GCC Code Coverage Report

Directory: ./
File: bindings/python/algorithm/expose-cat.cpp
Date: 2024-08-27 18:20:05
Exec Total Coverage
Lines: 4 9 44.4%
Branches: 1 10 10.0%

Line Branch Exec Source
1 //
2 // Copyright (c) 2015-2021 CNRS INRIA
3 //
5 #include "pinocchio/bindings/python/algorithm/algorithms.hpp"
6 #include "pinocchio/algorithm/compute-all-terms.hpp"
8 namespace pinocchio
9 {
10 namespace python
11 {
12 static void computeAllTerms_proxy(
13 const context::Model & model,
14 context::Data & data,
15 const context::VectorXs & q,
16 const context::VectorXs & v)
17 {
18 data.M.fill(context::Scalar(0));
19 computeAllTerms(model, data, q, v);
20 data.M.triangularView<Eigen::StrictlyLower>() =
21 data.M.transpose().triangularView<Eigen::StrictlyLower>();
22 }
24 20 void exposeCAT()
25 {
✓ Branch 1 taken 20 times.
✗ Branch 2 not taken.
20 bp::def(
27 40 "computeAllTerms", computeAllTerms_proxy, bp::args("model", "data", "q", "v"),
28 "Compute all the terms M, non linear effects, center of mass quantities, centroidal "
29 "quantities and Jacobians in"
30 "in the same loop and store the results in data.\n"
31 "This algorithm is equivalent to calling:\n"
32 "\t- forwardKinematics\n"
33 "\t- crba\n"
34 "\t- nonLinearEffects\n"
35 "\t- computeJointJacobians\n"
36 "\t- centerOfMass\n"
37 "\t- jacobianCenterOfMass\n"
38 "\t- ccrba\n"
39 "\t- computeKineticEnergy\n"
40 "\t- computePotentialEnergy\n"
41 "\t- computeGeneralizedGravity\n"
42 "Parameters:\n"
43 "\tmodel: model of the kinematic tree\n"
44 "\tdata: data related to the model\n"
45 "\tq: the joint configuration vector (size model.nq)\n"
46 "\tv: the joint velocity vector (size model.nv)\n");
47 20 }
48 } // namespace python
49 } // namespace pinocchio