GCC Code Coverage Report

Directory: ./
File: include/sot/core/event.hh
Date: 2025-03-13 12:34:27
Exec Total Coverage
Lines: 0 36 0.0%
Branches: 0 80 0.0%

Line Branch Exec Source
1 // Copyright (c) 2018, Joseph Mirabel
2 // Authors: Joseph Mirabel (joseph.mirabel@laas.fr)
4 #ifndef __SOT_EVENT_H__
5 #define __SOT_EVENT_H__
7 #include <dynamic-graph/command-bind.h>
8 #include <dynamic-graph/command-getter.h>
9 #include <dynamic-graph/command-setter.h>
10 #include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
11 #include <dynamic-graph/pool.h>
12 #include <dynamic-graph/signal-ptr.h>
13 #include <dynamic-graph/signal-time-dependent.h>
14 #include <dynamic-graph/signal.h>
16 #include <sot/core/config.hh>
18 namespace dynamicgraph {
19 namespace sot {
20 /// Event
21 ///
22 /// This entity detects changes in value of an input boolean signal
23 ///
24 /// Input signal is
25 /// - condition (boolean),
26 /// Output signal is
27 /// - check
28 /// output value is true if value of input signal changes with respect to the
29 /// evaluation.
30 ///
31 /// Method addSignal stores signals that are recomputed each time the output
32 /// signal is recomputed and the value is true. One typical use case of this
33 /// feature consists in plugging the output signal to a ROS topic using
34 /// dynamicgraph::RosPublish entity (see dynamic_graph_bridge) and to call
35 /// addSignal with the trigger signal of the RosPublish entity as the input.
36 /// Thus each time the output signal changes value, the new value is published
37 /// to the ROS topic.
38 ///
39 /// If command setOnlyUp is called with true as input, signals are recomputed
40 /// only if the output value switches from false to true.
42 class SOT_CORE_DLLAPI Event : public dynamicgraph::Entity {
45 Event(const std::string &name)
46 : Entity(name),
47 checkSOUT("Event(" + name + ")::output(bool)::check"),
48 conditionSIN(NULL, "Event(" + name + ")::input(bool)::condition"),
49 lastVal_(2), // lastVal_ should be different true and false.
50 timeSinceUp_(0),
51 repeatAfterNIterations_(0) {
52 checkSOUT.setFunction(boost::bind(&Event::check, this, _1, _2));
53 signalRegistration(conditionSIN);
54 signalRegistration(checkSOUT);
56 using command::makeCommandVoid1;
57 std::string docstring =
58 "\n"
59 " Add a signal\n";
60 addCommand("addSignal",
61 makeCommandVoid1(*this, &Event::addSignal, docstring));
63 docstring =
64 "\n"
65 " Get list of signals\n";
66 addCommand("list", new command::Getter<Event, std::string>(
67 *this, &Event::getSignalsByName, docstring));
69 docstring =
70 "\n"
71 " Repease event if input signal remains True for a while\n"
72 " Input: number of iterations before repeating output\n."
73 " 0 for no repetition";
74 addCommand("repeat", new command::Setter<Event, int>(*this, &Event::repeat,
75 docstring));
76 }
78 ~Event() {}
80 /// Header documentation of the python class
81 virtual std::string getDocString() const {
82 return "Send an event when the input changes\n\n"
83 " The signal triggered is called whenever the condition is "
84 "satisfied.\n";
85 }
87 void addSignal(const std::string &signal) {
88 std::istringstream iss(signal);
89 triggers.push_back(&PoolStorage::getInstance()->getSignal(iss));
90 }
92 // Returns the Python string representation of the list of signal names.
93 std::string getSignalsByName() const {
94 std::ostringstream oss;
95 oss << "(";
96 for (Triggers_t::const_iterator _sig = triggers.begin();
97 _sig != triggers.end(); ++_sig)
98 oss << '\'' << (*_sig)->getName() << "\', ";
99 oss << ")";
100 return oss.str();
101 }
103 void repeat(const int &nbIterations) {
104 repeatAfterNIterations_ = nbIterations;
105 }
107 private:
108 typedef SignalBase<int> *Trigger_t;
109 typedef std::vector<Trigger_t> Triggers_t;
111 bool &check(bool &ret, const int &time);
113 Signal<bool, int> checkSOUT;
115 Triggers_t triggers;
116 SignalPtr<bool, int> conditionSIN;
118 bool lastVal_;
119 int timeSinceUp_, repeatAfterNIterations_;
120 };
121 } // namespace sot
122 } // namespace dynamicgraph
123 #endif // __SOT_EVENT_H__