GCC Code Coverage Report

Directory: ./
File: bindings/python/algorithm/expose-frames-derivatives.cpp
Date: 2024-08-27 18:20:05
Exec Total Coverage
Lines: 10 34 29.4%
Branches: 4 72 5.6%

Line Branch Exec Source
1 //
2 // Copyright (c) 2020 INRIA
3 //
5 #include <boost/python/tuple.hpp>
7 #include "pinocchio/bindings/python/algorithm/algorithms.hpp"
8 #include "pinocchio/algorithm/frames-derivatives.hpp"
10 namespace pinocchio
11 {
12 namespace python
13 {
14 namespace bp = boost::python;
16 bp::tuple getFrameVelocityDerivatives_proxy1(
17 const context::Model & model,
18 context::Data & data,
19 const context::Model::FrameIndex frame_id,
20 ReferenceFrame rf)
21 {
22 typedef context::Data::Matrix6x Matrix6x;
24 Matrix6x partial_dq(Matrix6x::Zero(6, model.nv));
25 Matrix6x partial_dv(Matrix6x::Zero(6, model.nv));
27 getFrameVelocityDerivatives(model, data, frame_id, rf, partial_dq, partial_dv);
29 return bp::make_tuple(partial_dq, partial_dv);
30 }
32 bp::tuple getFrameVelocityDerivatives_proxy2(
33 const context::Model & model,
34 context::Data & data,
35 const context::Model::JointIndex joint_id,
36 const context::SE3 & placement,
37 ReferenceFrame rf)
38 {
39 typedef context::Data::Matrix6x Matrix6x;
41 Matrix6x partial_dq(Matrix6x::Zero(6, model.nv));
42 Matrix6x partial_dv(Matrix6x::Zero(6, model.nv));
44 getFrameVelocityDerivatives(model, data, joint_id, placement, rf, partial_dq, partial_dv);
46 return bp::make_tuple(partial_dq, partial_dv);
47 }
49 bp::tuple getFrameAccelerationDerivatives_proxy1(
50 const context::Model & model,
51 context::Data & data,
52 const context::Model::FrameIndex frame_id,
53 ReferenceFrame rf)
54 {
55 typedef context::Data::Matrix6x Matrix6x;
57 Matrix6x v_partial_dq(Matrix6x::Zero(6, model.nv));
58 Matrix6x a_partial_dq(Matrix6x::Zero(6, model.nv));
59 Matrix6x a_partial_dv(Matrix6x::Zero(6, model.nv));
60 Matrix6x a_partial_da(Matrix6x::Zero(6, model.nv));
62 getFrameAccelerationDerivatives(
63 model, data, frame_id, rf, v_partial_dq, a_partial_dq, a_partial_dv, a_partial_da);
65 return bp::make_tuple(v_partial_dq, a_partial_dq, a_partial_dv, a_partial_da);
66 }
68 bp::tuple getFrameAccelerationDerivatives_proxy2(
69 const context::Model & model,
70 context::Data & data,
71 const context::Model::JointIndex joint_id,
72 const context::SE3 & placement,
73 ReferenceFrame rf)
74 {
75 typedef context::Data::Matrix6x Matrix6x;
77 Matrix6x v_partial_dq(Matrix6x::Zero(6, model.nv));
78 Matrix6x a_partial_dq(Matrix6x::Zero(6, model.nv));
79 Matrix6x a_partial_dv(Matrix6x::Zero(6, model.nv));
80 Matrix6x a_partial_da(Matrix6x::Zero(6, model.nv));
82 getFrameAccelerationDerivatives(
83 model, data, joint_id, placement, rf, v_partial_dq, a_partial_dq, a_partial_dv,
84 a_partial_da);
86 return bp::make_tuple(v_partial_dq, a_partial_dq, a_partial_dv, a_partial_da);
87 }
89 20 void exposeFramesDerivatives()
90 {
91 using namespace Eigen;
✓ Branch 1 taken 20 times.
✗ Branch 2 not taken.
20 bp::def(
94 "getFrameVelocityDerivatives", getFrameVelocityDerivatives_proxy1,
95 40 bp::args("model", "data", "frame_id", "reference_frame"),
96 "Computes the partial derivatives of the spatial velocity of a given frame with respect "
97 "to\n"
98 "the joint configuration and velocity and returns them as a tuple.\n"
99 "The partial derivatives can be either expressed in the LOCAL frame of the joint, in the "
100 "LOCAL_WORLD_ALIGNED frame or in the WORLD coordinate frame depending on the value of "
101 "reference_frame.\n"
102 "You must first call computeForwardKinematicsDerivatives before calling this function.\n\n"
103 "Parameters:\n"
104 "\tmodel: model of the kinematic tree\n"
105 "\tdata: data related to the model\n"
106 "\tframe_id: index of the frame\n"
107 "\treference_frame: reference frame in which the resulting derivatives are expressed\n");
✓ Branch 1 taken 20 times.
✗ Branch 2 not taken.
20 bp::def(
110 "getFrameVelocityDerivatives", getFrameVelocityDerivatives_proxy2,
111 40 bp::args("model", "data", "joint_id", "placement", "reference_frame"),
112 "Computes the partial derivatives of the spatial velocity of a frame given by its relative "
113 "placement, with respect to\n"
114 "the joint configuration and velocity and returns them as a tuple.\n"
115 "The partial derivatives can be either expressed in the LOCAL frame of the joint, in the "
116 "LOCAL_WORLD_ALIGNED frame or in the WORLD coordinate frame depending on the value of "
117 "reference_frame.\n"
118 "You must first call computeForwardKinematicsDerivatives before calling this function.\n\n"
119 "Parameters:\n"
120 "\tmodel: model of the kinematic tree\n"
121 "\tdata: data related to the model\n"
122 "\tjoint_id: index of the joint\n"
123 "\tplacement: placement of the Frame w.r.t. the joint frame.\n"
124 "\treference_frame: reference frame in which the resulting derivatives are expressed\n");
✓ Branch 1 taken 20 times.
✗ Branch 2 not taken.
20 bp::def(
127 "getFrameAccelerationDerivatives", getFrameAccelerationDerivatives_proxy1,
128 40 bp::args("model", "data", "frame_id", "reference_frame"),
129 "Computes the partial derivatives of the spatial acceleration of a given frame with "
130 "respect to\n"
131 "the joint configuration, velocity and acceleration and returns them as a tuple.\n"
132 "The partial derivatives can be either expressed in the LOCAL frame of the joint, in the "
133 "LOCAL_WORLD_ALIGNED frame or in the WORLD coordinate frame depending on the value of "
134 "reference_frame.\n"
135 "You must first call computeForwardKinematicsDerivatives before calling this function.\n\n"
136 "Parameters:\n"
137 "\tmodel: model of the kinematic tree\n"
138 "\tdata: data related to the model\n"
139 "\tframe_id: index of the frame\n"
140 "\treference_frame: reference frame in which the resulting derivatives are expressed\n");
✓ Branch 1 taken 20 times.
✗ Branch 2 not taken.
20 bp::def(
143 "getFrameAccelerationDerivatives", getFrameAccelerationDerivatives_proxy2,
144 40 bp::args("model", "data", "joint_id", "placement", "reference_frame"),
145 "Computes the partial derivatives of the spatial acceleration of a frame given by its "
146 "relative placement, with respect to\n"
147 "the joint configuration, velocity and acceleration and returns them as a tuple.\n"
148 "The partial derivatives can be either expressed in the LOCAL frame of the joint, in the "
149 "LOCAL_WORLD_ALIGNED frame or in the WORLD coordinate frame depending on the value of "
150 "reference_frame.\n"
151 "You must first call computeForwardKinematicsDerivatives before calling this function.\n\n"
152 "Parameters:\n"
153 "\tmodel: model of the kinematic tree\n"
154 "\tdata: data related to the model\n"
155 "\tjoint_id: index of the joint\n"
156 "\tplacement: placement of the Frame w.r.t. the joint frame.\n"
157 "\treference_frame: reference frame in which the resulting derivatives are expressed\n");
158 20 }
160 } // namespace python
161 } // namespace pinocchio