GCC Code Coverage Report

Directory: ./
File: examples/kinematics-derivatives.cpp
Date: 2024-08-27 18:20:05
Exec Total Coverage
Lines: 0 19 0.0%
Branches: 0 58 0.0%

Line Branch Exec Source
1 #include "pinocchio/parsers/urdf.hpp"
3 #include "pinocchio/algorithm/joint-configuration.hpp"
4 #include "pinocchio/algorithm/kinematics-derivatives.hpp"
6 #include <iostream>
8 // PINOCCHIO_MODEL_DIR is defined by the CMake but you can define your own directory here.
10 #define PINOCCHIO_MODEL_DIR "path_to_the_model_dir"
11 #endif
12 int main(int argc, char ** argv)
13 {
14 using namespace pinocchio;
16 // You should change here to set up your own URDF file or just pass it as an argument of this
17 // example.
18 const std::string urdf_filename =
19 (argc <= 1) ? PINOCCHIO_MODEL_DIR
20 + std::string("/example-robot-data/robots/ur_description/urdf/ur5_robot.urdf")
21 : argv[1];
23 // Load the URDF model
24 Model model;
25 pinocchio::urdf::buildModel(urdf_filename, model);
27 // Build a data related to model
28 Data data(model);
30 // Sample a random joint configuration as well as random joint velocity and acceleration
31 Eigen::VectorXd q = randomConfiguration(model);
32 Eigen::VectorXd v = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(model.nv);
33 Eigen::VectorXd a = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(model.nv);
35 // Computes the kinematics derivatives for all the joints of the robot
36 computeForwardKinematicsDerivatives(model, data, q, v, a);
38 // Retrieve the kinematics derivatives of a specific joint, expressed in the LOCAL frame of the
39 // joints.
40 JointIndex joint_id = (JointIndex)(model.njoints - 1);
41 Data::Matrix6x v_partial_dq(6, model.nv), a_partial_dq(6, model.nv), a_partial_dv(6, model.nv),
42 a_partial_da(6, model.nv);
43 v_partial_dq.setZero();
44 a_partial_dq.setZero();
45 a_partial_dv.setZero();
46 a_partial_da.setZero();
47 getJointAccelerationDerivatives(
48 model, data, joint_id, LOCAL, v_partial_dq, a_partial_dq, a_partial_dv, a_partial_da);
50 // Remark: we are not directly computing the quantity v_partial_dv as it is also equal to
51 // a_partial_da.
53 // But we can also expressed the same quantities in the frame centered on the end-effector joint,
54 // but expressed in the axis aligned with the world frame.
55 getJointAccelerationDerivatives(
56 model, data, joint_id, WORLD, v_partial_dq, a_partial_dq, a_partial_dv, a_partial_da);
57 }