GCC Code Coverage Report

Directory: ./
File: bindings/python/algorithm/expose-contact-inverse-dynamics.cpp
Date: 2024-08-27 18:20:05
Exec Total Coverage
Lines: 8 14 57.1%
Branches: 29 58 50.0%

Line Branch Exec Source
1 //
2 // Copyright (c) 2024 INRIA
3 //
7 #include "pinocchio/bindings/python/algorithm/algorithms.hpp"
8 #include "pinocchio/bindings/python/utils/std-vector.hpp"
9 #include "pinocchio/algorithm/contact-inverse-dynamics.hpp"
11 namespace pinocchio
12 {
13 namespace python
14 {
17 typedef context::Scalar Scalar;
18 typedef context::VectorXs VectorXs;
19 typedef const Eigen::Ref<const VectorXs> ConstRefVectorXs;
20 enum
21 {
22 Options = context::Options
23 };
25 static ConstRefVectorXs computeContactImpulses_wrapper(
26 const ModelTpl<Scalar, Options, JointCollectionDefaultTpl> & model,
27 DataTpl<Scalar, Options, JointCollectionDefaultTpl> & data,
28 const ConstRefVectorXs & c_ref,
29 const context::RigidConstraintModelVector & contact_models,
30 context::RigidConstraintDataVector & contact_datas,
31 const context::CoulombFrictionConeVector & cones,
32 const ConstRefVectorXs & R,
33 const ConstRefVectorXs & constraint_correction,
34 ProximalSettingsTpl<Scalar> & settings,
35 const boost::optional<ConstRefVectorXs> & lambda_guess = boost::none)
36 {
37 return computeContactImpulses(
38 model, data, c_ref, contact_models, contact_datas, cones, R, constraint_correction,
39 settings, lambda_guess);
40 }
42 static ConstRefVectorXs contactInverseDynamics_wrapper(
43 const ModelTpl<Scalar, Options, JointCollectionDefaultTpl> & model,
44 DataTpl<Scalar, Options, JointCollectionDefaultTpl> & data,
45 ConstRefVectorXs & q,
46 ConstRefVectorXs & v,
47 ConstRefVectorXs & a,
48 Scalar dt,
49 const context::RigidConstraintModelVector & contact_models,
50 context::RigidConstraintDataVector & contact_datas,
51 const context::CoulombFrictionConeVector & cones,
52 ConstRefVectorXs & R,
53 ConstRefVectorXs & constraint_correction,
54 ProximalSettingsTpl<Scalar> & settings,
55 const boost::optional<ConstRefVectorXs> & lambda_guess = boost::none)
56 {
57 return contactInverseDynamics(
58 model, data, q, v, a, dt, contact_models, contact_datas, cones, R, constraint_correction,
59 settings, lambda_guess);
60 }
63 20 void exposeContactInverseDynamics()
64 {
✓ Branch 1 taken 20 times.
✗ Branch 2 not taken.
20 bp::def(
67 "computeContactForces", computeContactImpulses_wrapper,
✓ Branch 2 taken 20 times.
✗ Branch 3 not taken.
✓ Branch 5 taken 20 times.
✗ Branch 6 not taken.
✓ Branch 8 taken 20 times.
✗ Branch 9 not taken.
✓ Branch 11 taken 20 times.
✗ Branch 12 not taken.
✓ Branch 14 taken 20 times.
✗ Branch 15 not taken.
✓ Branch 17 taken 20 times.
✗ Branch 18 not taken.
✓ Branch 20 taken 20 times.
✗ Branch 21 not taken.
40 (bp::arg("model"), "data", "c_ref", "contact_models", "contact_datas", "cones", "R",
✓ Branch 1 taken 20 times.
✗ Branch 2 not taken.
✓ Branch 4 taken 20 times.
✗ Branch 5 not taken.
✓ Branch 7 taken 20 times.
✗ Branch 8 not taken.
✓ Branch 10 taken 20 times.
✗ Branch 11 not taken.
✓ Branch 13 taken 20 times.
✗ Branch 14 not taken.
40 "constraint_correction", bp::arg("settings"), bp::arg("lambda_guess") = boost::none),
70 "Compute the inverse dynamics with frictional contacts, store the result in Data and "
71 "return it.\n\n"
72 "Parameters:\n"
73 "\tmodel: model of the kinematic tree\n"
74 "\tdata: data related to the model\n"
75 "\tc_ref: the reference velocity of contact points\n"
76 "\tcontact_models: list of contact models\n"
77 "\tcontact_datas: list of contact datas\n"
78 "\tcones: list of friction cones\n"
79 "\tR: vector representing the diagonal of the compliance matrix\n"
80 "\tconstraint_correction: vector representing the constraint correction\n"
81 "\tsettings: the settings of the proximal algorithm\n"
82 "\tlambda_guess: initial guess for contact forces\n");
✓ Branch 1 taken 20 times.
✗ Branch 2 not taken.
20 bp::def(
85 "contactInverseDynamics", contactInverseDynamics_wrapper,
✓ Branch 2 taken 20 times.
✗ Branch 3 not taken.
✓ Branch 5 taken 20 times.
✗ Branch 6 not taken.
✓ Branch 8 taken 20 times.
✗ Branch 9 not taken.
✓ Branch 11 taken 20 times.
✗ Branch 12 not taken.
✓ Branch 14 taken 20 times.
✗ Branch 15 not taken.
✓ Branch 17 taken 20 times.
✗ Branch 18 not taken.
✓ Branch 20 taken 20 times.
✗ Branch 21 not taken.
✓ Branch 23 taken 20 times.
✗ Branch 24 not taken.
✓ Branch 26 taken 20 times.
✗ Branch 27 not taken.
40 (bp::arg("model"), "data", "q", "v", "a", "dt", "contact_models", "contact_datas", "cones",
✓ Branch 1 taken 20 times.
✗ Branch 2 not taken.
✓ Branch 4 taken 20 times.
✗ Branch 5 not taken.
✓ Branch 7 taken 20 times.
✗ Branch 8 not taken.
✓ Branch 10 taken 20 times.
✗ Branch 11 not taken.
✓ Branch 13 taken 20 times.
✗ Branch 14 not taken.
✓ Branch 16 taken 20 times.
✗ Branch 17 not taken.
40 "R", "constraint_correction", bp::arg("settings"), bp::arg("lambda_guess") = boost::none),
88 "Compute the inverse dynamics with frictional contacts, store the result in Data and "
89 "return it.\n\n"
90 "Parameters:\n"
91 "\tmodel: model of the kinematic tree\n"
92 "\tdata: data related to the model\n"
93 "\tq: the joint configuration vector (size model.nq)\n"
94 "\tv: the joint velocity vector (size model.nv)\n"
95 "\ta: the joint acceleration vector (size model.nv)\n"
96 "\tdt: the time step\n"
97 "\tcontact_models: list of contact models\n"
98 "\tcontact_datas: list of contact datas\n"
99 "\tcones: list of friction cones\n"
100 "\tR: vector representing the diagonal of the compliance matrix\n"
101 "\tconstraint_correction: vector representing the constraint correction\n"
102 "\tsettings: the settings of the proximal algorithm\n"
103 "\tlambda_guess: initial guess for contact forces\n");
105 20 }
106 } // namespace python
107 } // namespace pinocchio