GCC Code Coverage Report

Directory: ./
File: include/pinocchio/math/quaternion.hpp
Date: 2024-08-27 18:20:05
Exec Total Coverage
Lines: 28 61 45.9%
Branches: 26 58 44.8%

Line Branch Exec Source
1 //
2 // Copyright (c) 2016-2020 CNRS INRIA
3 //
5 #ifndef __pinocchio_math_quaternion_hpp__
6 #define __pinocchio_math_quaternion_hpp__
10 #endif
12 #include "pinocchio/math/fwd.hpp"
13 #include "pinocchio/math/comparison-operators.hpp"
14 #include "pinocchio/math/matrix.hpp"
15 #include "pinocchio/math/sincos.hpp"
16 #include "pinocchio/utils/static-if.hpp"
18 #include <boost/type_traits.hpp>
19 #include <Eigen/Geometry>
21 namespace pinocchio
22 {
23 namespace quaternion
24 {
25 ///
26 /// \brief Compute the minimal angle between q1 and q2.
27 ///
28 /// \param[in] q1 input quaternion.
29 /// \param[in] q2 input quaternion.
30 ///
31 /// \return angle between the two quaternions
32 ///
33 template<typename D1, typename D2>
34 typename D1::Scalar angleBetweenQuaternions(
35 const Eigen::QuaternionBase<D1> & q1, const Eigen::QuaternionBase<D2> & q2)
36 {
37 typedef typename D1::Scalar Scalar;
38 const Scalar innerprod = q1.dot(q2);
39 Scalar theta = math::acos(innerprod);
40 static const Scalar PI_value = PI<Scalar>();
42 theta = internal::if_then_else(
43 internal::LT, innerprod, Scalar(0), static_cast<Scalar>(PI_value - theta), theta);
44 return theta;
45 }
47 ///
48 /// \brief Check if two quaternions define the same rotations.
49 /// \note Two quaternions define the same rotation iff q1 == q2 OR q1 == -q2.
50 ///
51 /// \param[in] q1 input quaternion.
52 /// \param[in] q2 input quaternion.
53 ///
54 /// \return Return true if the two input quaternions define the same rotation.
55 ///
56 template<typename D1, typename D2>
57 6 bool defineSameRotation(
58 const Eigen::QuaternionBase<D1> & q1,
59 const Eigen::QuaternionBase<D2> & q2,
60 const typename D1::RealScalar & prec =
61 Eigen::NumTraits<typename D1::Scalar>::dummy_precision())
62 {
✓ Branch 1 taken 6 times.
✗ Branch 2 not taken.
✓ Branch 4 taken 6 times.
✗ Branch 5 not taken.
✓ Branch 7 taken 6 times.
✗ Branch 8 not taken.
✓ Branch 9 taken 2 times.
✓ Branch 10 taken 4 times.
✓ Branch 12 taken 2 times.
✗ Branch 13 not taken.
✓ Branch 15 taken 2 times.
✗ Branch 16 not taken.
✓ Branch 18 taken 2 times.
✗ Branch 19 not taken.
✓ Branch 21 taken 2 times.
✗ Branch 22 not taken.
✓ Branch 23 taken 2 times.
✗ Branch 24 not taken.
6 return (q1.coeffs().isApprox(q2.coeffs(), prec) || q1.coeffs().isApprox(-q2.coeffs(), prec));
64 }
66 /// Approximately normalize by applying the first order limited development
67 /// of the normalization function.
68 ///
69 /// Only additions and multiplications are required. Neither square root nor
70 /// division are used (except a division by 2). Let \f$ \delta = ||q||^2 - 1 \f$.
71 /// Using the following limited development:
72 /// \f[ \frac{1}{||q||} = (1 + \delta)^{-\frac{1}{2}} = 1 - \frac{\delta}{2} +
73 /// \mathcal{O}(\delta^2) \f]
74 ///
75 /// The output is
76 /// \f[ q_{out} = q \times \frac{3 - ||q_{in}||^2}{2} \f]
77 ///
78 /// The output quaternion is guaranted to statisfy the following:
79 /// \f[ | ||q_{out}|| - 1 | \le \frac{M}{2} ||q_{in}|| ( ||q_{in}||^2 - 1 )^2 \f]
80 /// where \f$ M = \frac{3}{4} (1 - \epsilon)^{-\frac{5}{2}} \f$
81 /// and \f$ \epsilon \f$ is the maximum tolerance of \f$ ||q_{in}||^2 - 1 \f$.
82 ///
83 /// \warning \f$ ||q||^2 - 1 \f$ should already be close to zero.
84 ///
85 /// \note See
86 /// http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/dox/TopicFunctionTakingEigenTypes.html#title3
87 /// to know the reason why the argument is const.
88 template<typename D>
89 2428 void firstOrderNormalize(const Eigen::QuaternionBase<D> & q)
90 {
91 typedef typename D::Scalar Scalar;
✓ Branch 1 taken 2428 times.
✗ Branch 2 not taken.
2428 const Scalar N2 = q.squaredNorm();
93 #ifndef NDEBUG
94 2428 const Scalar epsilon = sqrt(sqrt(Eigen::NumTraits<Scalar>::epsilon()));
95 typedef apply_op_if<less_than_or_equal_to_op, is_floating_point<Scalar>::value, true>
96 static_leq;
✓ Branch 2 taken 2428 times.
✗ Branch 3 not taken.
✗ Branch 4 not taken.
✓ Branch 5 taken 2428 times.
2428 assert(static_leq::op(math::fabs(static_cast<Scalar>(N2 - Scalar(1))), epsilon));
98 #endif
99 2428 const Scalar alpha = ((Scalar)3 - N2) / Scalar(2);
✓ Branch 3 taken 2428 times.
✗ Branch 4 not taken.
2428 PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_CONST_CAST(D, q).coeffs() *= alpha;
101 #ifndef NDEBUG
102 2428 const Scalar M =
✓ Branch 1 taken 2428 times.
✗ Branch 2 not taken.
2428 Scalar(3) * math::pow(Scalar(1) - epsilon, ((Scalar)-Scalar(5)) / Scalar(2)) / Scalar(4);
✓ Branch 2 taken 2428 times.
✗ Branch 3 not taken.
✓ Branch 5 taken 2428 times.
✗ Branch 6 not taken.
✓ Branch 9 taken 2428 times.
✗ Branch 10 not taken.
✗ Branch 11 not taken.
✓ Branch 12 taken 2428 times.
2428 assert(static_leq::op(
105 math::fabs(static_cast<Scalar>(q.norm() - Scalar(1))),
106 math::max(
107 M * sqrt(N2) * (N2 - Scalar(1)) * (N2 - Scalar(1)) / Scalar(2),
108 Eigen::NumTraits<Scalar>::dummy_precision())));
109 #endif
110 2428 }
112 /// Uniformly random quaternion sphere.
113 template<typename Derived>
114 5195 void uniformRandom(Eigen::QuaternionBase<Derived> & q)
115 {
116 typedef typename Derived::Scalar Scalar;
118 // Rotational part
119 5195 const Scalar u1 = (Scalar)rand() / RAND_MAX;
120 5195 const Scalar u2 = (Scalar)rand() / RAND_MAX;
121 5195 const Scalar u3 = (Scalar)rand() / RAND_MAX;
123 5195 const Scalar mult1 = sqrt(Scalar(1) - u1);
124 5195 const Scalar mult2 = sqrt(u1);
✓ Branch 0 taken 58 times.
✓ Branch 1 taken 5137 times.
✓ Branch 3 taken 58 times.
✗ Branch 4 not taken.
5195 static const Scalar PI_value = PI<Scalar>();
127 Scalar s2, c2;
128 5195 SINCOS(Scalar(2) * PI_value * u2, &s2, &c2);
129 Scalar s3, c3;
130 5195 SINCOS(Scalar(2) * PI_value * u3, &s3, &c3);
✓ Branch 1 taken 5195 times.
✗ Branch 2 not taken.
5195 q.w() = mult1 * s2;
✓ Branch 1 taken 5195 times.
✗ Branch 2 not taken.
5195 q.x() = mult1 * c2;
✓ Branch 1 taken 5195 times.
✗ Branch 2 not taken.
5195 q.y() = mult2 * s3;
✓ Branch 1 taken 5195 times.
✗ Branch 2 not taken.
5195 q.z() = mult2 * c3;
136 5195 }
138 namespace internal
139 {
141 template<typename Scalar, bool value = is_floating_point<Scalar>::value>
142 struct quaternionbase_assign_impl;
144 template<Eigen::DenseIndex i>
145 struct quaternionbase_assign_impl_if_t_negative
146 {
147 template<typename Scalar, typename Matrix3, typename QuaternionDerived>
148 static inline void
149 run(Scalar t, Eigen::QuaternionBase<QuaternionDerived> & q, const Matrix3 & mat)
150 {
151 using pinocchio::math::sqrt;
153 Eigen::DenseIndex j = (i + 1) % 3;
154 Eigen::DenseIndex k = (j + 1) % 3;
156 t = sqrt(mat.coeff(i, i) - mat.coeff(j, j) - mat.coeff(k, k) + Scalar(1.0));
157 q.coeffs().coeffRef(i) = Scalar(0.5) * t;
158 t = Scalar(0.5) / t;
159 q.w() = (mat.coeff(k, j) - mat.coeff(j, k)) * t;
160 q.coeffs().coeffRef(j) = (mat.coeff(j, i) + mat.coeff(i, j)) * t;
161 q.coeffs().coeffRef(k) = (mat.coeff(k, i) + mat.coeff(i, k)) * t;
162 }
163 };
165 struct quaternionbase_assign_impl_if_t_positive
166 {
167 template<typename Scalar, typename Matrix3, typename QuaternionDerived>
168 static inline void
169 run(Scalar t, Eigen::QuaternionBase<QuaternionDerived> & q, const Matrix3 & mat)
170 {
171 using pinocchio::math::sqrt;
173 t = sqrt(t + Scalar(1.0));
174 q.w() = Scalar(0.5) * t;
175 t = Scalar(0.5) / t;
176 q.x() = (mat.coeff(2, 1) - mat.coeff(1, 2)) * t;
177 q.y() = (mat.coeff(0, 2) - mat.coeff(2, 0)) * t;
178 q.z() = (mat.coeff(1, 0) - mat.coeff(0, 1)) * t;
179 }
180 };
182 template<typename Scalar>
183 struct quaternionbase_assign_impl<Scalar, true>
184 {
185 template<typename Matrix3, typename QuaternionDerived>
186 static inline void run(Eigen::QuaternionBase<QuaternionDerived> & q, const Matrix3 & mat)
187 {
188 using pinocchio::math::sqrt;
190 Scalar t = mat.trace();
191 if (t > Scalar(0.))
192 quaternionbase_assign_impl_if_t_positive::run(t, q, mat);
193 else
194 {
195 Eigen::DenseIndex i = 0;
196 if (mat.coeff(1, 1) > mat.coeff(0, 0))
197 i = 1;
198 if (mat.coeff(2, 2) > mat.coeff(i, i))
199 i = 2;
201 if (i == 0)
202 quaternionbase_assign_impl_if_t_negative<0>::run(t, q, mat);
203 else if (i == 1)
204 quaternionbase_assign_impl_if_t_negative<1>::run(t, q, mat);
205 else
206 quaternionbase_assign_impl_if_t_negative<2>::run(t, q, mat);
207 }
208 }
209 };
211 } // namespace internal
213 template<typename D, typename Matrix3>
214 void assignQuaternion(Eigen::QuaternionBase<D> & quat, const Eigen::MatrixBase<Matrix3> & R)
215 {
216 internal::quaternionbase_assign_impl<typename Matrix3::Scalar>::run(
217 quat.derived(), R.derived());
218 }
220 ///
221 /// \brief Check whether the input quaternion is Normalized within the given precision.
222 ///
223 /// \param[in] quat Input quaternion
224 /// \param[in] prec Required precision
225 ///
226 /// \returns true if quat is normalized within the precision prec.
227 ///
228 template<typename Quaternion>
229 6961 inline bool isNormalized(
230 const Eigen::QuaternionBase<Quaternion> & quat,
231 const typename Quaternion::Coefficients::RealScalar & prec =
232 Eigen::NumTraits<typename Quaternion::Coefficients::RealScalar>::dummy_precision())
233 {
234 6961 return pinocchio::isNormalized(quat.coeffs(), prec);
235 }
237 ///
238 /// \brief Normalize the input quaternion.
239 ///
240 /// \param[in] quat Input quaternion
241 ///
242 template<typename Quaternion>
243 inline void normalize(const Eigen::QuaternionBase<Quaternion> & quat)
244 {
245 return pinocchio::normalize(quat.const_cast_derived().coeffs());
246 }
248 ///
249 /// \returns the spherical linear interpolation between the two quaternions
250 ///
251 /// \param[in] u Interpolation factor
252 /// \param[in] quat Input quaternion
253 ///
254 template<
255 typename Scalar,
256 typename QuaternionIn1,
257 typename QuaternionIn2,
258 typename QuaternionOut>
259 inline void slerp(
260 const Scalar & u,
261 const Eigen::QuaternionBase<QuaternionIn1> & quat0,
262 const Eigen::QuaternionBase<QuaternionIn2> & quat1,
263 const Eigen::QuaternionBase<QuaternionOut> & res)
264 {
265 const Scalar one = Scalar(1) - Eigen::NumTraits<Scalar>::epsilon();
266 const Scalar d = quat0.dot(quat1);
267 const Scalar absD = fabs(d);
269 const Scalar theta = acos(absD);
270 const Scalar sinTheta = sin(theta);
272 using namespace pinocchio::internal;
274 const Scalar scale0 = if_then_else(
275 pinocchio::internal::GE, absD, one,
276 static_cast<Scalar>(Scalar(1) - u), // then
277 static_cast<Scalar>(sin((Scalar(1) - u) * theta) / sinTheta) // else
278 );
280 const Scalar scale1_factor =
281 if_then_else(pinocchio::internal::LT, d, Scalar(0), Scalar(-1), Scalar(1));
282 const Scalar scale1 = if_then_else(
283 pinocchio::internal::GE, absD, one,
284 u, // then
285 static_cast<Scalar>(sin((u * theta)) / sinTheta) // else
286 )
287 * scale1_factor;
289 PINOCCHIO_EIGEN_CONST_CAST(QuaternionOut, res.derived()).coeffs() =
290 scale0 * quat0.coeffs() + scale1 * quat1.coeffs();
291 }
293 } // namespace quaternion
295 } // namespace pinocchio
296 #endif // #ifndef __pinocchio_math_quaternion_hpp__