This is the complete list of members for Model, including all inherited members.
addBodyFrame(const std::string &body_name, const JointIndex &parentJoint, const SE3 &body_placement=SE3::Identity(), int previousFrame=-1) | Model | inline |
addFrame(const Frame &frame) | Model | inline |
addJoint(const JointIndex parent, const JointModelBase< JointModelDerived > &joint_model, const SE3 &joint_placement, const std::string &joint_name, const Eigen::VectorXd &max_effort, const Eigen::VectorXd &max_velocity, const Eigen::VectorXd &min_config, const Eigen::VectorXd &max_config) | Model | |
addJoint(const JointIndex parent, const JointModelBase< JointModelDerived > &joint_model, const SE3 &joint_placement, const std::string &joint_name) | Model | |
addJointFrame(const JointIndex &jointIndex, int frameIndex=-1) | Model | inline |
addJointIndexToParentSubtrees(const JointIndex joint_id) | Model | inlineprotected |
appendBodyToJoint(const JointIndex joint_index, const Inertia &Y, const SE3 &body_placement=SE3::Identity()) | Model | inline |
check(const AlgorithmCheckerBase< D > &checker=AlgorithmCheckerBase< D >()) const | Model | inline |
check() const | Model | inline |
check(const Data &data) const | Model | inline |
effortLimit | Model | |
existBodyName(const std::string &name) const | Model | inline |
existFrame(const std::string &name, const FrameType &type=(FrameType)(JOINT|FIXED_JOINT|BODY|OP_FRAME|SENSOR)) const | Model | inline |
existJointName(const std::string &name) const | Model | inline |
FrameIndex typedef (defined in Model) | Model | |
frames | Model | |
GeomIndex typedef (defined in Model) | Model | |
getBodyId(const std::string &name) const | Model | inline |
getFrameId(const std::string &name, const FrameType &type=(FrameType)(JOINT|FIXED_JOINT|BODY|OP_FRAME|SENSOR)) const | Model | inline |
getJointId(const std::string &name) const | Model | inline |
getJointName(const JointIndex index) const | Model | inline |
gravity | Model | |
gravity981 | Model | static |
Index (defined in Model) | Model | |
IndexVector typedef (defined in Model) | Model | |
inertias | Model | |
JointIndex typedef (defined in Model) | Model | |
jointPlacements | Model | |
joints | Model | |
lowerPositionLimit | Model | |
Model() | Model | inline |
name | Model | |
names | Model | |
nbodies | Model | |
neutralConfiguration | Model | |
nframes | Model | |
njoints | Model | |
nq | Model | |
nv | Model | |
parents | Model | |
rotorGearRatio | Model | |
rotorInertia | Model | |
subtrees | Model | |
upperPositionLimit | Model | |
velocityLimit | Model | |
~Model() (defined in Model) | Model | inline |