitions);
741 #endif
742 // Fill solvers with target constraints of transition
743 for (std::size_t j = 0; j < d.N; ++j) {
744 d.solvers[j] =
745 transitions[j]->targetConstraint()->configProjector()->solver();
746 if (goalDefinedByConstraints_) {
747 continue;
748 }
749 // when goal configuration is given, and if something
750 // (eg relative pose of two objects grasping) is fixed until goal,
751 // we need to propagate the constraint to an earlier solver,
752 // otherwise the chance it solves for the correct config is very low
753 if (j > 0 && j < d.N - 1) {
754 const Solver_t& otherSolver =
755 transitions[j + 1]->pathConstraint()->configProjector()->solver();
756 for (std::size_t i = 0; i < constraints_.size(); i++) {
757 // transition from j-1 to j does not contain this constraint
758 // transition from j to j+1 (all the way to goal) has constraint
759 // constraint must be added to solve for waypoint at j (WP_j+1)
760 if (d.M_status(i, j - 1) == OptimizationData::ABSENT &&
761 d.M_status(i, j) == OptimizationData::EQUAL_TO_GOAL &&
762 !contains(d.solvers[j], constraints_[i]) &&
763 otherSolver.contains(constraints_[i])) {
764 d.solvers[j].add(constraints_[i]);
765 hppDout(info, "Adding missing constraint "
766 << constraints_[i]->function().name()
767 << " to solver for waypoint" << j + 1);
768 }
769 }
770 }
771 }
773 // if goal is defined by constraints, some goal constraints may be
774 // missing from the end state. we should add these constraints to solver
775 // for the config in the final state
776 if (goalDefinedByConstraints_) {
777 for (auto goalConstraint : goalConstraints_) {
778 if (!containsStricter(d.solvers[d.N - 1], goalConstraint)) {
779 d.solvers[d.N - 1].add(goalConstraint);
780 hppDout(info, "Adding goal constraint "
781 << goalConstraint->function().name()
782 << " to solver for waypoint" << d.N);
783 }
784 }
785 }
787 return true;
788 }
790 bool StatesPathFinder::checkSolverRightHandSide(std::size_t ictr,
791 std::size_t jslv) const {
792 const OptimizationData& d = *optData_;
793 ImplicitPtr_t c = constraints_[ictr]->copy();
794 const Solver_t& solver = d.solvers[jslv];
795 vector_t rhs(c->rightHandSideSize());
796 solver.getRightHandSide(c, rhs);
797 LiegroupElement rhsNow(c->function().outputSpace());
798 assert(rhsNow.size() == rhs.size());
799 rhsNow.vector() = rhs;
800 LiegroupElement rhsOther(c->function().outputSpace());
801 switch (d.M_status(ictr, jslv)) {
802 case OptimizationData::EQUAL_TO_INIT:
803 c->rightHandSideFromConfig(d.q1, rhsOther);
804 break;
805 case OptimizationData::EQUAL_TO_GOAL:
806 assert(!goalDefinedByConstraints_);
807 c->rightHandSideFromConfig(d.q2, rhsOther);
808 break;
809 case OptimizationData::EQUAL_TO_PREVIOUS:
810 c->rightHandSideFromConfig(d.waypoint.col(jslv - 1), rhsOther);
811 break;
812 case OptimizationData::ABSENT:
813 default:
814 return true;
815 }
816 hpp::pinocchio::vector_t diff = rhsOther - rhsNow;
817 hpp::pinocchio::vector_t diffmask =
818 hpp::pinocchio::vector_t::Zero(diff.size());
819 for (auto k : c->activeRows()) // filter with constraint mask
820 for (size_type kk = k.first; kk < k.first + k.second; kk++)
821 diffmask[kk] = diff[kk];
822 value_type eps(problem_->constraintGraph()->errorThreshold());
823 value_type eps2(eps * eps);
824 if (diffmask.squaredNorm() > eps2)
825 hppDout(warning, diffmask.squaredNorm() << " vs " << eps2);
826 return diffmask.squaredNorm() < eps2;
827 }
829 bool StatesPathFinder::checkSolverRightHandSide(std::size_t jslv) const {
830 for (std::size_t ictr = 0; ictr < constraints_.size(); ictr++)
831 if (!checkSolverRightHandSide(ictr, jslv)) return false;
832 return true;
833 }
835 bool StatesPathFinder::buildOptimizationProblemFromNames(
836 std::vector<std::string> names) {
837 graph::Edges_t transitions;
838 graph::GraphPtr_t cg(problem_->constraintGraph());
839 for (const std::string& name : names) {
840 for (std::size_t i = 0; i < cg->nbComponents(); ++i) {
841 graph::EdgePtr_t edge(
842 HPP_DYNAMIC_PTR_CAST(graph::Edge, cg->get(i).lock()));
843 if (edge && edge->name() == name) transitions.push_back(edge);
844 }
845 }
846 return buildOptimizationProblem(transitions);
847 }
849 void StatesPathFinder::preInitializeRHS(std::size_t j, Configuration_t& q) {
850 OptimizationData& d = *optData_;
851 Solver_t& solver(d.solvers[j]);
852 for (std::size_t i = 0; i < constraints_.size(); ++i) {
853 const ImplicitPtr_t& c(constraints_[i]);
854 bool ok = true;
855 switch (d.M_status((size_type)i, (size_type)j)) {
856 case OptimizationData::EQUAL_TO_INIT:
857 ok = solver.rightHandSideFromConfig(c, d.q1);
858 break;
859 case OptimizationData::EQUAL_TO_GOAL:
860 assert(!goalDefinedByConstraints_);
861 ok = solver.rightHandSideFromConfig(c, d.q2);
862 break;
863 case OptimizationData::EQUAL_TO_PREVIOUS:
864 ok = solver.rightHandSideFromConfig(c, q);
865 break;
866 case OptimizationData::ABSENT:
867 default:;
868 }
869 ok |= contains(solver, constraints_[i]);
870 if (!ok) {
871 std::ostringstream err_msg;
872 err_msg << "\nConstraint " << i << " missing for waypoint " << j + 1
873 << " (" << c->function().name() << ")\n"
874 << "The constraints in this solver are:\n";
875 for (const std::string& name : constraintNamesFromSolverAtWaypoint(j + 1))
876 err_msg << name << "\n";
877 hppDout(warning, err_msg.str());
878 }
879 assert(ok);
880 }
881 }
883 bool StatesPathFinder::analyseOptimizationProblem(
884 const graph::Edges_t& transitions, core::ProblemConstPtr_t _problem) {
885 typedef constraints::JointConstPtr_t JointConstPtr_t;
886 typedef core::RelativeMotion RelativeMotion;
888 OptimizationData& d = *optData_;
889 // map from pair of joint indices to vectors of constraints
890 typedef std::map<std::pair<size_type, size_type>, NumericalConstraints_t>
891 JointConstraintMap;
892 JointConstraintMap jcmap;
894 // iterate over all the transitions, propagate only constrained pairs
895 for (std::size_t i = 0; i <= transitions.size() - 1; ++i) {
896 // get index of the transition
897 std::size_t transIdx = transitions.size() - 1 - i;
898 const EdgePtr_t& edge = transitions[transIdx];
899 RelativeMotion::matrix_type m = edge->relativeMotion();
901 // check through the pairs already existing in jcmap
902 JointConstraintMap::iterator it = jcmap.begin();
903 while (it != jcmap.end()) {
904 RelativeMotion::RelativeMotionType rmt =
905 m(it->first.first, it->first.second);
906 if (rmt == RelativeMotion::RelativeMotionType::Unconstrained) {
907 JointConstraintMap::iterator toErase = it;
908 ++it;
909 jcmap.erase(toErase);
910 } else {
911 ++it;
912 }
913 }
914 NumericalConstraints_t currentConstraints;
915 if (transIdx == transitions.size() - 1 && !goalDefinedByConstraints_) {
916 // get the constraints from the goal state
917 currentConstraints = transitions[transIdx]
918 ->targetConstraint()
919 ->configProjector()
920 ->solver()
921 .constraints();
922 } else {
923 currentConstraints = d.solvers[transIdx].constraints();
924 }
925 // loop through all constraints in the target node of the transition
926 for (auto constraint : currentConstraints) {
927 std::pair<JointConstPtr_t, JointConstPtr_t> jointPair =
928 constraint->functionPtr()->dependsOnRelPoseBetween(_problem->robot());
929 JointConstPtr_t joint1 = jointPair.first;
930 size_type index1 = RelativeMotion::idx(joint1);
931 JointConstPtr_t joint2 = jointPair.second;
932 size_type index2 = RelativeMotion::idx(joint2);
934 // ignore constraint if it involves the same joint
935 if (index1 == index2) continue;
937 // check that the two joints are constrained in the transition
938 RelativeMotion::RelativeMotionType rmt = m(index1, index2);
939 if (rmt == RelativeMotion::RelativeMotionType::Unconstrained) continue;
941 // insert if necessary
942 JointConstraintMap::iterator next =
943 jcmap
944 .insert(JointConstraintMap::value_type(
945 std::make_pair(index1, index2), NumericalConstraints_t()))
946 .first;
947 // if constraint is not in map, insert it
948 if (find_if(next->second.begin(), next->second.end(),
949 [&constraint](const ImplicitPtr_t& arg) {
950 return *arg == *constraint;
951 }) == next->second.end()) {
952 next->second.push_back(constraint);
953 }
954 }
955 }
956 // at this point jcmap contains all the constraints that
957 // - depend on relative pose between 2 joints j1 and j2,
958 // - are present in the solver of any waypoint wp_i
959 // - j1 and j2 are constrained by all the transitions from q_init to wp_i
960 //
961 // in the following we test that q_init satisfies the above constraints
962 // otherwise the list of transitions is discarded
963 if (jcmap.size() == 0) {
964 return true;
965 }
967 Solver_t analyseSolver(_problem->robot()->configSpace());
968 analyseSolver.errorThreshold(
969 _problem->getParameter("StatesPathFinder/errorThreshold").floatValue());
970 // iterate through all the pairs that are left,
971 // and check that the initial config satisfies all the constraints
972 for (JointConstraintMap::iterator it(jcmap.begin()); it != jcmap.end();
973 it++) {
974 NumericalConstraints_t constraintList = it->second;
975 hppDout(info, "Constraints involving joints "
976 << it->first.first << " and " << it->first.second
977 << " should be satisfied at q init");
978 for (NumericalConstraints_t::iterator ctrIt(constraintList.begin());
979 ctrIt != constraintList.end(); ++ctrIt) {
980 analyseSolver.add((*ctrIt)->copy());
981 }
982 }
983 // initialize the right hand side with the initial config
984 analyseSolver.rightHandSideFromConfig(q1_);
985 if (analyseSolver.isSatisfied(q1_)) {
986 return true;
987 }
988 hppDout(info,
989 "Analysis found initial configuration does not satisfy constraint");
990 return false;
991 }
993 void StatesPathFinder::initializeRHS(std::size_t j) {
994 OptimizationData& d = *optData_;
995 Solver_t& solver(d.solvers[j]);
996 for (std::size_t i = 0; i < constraints_.size(); ++i) {
997 const ImplicitPtr_t& c(constraints_[i]);
998 bool ok = true;
999 switch (d.M_status((size_type)i, (size_type)j)) {
1000 case OptimizationData::EQUAL_TO_PREVIOUS:
1001 assert(j != 0);
1002 ok = solver.rightHandSideFromConfig(c, d.waypoint.col(j - 1));
1003 break;
1004 case OptimizationData::EQUAL_TO_INIT:
1005 ok = solver.rightHandSideFromConfig(c, d.q1);
1006 break;
1007 case OptimizationData::EQUAL_TO_GOAL:
1008 assert(!goalDefinedByConstraints_);
1009 ok = solver.rightHandSideFromConfig(c, d.q2);
1010 break;
1011 case OptimizationData::ABSENT:
1012 default:;
1013 }
1014 ok |= contains(solver, constraints_[i]);
1015 if (!ok) {
1016 std::ostringstream err_msg;
1017 err_msg << "\nConstraint " << i << " missing for waypoint " << j + 1
1018 << " (" << c->function().name() << ")\n"
1019 << "The constraints in this solver are:\n";
1020 for (const std::string& name : constraintNamesFromSolverAtWaypoint(j + 1))
1021 err_msg << name << "\n";
1022 hppDout(warning, err_msg.str());
1023 }
1024 assert(ok);
1025 }
1026 }
1028 void StatesPathFinder::initWPRandom(std::size_t wp) {
1029 assert(wp >= 1 && wp <= (std::size_t)optData_->waypoint.cols());
1030 initializeRHS(wp - 1);
1031 optData_->waypoint.col(wp - 1) = problem()->configurationShooter()->shoot();
1032 }
1033 void StatesPathFinder::initWPNear(std::size_t wp) {
1034 assert(wp >= 1 && wp <= (std::size_t)optData_->waypoint.cols());
1035 initializeRHS(wp - 1);
1036 if (wp == 1)
1037 optData_->waypoint.col(wp - 1) = optData_->q1;
1038 else
1039 optData_->waypoint.col(wp - 1) = optData_->waypoint.col(wp - 2);
1040 }
1041 void StatesPathFinder::initWP(std::size_t wp, ConfigurationIn_t q) {
1042 assert(wp >= 1 && wp <= (std::size_t)optData_->waypoint.cols());
1043 initializeRHS(wp - 1);
1044 optData_->waypoint.col(wp - 1) = q;
1045 }
1047 StatesPathFinder::SolveStepStatus StatesPathFinder::solveStep(std::size_t wp) {
1048 assert(wp >= 1 && wp <= (std::size_t)optData_->waypoint.cols());
1049 std::size_t j = wp - 1;
1050 Solver_t& solver(optData_->solvers[j]);
1051 Solver_t::Status status =
1052 solver.solve(optData_->waypoint.col(j),
1053 constraints::solver::lineSearch::Backtracking());
1054 if (status == Solver_t::SUCCESS) {
1055 assert(checkWaypointRightHandSide(j));
1056 const graph::Edges_t& edges = lastBuiltTransitions_;
1057 core::ValidationReportPtr_t report;
1058 // check collision based on preceeding edge to the waypoint
1059 if (!edges[j]->pathValidation()->validate(optData_->waypoint.col(j),
1060 report))
1061 return SolveStepStatus::COLLISION_BEFORE;
1062 // if wp is not the goal node, check collision based on following edge
1063 if (j < edges.size() - 1 && !edges[j + 1]->pathValidation()->validate(
1064 optData_->waypoint.col(j), report)) {
1065 return SolveStepStatus::COLLISION_AFTER;
1066 }
1067 return SolveStepStatus::VALID_SOLUTION;
1068 }
1069 return SolveStepStatus::NO_SOLUTION;
1070 }
1072 std::string StatesPathFinder::displayConfigsSolved() const {
1073 const OptimizationData& d = *optData_;
1074 std::ostringstream oss;
1075 oss << "configs = [" << std::endl;
1076 oss << " " << pinocchio::displayConfig(d.q1) << ", # 0" << std::endl;
1077 for (size_type j = 0; j < d.waypoint.cols(); j++)
1078 oss << " " << pinocchio::displayConfig(d.waypoint.col(j)) << ", # "
1079 << j + 1 << std::endl;
1080 if (!goalDefinedByConstraints_) {
1081 oss << " " << pinocchio::displayConfig(d.q2) << " # "
1082 << d.waypoint.cols() + 1 << std::endl;
1083 }
1084 oss << "]" << std::endl;
1085 std::string ans = oss.str();
1086 hppDout(info, ans);
1087 return ans;
1088 }
1090 // Get a configuration in accordance with the statuts matrix at a step j for the
1091 // constraint i
1092 Configuration_t StatesPathFinder::getConfigStatus(size_type i,
1093 size_type j) const {
1094 switch (optData_->M_status(i, j)) {
1095 case OptimizationData::EQUAL_TO_PREVIOUS:
1096 return optData_->waypoint.col(j - 1);
1097 case OptimizationData::EQUAL_TO_INIT:
1098 return optData_->q1;
1099 case OptimizationData::EQUAL_TO_GOAL:
1100 return optData_->q2;
1101 default:
1102 return optData_->waypoint.col(j);
1103 }
1104 }
1106 // Get the right hand side of a constraint w.r.t a set configuration for this
1107 // constraint
1108 vector_t StatesPathFinder::getConstraintRHS(ImplicitPtr_t constraint,
1109 Configuration_t q) const {
1110 LiegroupElement rhs(constraint->copy()->function().outputSpace());
1111 constraint->rightHandSideFromConfig(q, rhs);
1112 return rhs.vector();
1113 }
1115 // Hash a vector of right hand side into a long unsigned integer
1116 size_t StatesPathFinder::hashRHS(vector_t rhs) const {
1117 std::stringstream ss;
1118 ss << std::setprecision(3) << (0.01 < rhs.array().abs()).select(rhs, 0.0f);
1119 return std::hash<std::string>{}(ss.str());
1120 }
1122 // Check if a solution (a list of transitions) contains impossible to solve
1123 // steps due to inevitable collisions. A step is impossible to solve if it has
1124 // two constraints set from init or goal which have produced a collision between
1125 // objects constrained by them.
1126 // The list of such known constraint pairs are memorized in pairMap table and
1127 // individually in constraintMap.
1128 //
1129 // Return : true if no impossible to solve steps, false otherwise
1130 bool StatesPathFinder::checkSolvers(
1131 ConstraintMap_t const& pairMap,
1132 ConstraintMap_t const& constraintMap) const {
1133 // do nothing if there is no known incompatible constraint pairs.
1134 if (constraintMap.empty()) return true;
1136 // for each steps of the solution
1137 for (long unsigned i{0}; i < optData_->solvers.size(); i++) {
1138 std::vector<std::pair<ImplicitPtr_t, Configuration_t>> constraints{};
1140 // gather all constraints of this step which are set from init or goal
1141 // configuration
1142 for (long unsigned j{0}; j < constraints_.size(); j++) {
1143 auto c = constraints_[j];
1144 auto status = optData_->M_status(j, i);
1145 if (status != OptimizationData::EQUAL_TO_INIT &&
1146 status != OptimizationData::EQUAL_TO_GOAL) // if not init or goal
1147 continue;
1148 auto q = getConfigStatus(j, i);
1149 auto name = std::hash<std::string>{}(c->function().name());
1150 if (constraintMap.count(name))
1151 constraints.push_back(std::make_pair(c, q));
1152 }
1154 // if there are less than two constraints gathered, go to next step
1155 if (constraints.size() < 2) continue;
1157 // else, check if there is a pair of constraints in the table of known
1158 // incompatible pairs
1159 for (auto& c1 : constraints) {
1160 auto rhs_1 = hashRHS(getConstraintRHS(std::get<0>(c1), std::get<1>(c1)));
1161 auto name_1 =
1162 std::hash<std::string>{}(std::get<0>(c1)->function().name());
1163 if (constraintMap.count(name_1))
1164 for (auto& c2 : constraints) {
1165 auto rhs_2 =
1166 hashRHS(getConstraintRHS(std::get<0>(c2), std::get<1>(c2)));
1167 auto name_2 =
1168 std::hash<std::string>{}(std::get<0>(c2)->function().name());
1169 auto namesPair = name_1 * name_2;
1170 auto rhsPair = rhs_1 * rhs_2;
1171 if (name_1 != name_2 && pairMap.count(namesPair) &&
1172 pairMap.at(namesPair) == rhsPair)
1173 return false;
1174 }
1175 }
1176 }
1178 return true;
1179 }
1181 core::JointConstPtr_t StatesPathFinder::maximalJoint(size_t const wp,
1182 core::JointConstPtr_t a) {
1183 const auto& current_edge = lastBuiltTransitions_[wp + 1];
1184 core::RelativeMotion::matrix_type m = current_edge->relativeMotion();
1186 size_t ida = core::RelativeMotion::idx(a);
1188 core::JointConstPtr_t last = nullptr;
1189 core::JointConstPtr_t current = a;
1191 while (current != nullptr) {
1192 auto parent = current->parentJoint();
1193 size_t idp = core::RelativeMotion::idx(parent);
1194 last = current;
1195 if (parent && m(ida, idp))
1196 current = current->parentJoint();
1197 else
1198 break;
1199 }
1201 return last;
1202 }
1204 // For a certain step wp during solving check for collision impossible to solve.
1205 // If there is any store the constraints involved and stop the resolution
1206 //
1207 // Return : true if there is no collision or impossible to solve ones, false
1208 // otherwise.
1209 bool StatesPathFinder::saveIncompatibleRHS(ConstraintMap_t& pairMap,
1210 ConstraintMap_t& constraintMap,
1211 size_type const wp) {
1212 core::ValidationReportPtr_t validationReport;
1213 auto q = optData_->waypoint.col(wp - 1);
1214 bool nocollision{true};
1216 core::CollisionValidationPtr_t collisionValidations =
1217 core::CollisionValidation::create(problem_->robot());
1218 collisionValidations->checkParameterized(true);
1219 collisionValidations->computeAllContacts(true);
1221 // If there was a collision in the last configuration
1222 if (!collisionValidations->validate(q, validationReport)) {
1223 auto allReports = HPP_DYNAMIC_PTR_CAST(core::AllCollisionsValidationReport,
1224 validationReport);
1226 // check all collision reports between joints
1227 for (auto& report : allReports->collisionReports) {
1228 // Store the two joints involved
1229 core::JointConstPtr_t j1 = report->object1->joint();
1230 core::JointConstPtr_t j2 = report->object2->joint();
1232 // check that there is indeed two joints
1233 if (!j1 || !j2) return nocollision;
1235 // get the maximal parent joint which are constrained with their child
1236 j1 = maximalJoint(wp, j1);
1237 j2 = maximalJoint(wp, j2);
1239 // Function to check if two joints are equals, bye their address is
1240 // nullptr, by their value otherwise
1241 auto equalJoints = [](core::JointConstPtr_t a, core::JointConstPtr_t b) {
1242 return (a && b) ? *a == *b : a == b;
1243 };
1245 // std::cout << "test are constrained for j1 & j2: " << areConstrained(wp,
1246 // j1, j2) << std::endl;
1248 typedef std::pair<core::JointConstPtr_t, size_t> jointOfConstraint;
1250 // Get all constraints which involve a joint
1251 auto associatedConstraints = [&](core::JointConstPtr_t j) {
1252 std::vector<jointOfConstraint> constraints{};
1253 for (size_t i{0}; i < constraints_.size(); i++) {
1254 auto constraint = constraints_[i];
1255 auto joints =
1256 constraint->doesConstrainRelPoseBetween(problem_->robot());
1257 if (equalJoints(j, std::get<0>(joints)) ||
1258 equalJoints(j, std::get<1>(joints))) {
1259 auto joint = (j == std::get<0>(joints)) ? std::get<1>(joints)
1260 : std::get<0>(joints);
1261 constraints.push_back(std::make_pair(joint, i));
1262 }
1263 }
1264 return constraints;
1265 };
1267 // We get all the constraints which contain j1
1268 auto constraints_j1 = associatedConstraints(j1);
1270 const auto& current_edge = lastBuiltTransitions_[wp + 1];
1271 core::RelativeMotion::matrix_type m = current_edge->relativeMotion();
1273 std::vector<short> visited(constraints_.size(), 0);
1274 std::function<std::vector<int>(core::JointConstPtr_t, jointOfConstraint,
1275 int)>
1276 exploreJOC;
1278 // Check if a joint is indirectly co-constrained with an other, return the
1279 // indices of their respective constraints
1280 exploreJOC = [&](core::JointConstPtr_t j, jointOfConstraint current,
1281 int initial) {
1282 size_t constraint_index = std::get<1>(current);
1283 visited[constraint_index]++;
1284 core::JointConstPtr_t current_joint = std::get<0>(current);
1285 auto iconstraint = constraints_[constraint_index];
1286 auto JOCs = associatedConstraints(current_joint);
1287 auto id_cj = core::RelativeMotion::idx(current_joint);
1289 for (auto& joc : JOCs) {
1290 size_t ci = std::get<1>(joc);
1291 core::JointConstPtr_t ji = std::get<0>(joc);
1292 auto id_ji = core::RelativeMotion::idx(ji);
1293 if (m(id_cj, id_ji) ==
1294 core::RelativeMotion::RelativeMotionType::Unconstrained)
1295 continue;
1296 if (equalJoints(ji, j))
1297 return std::vector<int>{initial, (int)ci};
1298 else if (visited[ci] < 2) {
1299 return exploreJOC(j, joc, initial);
1300 }
1301 }
1302 return std::vector<int>{-1, -1};
1303 };
1305 // get the indices of the constraints associated to the two joints
1306 auto getIndices = [&]() -> std::vector<int> {
1307 for (auto& joc : constraints_j1) {
1308 visited[std::get<1>(joc)] = 1;
1309 auto indices = exploreJOC(j2, joc, (int)std::get<1>(joc));
1310 if (indices[0] >= 0 || indices[1] >= 0) return indices;
1311 }
1312 return std::vector<int>{-1, -1};
1313 };
1315 // indices contains the two indices of the constraints that constraint
1316 // pose of j1 with respect to j2, if any, or { -1, -1}
1317 auto indices = getIndices();
1319 // Make sure indices are all defined
1320 if (indices[0] < 0 || indices[1] < 0) return nocollision;
1322 // for each of the two constraint identified
1323 std::vector<std::pair<size_t, size_t>> constraints{};
1324 for (auto ic : indices) {
1325 // check that there are set from goal or init configurations
1326 auto status = optData_->M_status((size_t)ic, wp - 1);
1327 if (status != OptimizationData::EQUAL_TO_INIT &&
1328 status != OptimizationData::EQUAL_TO_GOAL)
1329 return nocollision;
1331 // if so prepare to store them in the tables of known incompatible
1332 // constraints
1333 auto c = constraints_[(size_t)ic];
1334 auto rhs = hashRHS(getConstraintRHS(c, q));
1335 auto name = std::hash<std::string>{}(c->function().name());
1337 constraints.push_back(std::make_pair(name, rhs));
1338 }
1340 // then add them both in the tables of incompatible constraints
1341 nocollision = false;
1343 // first, individually, in constraintMap
1344 for (auto& c : constraints)
1345 if (!constraintMap.count(std::get<0>(c)))
1346 constraintMap[std::get<0>(c)] = std::get<1>(c);
1348 // then, both merged together in pairMap
1349 auto names =
1350 std::get<0>(constraints[0]) * std::get<0>(constraints[1]); // key
1351 auto rhs =
1352 std::get<1>(constraints[0]) * std::get<1>(constraints[1]); // value
1354 if (!pairMap.count(names)) pairMap[names] = rhs;
1355 }
1356 }
1358 return nocollision;
1359 }
1361 bool StatesPathFinder::solveOptimizationProblem() {
1362 static ConstraintMap_t pairMap{};
1363 static ConstraintMap_t constraintMap{};
1365 // check if the solution is feasible (no inevitable collision), if not abort
1366 // the solving
1367 if (!checkSolvers(pairMap, constraintMap)) {
1368 hppDout(info, "Path is invalid for collision is inevitable");
1369 return false;
1370 }
1372 OptimizationData& d = *optData_;
1373 // Try to solve with sets of random configs for each waypoint
1374 std::size_t nTriesMax =
1375 problem_->getParameter("StatesPathFinder/nTriesUntilBacktrack")
1376 .intValue();
1377 std::size_t nTriesMax1 = nTriesMax * 10; // more tries for the first waypoint
1378 std::size_t nFailsMax =
1379 nTriesMax * 20; // fails before reseting the whole solution
1380 std::size_t nBadSolvesMax =
1381 nTriesMax * 50; // bad solve fails before reseting the whole solution
1382 std::vector<std::size_t> nTriesDone(d.solvers.size() + 1, 0);
1383 std::size_t nFails = 0;
1384 std::size_t nBadSolves = 0;
1385 std::size_t wp = 1; // waypoint index starting at 1 (wp 0 = q1)
1386 std::size_t wp_max = 0; // all waypoints up to this index are valid solved
1387 matrix_t longestSolved(d.nq, d.N);
1388 longestSolved.setZero();
1389 while (wp <= d.solvers.size()) {
1390 if (wp == 1) {
1391 // stop if number of tries for the first waypoint exceeds
1392 if (nTriesDone[1] >= nTriesMax1) {
1393 // if cannot solve all the way, return longest VALID sequence
1394 d.waypoint = longestSolved;
1395 return false;
1396 }
1397 // Reset the fail counter while the solution is empty
1398 nFails = 0;
1399 nBadSolves = 0;
1401 } else if (nFails >= nFailsMax || nBadSolves >= nBadSolvesMax) {
1402 // Completely reset a solution when too many tries have failed
1404 // update the longest valid sequence of waypoints solved
1405 if (wp - 1 > wp_max) {
1406 // update the maximum index of valid waypoint
1407 wp_max = wp - 1;
1408 // save the sequence
1409 longestSolved.leftCols(wp_max) = d.waypoint.leftCols(wp_max);
1410 }
1412 std::fill(nTriesDone.begin() + 2, nTriesDone.end(), 0);
1413 wp = 1;
1415 #ifdef HPP_DEBUG
1416 if (nFails >= nFailsMax) {
1417 hppDout(warning, " Solution "
1418 << graphData_->idxSol
1419 << ": too many collisions. Resetting back to WP1");
1420 }
1421 if (nBadSolves >= nBadSolvesMax) {
1422 hppDout(warning,
1423 " Solution "
1424 << graphData_->idxSol
1425 << ": too many bad solve statuses. Resetting back to WP1");
1426 }
1427 #endif
1429 continue;
1431 } else if (nTriesDone[wp] >= nTriesMax) {
1432 // enough tries for a waypoint: backtrack
1434 // update the longest valid sequence of waypoints solved
1435 if (wp - 1 > wp_max) {
1436 // update the maximum index of valid waypoint
1437 wp_max = wp - 1;
1438 // save the sequence
1439 longestSolved.leftCols(wp_max) = d.waypoint.leftCols(wp_max);
1440 }
1442 do {
1443 nTriesDone[wp] = 0;
1444 wp--; // backtrack: try a new solution for the latest waypoint
1445 } while (wp > 1 &&
1446 (d.isTargetWaypoint[wp - 1] || nTriesDone[wp] >= nTriesMax));
1448 continue;
1449 }
1451 // Initialize right hand sides, and
1452 // Choose a starting configuration for the solver.solve method:
1453 // - from previous waypoint if it's the first time we see this solver
1454 // given current solvers 0 to j-1
1455 // - with a random configuration if the other initialization has been
1456 // tried and failed
1457 if (nTriesDone[wp] == 0)
1458 initWPNear(wp);
1459 else
1460 initWPRandom(wp);
1462 nTriesDone[wp]++; // Backtrack to last state when this gets too big
1464 SolveStepStatus out = solveStep(wp);
1465 hppDout(info, "solveStep exit code at WP" << wp << ": " << out);
1466 switch (out) {
1467 case SolveStepStatus::VALID_SOLUTION: // Valid solution, go to next
1468 // waypoint
1469 wp++;
1470 break;
1471 case SolveStepStatus::NO_SOLUTION: // Bad solve status, considered usual
1472 // so has higher threshold before
1473 // going back to first waypoint
1474 nBadSolves++;
1475 break;
1476 case SolveStepStatus::COLLISION_BEFORE: // Collision. If that happens too
1477 // much, go back to first
1478 // waypoint
1479 case SolveStepStatus::COLLISION_AFTER:
1480 // if collision check that it is not due to non-solvable constraints,
1481 // if so, store the constraints involved and abort the solving
1482 if (!saveIncompatibleRHS(pairMap, constraintMap, wp)) {
1483 hppDout(info, "Path is invalid, found inevitable collision");
1484 return false;
1485 }
1486 nFails++;
1487 break;
1488 default:
1489 throw(std::logic_error("Unintended exit code for solveStep"));
1490 }
1491 }
1493 return true;
1494 }
1496 // Get list of configurations from solution of optimization problem
1497 core::Configurations_t StatesPathFinder::getConfigList() const {
1498 OptimizationData& d = *optData_;
1499 core::Configurations_t pv;
1500 pv.push_back(d.q1);
1501 for (std::size_t i = 0; i < d.N; ++i) {
1502 pv.push_back(d.waypoint.col(i));
1503 }
1504 if (!goalDefinedByConstraints_) {
1505 pv.push_back(d.q2);
1506 }
1507 return pv;
1508 }
1510 // Loop over all the possible paths in the constraint graph between
1511 // the state of the initial configuration
1512 // and either [the state of the final configurations if given] OR
1513 // [one of potential goal states if goal defined as set of constraints]
1514 // and compute waypoint configurations in each state.
1515 core::Configurations_t StatesPathFinder::computeConfigList(
1516 ConfigurationIn_t q1, ConfigurationIn_t q2) {
1517 const graph::GraphPtr_t& graph(problem_->constraintGraph());
1518 GraphSearchData& d = *graphData_;
1519 size_t& idxSol = d.idxSol;
1521 bool maxDepthReached;
1522 while (!(maxDepthReached = findTransitions(d))) { // mut
1523 // if there is a working sequence, try it first before getting another
1524 // transition list
1525 Edges_t transitions = (nTryConfigList_ > 0)
1526 ? lastBuiltTransitions_
1527 : getTransitionList(d, idxSol); // const, const
1528 while (!transitions.empty()) {
1529 #ifdef HPP_DEBUG
1530 std::ostringstream ss;
1531 ss << " Trying solution " << idxSol << ": \n\t";
1532 for (std::size_t j = 0; j < transitions.size(); ++j)
1533 ss << transitions[j]->name() << ", \n\t";
1534 hppDout(info, ss.str());
1535 #endif // HPP_DEBUG
1536 if (optData_) {
1537 delete optData_;
1538 optData_ = nullptr;
1539 }
1540 optData_ = new OptimizationData(problem(), q1, q2, transitions,
1541 goalDefinedByConstraints_);
1543 if (buildOptimizationProblem(transitions)) {
1544 lastBuiltTransitions_ = transitions;
1545 if (nTryConfigList_ > 0 ||
1546 analyseOptimizationProblem(transitions, problem())) {
1547 if (solveOptimizationProblem()) {
1548 core::Configurations_t path = getConfigList();
1549 hppDout(warning,
1550 " Solution " << idxSol << ": solved configurations list");
1551 return path;
1552 } else {
1553 hppDout(info, " Failed solution " << idxSol
1554 << " at step 5 (solve opt pb)");
1555 }
1556 } else {
1557 hppDout(info, " Failed solution " << idxSol
1558 << " at step 4 (analyse opt pb)");
1559 }
1560 } else {
1561 hppDout(info,
1562 " Failed solution " << idxSol << " at step 3 (build opt pb)");
1563 }
1564 transitions = getTransitionList(d, ++idxSol);
1565 // reset of the number of tries for a sequence
1566 // nTryConfigList_ = 0;
1567 }
1568 }
1569 core::Configurations_t empty_path;
1570 empty_path.push_back(q1);
1571 return empty_path;
1572 }
1574 void StatesPathFinder::reset() {
1575 // when debugging, if we want to start from a certain transition list,
1576 // we can set it here
1577 graphData_->idxSol = 0;
1578 if (optData_) {
1579 delete optData_;
1580 optData_ = nullptr;
1581 }
1582 lastBuiltTransitions_.clear();
1583 idxConfigList_ = 0;
1584 nTryConfigList_ = 0;
1585 }
1587 void StatesPathFinder::startSolve() {
1588 PathPlanner::startSolve();
1589 assert(problem_);
1590 q1_ = problem_->initConfig();
1591 assert(q1_.size() > 0);
1593 // core::PathProjectorPtr_t pathProjector
1594 // (core::pathProjector::Progressive::create(inStateProblem_, 0.01));
1595 // inStateProblem_->pathProjector(pathProjector);
1596 inStateProblem_->pathProjector(problem_->pathProjector());
1597 const graph::GraphPtr_t& graph(problem_->constraintGraph());
1598 graphData_.reset(new GraphSearchData());
1599 GraphSearchData& d = *graphData_;
1600 d.s1 = graph->getState(q1_);
1601 d.maxDepth = problem_->getParameter("StatesPathFinder/maxDepth").intValue();
1603 d.queue1.push_back(d.addInitState());
1604 d.queueIt = d.queue1.size();
1606 #ifdef HPP_DEBUG
1607 // Print out the names of all the states in graph in debug mode
1608 States_t allStates = graph->stateSelector()->getStates();
1609 hppDout(info, "Constraint graph has " << allStates.size() << " nodes");
1610 for (auto state : allStates) {
1611 hppDout(info, "State: id = " << state->id() << " name = \"" << state->name()
1612 << "\"");
1613 }
1614 hppDout(info,
1615 "Constraint graph has " << graph->nbComponents() << " components");
1616 #endif
1617 // Detect whether the goal is defined by a configuration or by a
1618 // set of constraints
1619 ProblemTargetPtr_t target(problem()->target());
1620 GoalConfigurationsPtr_t goalConfigs(
1621 HPP_DYNAMIC_PTR_CAST(GoalConfigurations, target));
1622 if (goalConfigs) {
1623 goalDefinedByConstraints_ = false;
1624 core::Configurations_t q2s = goalConfigs->configurations();
1625 if (q2s.size() != 1) {
1626 std::ostringstream os;
1627 os << "StatesPathFinder accept one and only one goal "
1628 "configuration, ";
1629 os << q2s.size() << " provided.";
1630 throw std::logic_error(os.str().c_str());
1631 }
1632 q2_ = q2s[0];
1633 d.s2.push_back(graph->getState(q2_));
1634 } else {
1635 TaskTargetPtr_t taskTarget(HPP_DYNAMIC_PTR_CAST(TaskTarget, target));
1636 if (!taskTarget) {
1637 std::ostringstream os;
1638 os << "StatesPathFinder only accept goal defined as "
1639 "either a configuration or a set of constraints.";
1640 throw std::logic_error(os.str().c_str());
1641 }
1642 assert(q2_.size() == 0);
1643 goalDefinedByConstraints_ = true;
1644 goalConstraints_ = taskTarget->constraints();
1645 hppDout(info, "goal defined as a set of constraints");
1647 int maxNumConstr = -1;
1648 for (StatePtr_t state : graph->stateSelector()->getStates()) {
1649 NumericalConstraints_t stateConstr = state->numericalConstraints();
1650 int numConstr = 0;
1651 for (auto goalConstraint : goalConstraints_) {
1652 if (std::find(stateConstr.begin(), stateConstr.end(), goalConstraint) !=
1653 stateConstr.end()) {
1654 ++numConstr;
1655 hppDout(info, "State \"" << state->name() << "\" "
1656 << "has goal constraint: \""
1657 << goalConstraint->function().name()
1658 << "\"");
1659 }
1660 }
1661 if (numConstr > maxNumConstr) {
1662 d.s2.clear();
1663 d.s2.push_back(state);
1664 maxNumConstr = numConstr;
1665 } else if (numConstr == maxNumConstr) {
1666 d.s2.push_back(state);
1667 }
1668 }
1669 d.idxSol = 0;
1670 }
1671 reset();
1672 }
1674 void StatesPathFinder::oneStep() {
1675 if (idxConfigList_ == 0) {
1676 // TODO: accommodate when goal is a set of constraints
1677 assert(q1_.size() > 0);
1678 configList_ = computeConfigList(q1_, q2_);
1679 if (configList_.size() <= 1) { // max depth reached
1680 reset();
1681 throw core::path_planning_failed("Maximal depth reached.");
1682 }
1683 }
1684 size_t& idxSol = graphData_->idxSol;
1685 Configuration_t q1, q2;
1686 if (idxConfigList_ >= configList_.size() - 1) {
1687 reset();
1688 throw core::path_planning_failed(
1689 "Final config reached but goal is not reached.");
1690 }
1691 q1 = configList_[idxConfigList_];
1692 q2 = configList_[idxConfigList_ + 1];
1693 const graph::EdgePtr_t& edge(lastBuiltTransitions_[idxConfigList_]);
1694 // Copy edge constraints
1695 core::ConstraintSetPtr_t constraints(HPP_DYNAMIC_PTR_CAST(
1696 core::ConstraintSet, edge->pathConstraint()->copy()));
1697 // Initialize right hand side
1698 constraints->configProjector()->rightHandSideFromConfig(q1);
1699 assert(constraints->isSatisfied(q2));
1700 inStateProblem_->constraints(constraints);
1701 inStateProblem_->pathValidation(edge->pathValidation());
1702 inStateProblem_->steeringMethod(edge->steeringMethod());
1703 inStateProblem_->initConfig(q1);
1704 inStateProblem_->resetGoalConfigs();
1705 inStateProblem_->addGoalConfig(q2);
1707 /// use inner state planner to plan path between two configurations.
1708 /// these configs lie on same leaf (same RHS wrt edge constraints)
1709 /// eg consecutive configs in the solved config list
1710 core::PathPlannerPtr_t inStatePlanner(
1711 core::DiffusingPlanner::create(inStateProblem_));
1712 inStatePlanner->maxIterations(
1713 problem_->getParameter("StatesPathFinder/innerPlannerMaxIterations")
1714 .intValue());
1715 value_type innerPlannerTimeout =
1716 problem_->getParameter("StatesPathFinder/innerPlannerTimeOut")
1717 .floatValue();
1718 // only set timeout if it is more than 0. default is infinity
1719 if (innerPlannerTimeout > 0.) {
1720 inStatePlanner->timeOut(innerPlannerTimeout);
1721 }
1722 hppDout(info,
1723 "calling InStatePlanner_.solve for transition " << idxConfigList_);
1724 core::PathVectorPtr_t path;
1725 try {
1726 path = inStatePlanner->solve();
1727 for (std::size_t r = 0; r < path->numberPaths() - 1; r++)
1728 assert(path->pathAtRank(r)->end() == path->pathAtRank(r + 1)->initial());
1729 idxConfigList_++;
1730 if (idxConfigList_ == configList_.size() - 1) {
1731 hppDout(
1732 warning, "Solution "
1733 << idxSol << ": Success"
1734 << "\n-----------------------------------------------");
1735 }
1736 } catch (const core::path_planning_failed& error) {
1737 std::ostringstream oss;
1738 oss << "Error " << error.what() << "\n";
1739 oss << "Solution " << idxSol << ": Failed to build path at edge "
1740 << idxConfigList_ << ": ";
1741 oss << lastBuiltTransitions_[idxConfigList_]->name();
1742 hppDout(warning, oss.str());
1744 idxConfigList_ = 0;
1745 // Retry nTryMax times to build another solution for the same states list
1746 size_type nTryMax =
1747 problem_->getParameter("StatesPathFinder/maxTriesBuildPath").intValue();
1748 if (++nTryConfigList_ >= nTryMax) {
1749 nTryConfigList_ = 0;
1750 idxSol++;
1751 }
1752 }
1753 roadmap()->merge(inStatePlanner->roadmap());
1754 // if (path) {
1755 // core::PathOptimizerPtr_t inStateOptimizer
1756 // (core::pathOptimization::RandomShortcut::create(inStateProblem_));
1757 // core::PathVectorPtr_t opt = inStateOptimizer->optimize(path);
1758 // roadmap()->insertPathVector(opt, true);
1759 // }
1760 }
1762 void StatesPathFinder::tryConnectInitAndGoals() {
1763 GraphSearchData& d = *graphData_;
1764 // if start state is not one of the potential goal states, return
1765 if (std::find(d.s2.begin(), d.s2.end(), d.s1) == d.s2.end()) {
1766 return;
1767 }
1769 // get the loop edge connecting the initial state to itself
1770 const graph::Edges_t& loopEdges(
1771 problem_->constraintGraph()->getEdges(d.s1, d.s1));
1772 // check that there is 1 loop edge
1773 assert(loopEdges.size() == 1);
1774 // add the loop transition as transition list
1775 GraphSearchData::state_with_depth_ptr_t _state = d.queue1.front();
1776 GraphSearchData::state_with_depth_ptr_t _endState =
1777 d.addParent(_state, loopEdges[0]);
1778 d.solutions.push_back(_endState);
1780 // try connecting initial and final configurations directly
1781 if (!goalDefinedByConstraints_) PathPlanner::tryConnectInitAndGoals();
1782 }
1784 std::vector<std::string> StatesPathFinder::constraintNamesFromSolverAtWaypoint(
1785 std::size_t wp) {
1786 assert(wp > 0 && wp <= optData_->solvers.size());
1787 constraints::solver::BySubstitution& solver(optData_->solvers[wp - 1]);
1788 std::vector<std::string> ans;
1789 for (std::size_t i = 0; i < solver.constraints().size(); i++)
1790 ans.push_back(solver.constraints()[i]->function().name());
1791 return ans;
1792 }
1794 std::vector<std::string> StatesPathFinder::lastBuiltTransitions() const {
1795 std::vector<std::string> ans;
1796 for (const EdgePtr_t& edge : lastBuiltTransitions_)
1797 ans.push_back(edge->name());
1798 return ans;
1799 }
1801 using core::Parameter;
1802 using core::ParameterDescription;
✓ Branch 2 taken 1 times.
✗ Branch 3 not taken.
✓ Branch 6 taken 1 times.
✗ Branch 7 not taken.
✓ Branch 9 taken 1 times.
✗ Branch 10 not taken.
✓ Branch 12 taken 1 times.
✗ Branch 13 not taken.
1 core::Problem::declareParameter(ParameterDescription(
1806 Parameter::INT, "StatesPathFinder/maxDepth",
1807 "Maximum number of transitions to look for.",
✓ Branch 2 taken 1 times.
✗ Branch 3 not taken.
2 Parameter((size_type)std::numeric_limits<int>::max())));
✓ Branch 2 taken 1 times.
✗ Branch 3 not taken.
✓ Branch 6 taken 1 times.
✗ Branch 7 not taken.
✓ Branch 9 taken 1 times.
✗ Branch 10 not taken.
✓ Branch 12 taken 1 times.
✗ Branch 13 not taken.
1 core::Problem::declareParameter(ParameterDescription(
1810 Parameter::INT, "StatesPathFinder/maxIteration",
1811 "Maximum number of iterations of the Newton Raphson algorithm.",
✓ Branch 1 taken 1 times.
✗ Branch 2 not taken.
2 Parameter((size_type)60)));
✓ Branch 2 taken 1 times.
✗ Branch 3 not taken.
✓ Branch 6 taken 1 times.
✗ Branch 7 not taken.
✓ Branch 9 taken 1 times.
✗ Branch 10 not taken.
✓ Branch 12 taken 1 times.
✗ Branch 13 not taken.
1 core::Problem::declareParameter(ParameterDescription(
1814 Parameter::FLOAT, "StatesPathFinder/errorThreshold",
1815 "Error threshold of the Newton Raphson algorithm."
1816 "Should be at most the same as error threshold in constraint graph",
✓ Branch 1 taken 1 times.
✗ Branch 2 not taken.
2 Parameter(1e-4)));
✓ Branch 2 taken 1 times.
✗ Branch 3 not taken.
✓ Branch 6 taken 1 times.
✗ Branch 7 not taken.
✓ Branch 9 taken 1 times.
✗ Branch 10 not taken.
✓ Branch 12 taken 1 times.
✗ Branch 13 not taken.
1 core::Problem::declareParameter(ParameterDescription(
1819 Parameter::INT, "StatesPathFinder/nTriesUntilBacktrack",
1820 "Number of tries when sampling configurations before backtracking"
1821 "in function solveOptimizationProblem.",
✓ Branch 1 taken 1 times.
✗ Branch 2 not taken.
2 Parameter((size_type)3)));
✓ Branch 2 taken 1 times.
✗ Branch 3 not taken.
✓ Branch 6 taken 1 times.
✗ Branch 7 not taken.
✓ Branch 9 taken 1 times.
✗ Branch 10 not taken.
✓ Branch 12 taken 1 times.
✗ Branch 13 not taken.
1 core::Problem::declareParameter(ParameterDescription(
1824 Parameter::INT, "StatesPathFinder/maxTriesCollisionAnalysis",
1825 "Number of solve tries before stopping the collision analysis,"
1826 "before the actual solving part."
1827 "Set to 0 to skip this part of the algorithm.",
✓ Branch 1 taken 1 times.
✗ Branch 2 not taken.
2 Parameter((size_type)100)));
✓ Branch 2 taken 1 times.
✗ Branch 3 not taken.
✓ Branch 6 taken 1 times.
✗ Branch 7 not taken.
✓ Branch 9 taken 1 times.
✗ Branch 10 not taken.
✓ Branch 12 taken 1 times.
✗ Branch 13 not taken.
1 core::Problem::declareParameter(ParameterDescription(
1830 Parameter::INT, "StatesPathFinder/maxTriesBuildPath",
1831 "Number of solutions with a given states list to try to build a"
1832 "continuous path from, before skipping to the next states list",
✓ Branch 1 taken 1 times.
✗ Branch 2 not taken.
2 Parameter((size_type)5)));
✓ Branch 2 taken 1 times.
✗ Branch 3 not taken.
✓ Branch 6 taken 1 times.
✗ Branch 7 not taken.
✓ Branch 9 taken 1 times.
✗ Branch 10 not taken.
✓ Branch 12 taken 1 times.
✗ Branch 13 not taken.
1 core::Problem::declareParameter(ParameterDescription(
1835 Parameter::FLOAT, "StatesPathFinder/innerPlannerTimeOut",
1836 "This will set ::timeOut accordingly in the inner"
1837 "planner used for building a path after intermediate"
1838 "configurations have been found."
1839 "If set to 0, no timeout: only maxIterations will be used to stop"
1840 "the innerPlanner if it does not find a path.",
✓ Branch 1 taken 1 times.
✗ Branch 2 not taken.
2 Parameter(2.0)));
✓ Branch 2 taken 1 times.
✗ Branch 3 not taken.
✓ Branch 6 taken 1 times.
✗ Branch 7 not taken.
✓ Branch 9 taken 1 times.
✗ Branch 10 not taken.
✓ Branch 12 taken 1 times.
✗ Branch 13 not taken.
1 core::Problem::declareParameter(ParameterDescription(
1843 Parameter::INT, "StatesPathFinder/innerPlannerMaxIterations",
1844 "This will set ::maxIterations accordingly in the inner"
1845 "planner used for building a path after intermediate"
1846 "configurations have been found",
✓ Branch 1 taken 1 times.
✗ Branch 2 not taken.
2 Parameter((size_type)1000)));
1849 } // namespace pathPlanner
1850 } // namespace manipulation
1851 } // namespace hpp