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FrictionConeTpl< _Scalar > Member List

This is the complete list of members for FrictionConeTpl< _Scalar >, including all inherited members.

DEPRECATED("Use constructor based on rotation matrix.", FrictionConeTpl(const Vector3s &normal, const Scalar mu, std::size_t nf=4, const bool inner_appr=true, const Scalar min_nforce=Scalar(0.), const Scalar max_nforce=std::numeric_limits< Scalar >::infinity());) FrictionConeTpl(const FrictionConeTpl< Scalar > &cone)FrictionConeTpl< _Scalar >
DEPRECATED("Use update()", void update(const Vector3s &normal, const Scalar mu, const bool inner_appr=true, const Scalar min_nforce=Scalar(0.), const Scalar max_nforce=std::numeric_limits< Scalar >::infinity())) (defined in FrictionConeTpl< _Scalar >)FrictionConeTpl< _Scalar >
FrictionConeTpl()FrictionConeTpl< _Scalar >explicit
FrictionConeTpl(const Matrix3s &R, const Scalar mu, std::size_t nf=4, const bool inner_appr=true, const Scalar min_nforce=Scalar(0.), const Scalar max_nforce=std::numeric_limits< Scalar >::infinity())FrictionConeTpl< _Scalar >
get_A() constFrictionConeTpl< _Scalar >
get_inner_appr() constFrictionConeTpl< _Scalar >
get_lb() constFrictionConeTpl< _Scalar >
get_max_nforce() constFrictionConeTpl< _Scalar >
get_min_nforce() constFrictionConeTpl< _Scalar >
get_mu() constFrictionConeTpl< _Scalar >
get_nf() constFrictionConeTpl< _Scalar >
get_R() constFrictionConeTpl< _Scalar >
get_ub() constFrictionConeTpl< _Scalar >
MathBase typedef (defined in FrictionConeTpl< _Scalar >)FrictionConeTpl< _Scalar >
Matrix3s typedef (defined in FrictionConeTpl< _Scalar >)FrictionConeTpl< _Scalar >
MatrixX3s typedef (defined in FrictionConeTpl< _Scalar >)FrictionConeTpl< _Scalar >
MatrixXs typedef (defined in FrictionConeTpl< _Scalar >)FrictionConeTpl< _Scalar >
operator<< (defined in FrictionConeTpl< _Scalar >)FrictionConeTpl< _Scalar >friend
operator=(const FrictionConeTpl< Scalar > &other) (defined in FrictionConeTpl< _Scalar >)FrictionConeTpl< _Scalar >
Quaternions typedef (defined in FrictionConeTpl< _Scalar >)FrictionConeTpl< _Scalar >
Scalar (defined in FrictionConeTpl< _Scalar >)FrictionConeTpl< _Scalar >
set_inner_appr(const bool inner_appr)FrictionConeTpl< _Scalar >
set_max_nforce(const Scalar max_nforce)FrictionConeTpl< _Scalar >
set_min_nforce(const Scalar min_nforce)FrictionConeTpl< _Scalar >
set_mu(const Scalar mu)FrictionConeTpl< _Scalar >
set_R(const Matrix3s &R)FrictionConeTpl< _Scalar >
update()FrictionConeTpl< _Scalar >
Vector3s typedef (defined in FrictionConeTpl< _Scalar >)FrictionConeTpl< _Scalar >
VectorXs typedef (defined in FrictionConeTpl< _Scalar >)FrictionConeTpl< _Scalar >
~FrictionConeTpl() (defined in FrictionConeTpl< _Scalar >)FrictionConeTpl< _Scalar >