GCC Code Coverage Report

Directory: ./
File: include/crocoddyl/multibody/actuations/multicopter-base.hpp
Date: 2025-02-24 23:41:29
Exec Total Coverage
Lines: 0 47 0.0%
Branches: 0 152 0.0%

Line Branch Exec Source
1 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // BSD 3-Clause License
3 //
4 // Copyright (C) 2019-2024, LAAS-CNRS, IRI: CSIC-UPC, University of Edinburgh
5 // Copyright note valid unless otherwise stated in individual files.
6 // All rights reserved.
7 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
12 #include <iostream>
14 #include "crocoddyl/core/actuation-base.hpp"
15 #include "crocoddyl/core/utils/deprecate.hpp"
16 #include "crocoddyl/core/utils/exception.hpp"
17 #include "crocoddyl/multibody/fwd.hpp"
18 #include "crocoddyl/multibody/states/multibody.hpp"
20 namespace crocoddyl {
22 /**
23 * @brief Multicopter actuation model
24 *
25 * This actuation model is aimed for those robots whose base_link is actuated
26 * using a propulsion system, e.g., a multicopter or an aerial manipulator
27 * (multicopter with a robotic arm attached). Control input: the thrust (force)
28 * created by each propeller. tau_f matrix: this matrix relates the thrust of
29 * each propeller to the net force and torque that it causes to the base_link.
30 * For a simple quadrotor: tau_f.nrows = 6, tau_f.ncols = 4
31 *
32 * Both actuation and Jacobians are computed analytically by `calc` and
33 * `calcDiff`, respectively.
34 *
35 * Reference: M. Geisert and N. Mansard, "Trajectory generation for quadrotor
36 * based systems using numerical optimal control," 2016 IEEE International
37 * Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Stockholm, 2016, pp. 2958-2964.
38 * See Section III.C.
39 *
40 * \sa `ActuationModelAbstractTpl`, `calc()`, `calcDiff()`, `createData()`
41 */
42 template <typename _Scalar>
43 class ActuationModelMultiCopterBaseTpl
44 : public ActuationModelAbstractTpl<_Scalar> {
45 public:
46 typedef _Scalar Scalar;
47 typedef MathBaseTpl<Scalar> MathBase;
48 typedef ActuationModelAbstractTpl<Scalar> Base;
49 typedef ActuationDataAbstractTpl<Scalar> Data;
50 typedef StateMultibodyTpl<Scalar> StateMultibody;
51 typedef typename MathBase::VectorXs VectorXs;
52 typedef typename MathBase::MatrixXs MatrixXs;
53 typedef typename MathBase::Matrix6xs Matrix6xs;
55 /**
56 * @brief Initialize the multicopter actuation model
57 *
58 * @param[in] state State of the dynamical system
59 * @param[in] tau_f Matrix that maps the thrust of each propeller to the net
60 * force and torque
61 */
62 DEPRECATED("Use constructor ActuationModelFloatingBaseThrustersTpl",
63 ActuationModelMultiCopterBaseTpl(
64 std::shared_ptr<StateMultibody> state,
65 const Eigen::Ref<const Matrix6xs>& tau_f));
67 DEPRECATED("Use constructor without n_rotors",
68 ActuationModelMultiCopterBaseTpl(
69 std::shared_ptr<StateMultibody> state,
70 const std::size_t n_rotors,
71 const Eigen::Ref<const Matrix6xs>& tau_f));
72 virtual ~ActuationModelMultiCopterBaseTpl() {}
74 virtual void calc(const std::shared_ptr<Data>& data,
75 const Eigen::Ref<const VectorXs>&,
76 const Eigen::Ref<const VectorXs>& u) {
77 if (static_cast<std::size_t>(u.size()) != nu_) {
78 throw_pretty(
79 "Invalid argument: " << "u has wrong dimension (it should be " +
80 std::to_string(nu_) + ")");
81 }
83 data->tau.noalias() = tau_f_ * u;
84 }
86 #ifndef NDEBUG
87 virtual void calcDiff(const std::shared_ptr<Data>& data,
88 const Eigen::Ref<const VectorXs>&,
89 const Eigen::Ref<const VectorXs>&) {
90 #else
91 virtual void calcDiff(const std::shared_ptr<Data>&,
92 const Eigen::Ref<const VectorXs>&,
93 const Eigen::Ref<const VectorXs>&) {
94 #endif
95 // The derivatives has constant values which were set in createData.
96 assert_pretty(MatrixXs(data->dtau_du).isApprox(tau_f_),
97 "dtau_du has wrong value");
98 }
100 virtual void commands(const std::shared_ptr<Data>& data,
101 const Eigen::Ref<const VectorXs>&,
102 const Eigen::Ref<const VectorXs>& tau) {
103 data->u.noalias() = Mtau_ * tau;
104 }
106 #ifndef NDEBUG
107 virtual void torqueTransform(const std::shared_ptr<Data>& data,
108 const Eigen::Ref<const VectorXs>&,
109 const Eigen::Ref<const VectorXs>&) {
110 #else
111 virtual void torqueTransform(const std::shared_ptr<Data>&,
112 const Eigen::Ref<const VectorXs>&,
113 const Eigen::Ref<const VectorXs>&) {
114 #endif
115 // The torque transform has constant values which were set in createData.
116 assert_pretty(MatrixXs(data->Mtau).isApprox(Mtau_), "Mtau has wrong value");
117 }
119 std::shared_ptr<Data> createData() {
120 std::shared_ptr<Data> data =
121 std::allocate_shared<Data>(Eigen::aligned_allocator<Data>(), this);
122 data->dtau_du = tau_f_;
123 data->Mtau = Mtau_;
124 for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
125 data->tau_set[i] = false;
126 }
127 return data;
128 }
130 std::size_t get_nrotors() const { return n_rotors_; };
131 const MatrixXs& get_tauf() const { return tau_f_; };
132 void set_tauf(const Eigen::Ref<const MatrixXs>& tau_f) { tau_f_ = tau_f; }
134 protected:
135 MatrixXs tau_f_; //!< Matrix from rotors thrust to body force/moments
136 MatrixXs Mtau_; //!< Constaint torque transform from generalized torques to
137 //!< joint torque inputs
138 std::size_t n_rotors_; //!< Number of rotors
140 using Base::nu_;
141 using Base::state_;
143 #ifndef NDEBUG
144 private:
145 MatrixXs S_;
146 #endif
147 };
149 template <typename Scalar>
150 ActuationModelMultiCopterBaseTpl<Scalar>::ActuationModelMultiCopterBaseTpl(
151 std::shared_ptr<StateMultibody> state,
152 const Eigen::Ref<const Matrix6xs>& tau_f)
153 : Base(state, state->get_nv() - 6 + tau_f.cols()), n_rotors_(tau_f.cols()) {
154 pinocchio::JointModelFreeFlyerTpl<Scalar> ff_joint;
155 if (state->get_pinocchio()->joints[1].shortname() != ff_joint.shortname()) {
156 throw_pretty(
157 "Invalid argument: " << "the first joint has to be free-flyer");
158 }
160 tau_f_ = MatrixXs::Zero(state_->get_nv(), nu_);
161 tau_f_.block(0, 0, 6, n_rotors_) = tau_f;
162 if (nu_ > n_rotors_) {
163 tau_f_.bottomRightCorner(nu_ - n_rotors_, nu_ - n_rotors_)
164 .diagonal()
165 .setOnes();
166 }
167 Mtau_ = pseudoInverse(MatrixXs(tau_f));
168 std::cerr << "Deprecated ActuationModelMultiCopterBase: Use "
169 "ActuationModelFloatingBaseThrusters"
170 << std::endl;
171 }
173 template <typename Scalar>
174 ActuationModelMultiCopterBaseTpl<Scalar>::ActuationModelMultiCopterBaseTpl(
175 std::shared_ptr<StateMultibody> state, const std::size_t n_rotors,
176 const Eigen::Ref<const Matrix6xs>& tau_f)
177 : Base(state, state->get_nv() - 6 + n_rotors), n_rotors_(n_rotors) {
178 pinocchio::JointModelFreeFlyerTpl<Scalar> ff_joint;
179 if (state->get_pinocchio()->joints[1].shortname() != ff_joint.shortname()) {
180 throw_pretty(
181 "Invalid argument: " << "the first joint has to be free-flyer");
182 }
184 tau_f_ = MatrixXs::Zero(state_->get_nv(), nu_);
185 tau_f_.block(0, 0, 6, n_rotors_) = tau_f;
186 if (nu_ > n_rotors_) {
187 tau_f_.bottomRightCorner(nu_ - n_rotors_, nu_ - n_rotors_)
188 .diagonal()
189 .setOnes();
190 }
191 std::cerr << "Deprecated ActuationModelMultiCopterBase: Use constructor "
192 "without n_rotors."
193 << std::endl;
194 }
196 } // namespace crocoddyl