GCC Code Coverage Report

Directory: ./
File: bindings/python/parsers/mjcf/geometry.cpp
Date: 2024-08-27 18:20:05
Exec Total Coverage
Lines: 6 14 42.9%
Branches: 2 8 25.0%

Line Branch Exec Source
1 //
2 // Copyright (c) 2015-2022 CNRS INRIA
3 //
5 #include "pinocchio/parsers/mjcf.hpp"
6 #include "pinocchio/bindings/python/parsers/mjcf.hpp"
8 #include <boost/python.hpp>
10 namespace pinocchio
11 {
12 namespace python
13 {
15 namespace bp = boost::python;
17 GeometryModel
18 buildGeomFromMJCF(Model & model, const std::string & filename, const GeometryType & type)
19 {
20 GeometryModel geometry_model;
21 ::pinocchio::mjcf::buildGeom(model, filename, type, geometry_model);
22 return geometry_model;
23 }
25 GeometryModel buildGeomFromMJCF(
26 Model & model,
27 const std::string & filename,
28 const GeometryType & type,
29 ::hpp::fcl::MeshLoaderPtr & meshLoader)
30 {
31 GeometryModel geometry_model;
32 ::pinocchio::mjcf::buildGeom(model, filename, type, geometry_model, meshLoader);
33 return geometry_model;
34 }
36 20 void exposeMJCFGeom()
37 {
✓ Branch 1 taken 20 times.
✗ Branch 2 not taken.
20 bp::def(
39 "buildGeomFromMJCF",
40 static_cast<GeometryModel (*)(Model &, const std::string &, const GeometryType &)>(
41 pinocchio::python::buildGeomFromMJCF),
42 40 bp::args("model", "mjcf_filename", "geom_type"),
43 "Parse the Mjcf file given as input looking for the geometry of the given input model and\n"
44 "return a GeometryModel containing either the collision geometries "
45 "(GeometryType.COLLISION) or the visual geometries (GeometryType.VISUAL).\n"
46 "Parameters:\n"
47 "\tmodel: model of the robot\n"
48 "\tfilename: path to the mjcf file containing the model of the robot\n"
49 "\tgeom_type: type of geometry to extract from the mjcf file (either the VISUAL for "
50 "display or the COLLISION for collision detection).\n");
✓ Branch 1 taken 20 times.
✗ Branch 2 not taken.
20 bp::def(
53 "buildGeomFromMJCF",
54 static_cast<GeometryModel (*)(
55 Model &, const std::string &, const GeometryType &, ::hpp::fcl::MeshLoaderPtr &)>(
56 pinocchio::python::buildGeomFromMJCF),
57 40 bp::args("model", "mjcf_filename", "geom_type", "mesh_loader"),
58 "Parse the Mjcf file given as input looking for the geometry of the given input model and\n"
59 "return a GeometryModel containing either the collision geometries "
60 "(GeometryType.COLLISION) or the visual geometries (GeometryType.VISUAL).\n"
61 "Parameters:\n"
62 "\tmodel: model of the robot\n"
63 "\tfilename: path to the mjcf file containing the model of the robot\n"
64 "\tgeom_type: type of geometry to extract from the mjcf file (either the VISUAL for "
65 "display or the COLLISION for collision detection).\n"
66 "\tmesh_loader: an hpp-fcl mesh loader (to load only once the related geometries).\n");
67 20 }
68 } // namespace python
69 } // namespace pinocchio