sot-core  4.11.8
Hierarchical task solver plug-in for dynamic-graph.
sot-core Documentation


This library implements a modular architecture to test and experiment controllers in the Stack of Tasks Framework as defined in [1]. It is specifically targeted to retain real-time performance while having high level software capabilities, like plugins and python scripting.

The package includes the following functionnalities:

  • A parameter server object to register and collect information on your robot (see Parameter Server)
  • From the internal SoT point of view a class called Device which is allowing a direct interaction with your robot.
  • From the extern SoT point of view a class which makes the connection either with the hardware or with a simulator
  • A full kinematic engine implemented in an incremental manner.

Requirements and Installation




Each task implements a specific controller which can be a free space task, visual servoing, a constraint, and so on ... a task is mainly defined by the feature it is handling and its gain.

After being defined, tasks are pushed in the Stack of Tasks which then calculates a control law as explained in [1].

See documentation of class dynamicgraph::sot::TaskAbstract for more information.