sot-core  4.11.8
Hierarchical task solver plug-in for dynamic-graph.
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright 2010, 2011, 2012
3  * Nicolas Mansard,
4  * François Bleibel,
5  * Olivier Stasse,
6  * Florent Lamiraux
7  *
9  *
10  */
12 #ifndef __SOT_KALMAN_H
13 #define __SOT_KALMAN_H
15 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
16 /* --- INCLUDE -------------------------------------------------------------- */
17 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
19 #include <dynamic-graph/all-signals.h>
20 #include <dynamic-graph/entity.h>
21 #include <dynamic-graph/linear-algebra.h>
23 #include <Eigen/LU>
25 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
26 /* --- API ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
27 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
29 #if defined(WIN32)
30 #if defined(kalman_EXPORTS)
31 #define SOT_KALMAN_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
32 #else
33 #define SOT_KALMAN_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
34 #endif
35 #else
37 #endif
39 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
40 /* --- CLASSE --------------------------------------------------------------- */
41 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
43 namespace dynamicgraph {
44 namespace sot {
46 class SOT_KALMAN_EXPORT Kalman : public Entity {
47  public:
48  static const std::string CLASS_NAME;
49  virtual const std::string &getClassName(void) const { return CLASS_NAME; }
51  protected:
52  unsigned int size_state;
53  unsigned int size_measure;
54  double dt;
56  public:
57  SignalPtr<Vector, int> measureSIN; // y
58  SignalPtr<Matrix, int> modelTransitionSIN; // F
59  SignalPtr<Matrix, int> modelMeasureSIN; // H
60  SignalPtr<Matrix, int> noiseTransitionSIN; // Q
61  SignalPtr<Matrix, int> noiseMeasureSIN; // R
63  SignalPtr<Vector, int> statePredictedSIN; // x_{k|k-1}
64  SignalPtr<Vector, int> observationPredictedSIN; // y_pred = h (x_{k|k-1})
65  SignalTimeDependent<Matrix, int> varianceUpdateSOUT; // P
66  SignalTimeDependent<Vector, int> stateUpdateSOUT; // X_est
68  SignalTimeDependent<Matrix, int> gainSINTERN; // K
69  SignalTimeDependent<Matrix, int> innovationSINTERN; // S
71  public:
72  virtual std::string getDocString() const {
73  return "Implementation of extended Kalman filter \n"
74  "\n"
75  " Dynamics of the system: \n"
76  "\n"
77  " x = f (x , u ) + w (state) \n"
78  " k k-1 k-1 k-1 \n"
79  "\n"
80  " y = h (x ) + v (observation)\n"
81  " k k k \n"
82  "\n"
83  " Prediction:\n"
84  "\n"
85  " ^ ^ \n"
86  " x = f (x , u ) (state) \n"
87  " k|k-1 k-1|k-1 k-1 \n"
88  "\n"
89  " T \n"
90  " P = F P F + Q (covariance)\n"
91  " k|k-1 k-1 k-1|k-1 k-1 \n"
92  "\n"
93  " with\n"
94  " \\ \n"
95  " d f ^ \n"
96  " F = --- (x , u ) \n"
97  " k-1 \\ k-1|k-1 k-1 \n"
98  " d x \n"
99  "\n"
100  " \\ \n"
101  " d h ^ \n"
102  " H = --- (x ) \n"
103  " k \\ k-1|k-1 \n"
104  " d x \n"
106  " Update:\n"
107  "\n"
108  " ^ \n"
109  " z = y - h (x ) (innovation)\n"
110  " k k k|k-1 \n"
111  " T \n"
112  " S = H P H + R (innovation covariance)\n"
113  " k k k|k-1 k \n"
114  " T -1 \n"
115  " K = P H S (Kalman gain)\n"
116  " k k|k-1 k k \n"
117  " ^ ^ \n"
118  " x = x + K z (state) \n"
119  " k|k k|k-1 k k \n"
120  "\n"
121  " P =(I - K H ) P \n"
122  " k|k k k k|k-1 \n"
123  "\n"
124  " Signals\n"
125  " - input(vector)::x_pred: state prediction\n"
126  " ^\n"
127  " - input(vector)::y_pred: observation prediction: h (x )\n"
128  " k|k-1\n"
129  " - input(matrix)::F: partial derivative wrt x of f\n"
130  " - input(vector)::y: measure \n"
131  " - input(matrix)::H: partial derivative wrt x of h\n"
132  " - input(matrix)::Q: variance of noise w\n"
133  " k-1\n"
134  " - input(matrix)::R: variance of noise v\n"
135  " k\n"
136  " - output(matrix)::P_pred: variance of prediction\n"
137  " ^\n"
138  " - output(vector)::x_est: state estimation x\n"
139  " k|k\n";
140  }
142  protected:
143  Matrix &computeVarianceUpdate(Matrix &P_k_k, const int &time);
144  Vector &computeStateUpdate(Vector &x_est, const int &time);
146  void setStateEstimation(const Vector &x0) {
147  stateEstimation_ = x0;
148  stateUpdateSOUT.recompute(0);
149  }
151  void setStateVariance(const Matrix &P0) {
152  stateVariance_ = P0;
153  varianceUpdateSOUT.recompute(0);
154  }
155  // Current state estimation
156  // ^
157  // x
158  // k-1|k-1
160  // Variance of current state estimation
161  // P
162  // k-1|k-1
165  // ^
166  // Innovation: z = y - H x
167  // k k k k|k-1
168  Vector z_;
170  // F P
171  // k-1 k-1|k-1
172  Matrix FP_;
174  // Variance prediction
175  // P
176  // k|k-1
177  Matrix Pk_k_1_;
179  // Innovation covariance
180  Matrix S_;
182  // Kalman Gain
183  Matrix K_;
185  public:
186  Kalman(const std::string &name);
187  /* --- Entity --- */
188  void display(std::ostream &os) const;
189 };
191 } // namespace sot
192 } // namespace dynamicgraph
199 #endif
Definition: kalman.hh:46
SignalTimeDependent< Vector, int > stateUpdateSOUT
Definition: kalman.hh:66
SignalPtr< Matrix, int > modelTransitionSIN
Definition: kalman.hh:58
void display(std::ostream &os) const
double dt
Definition: kalman.hh:54
unsigned int size_state
Definition: kalman.hh:52
SignalPtr< Matrix, int > noiseMeasureSIN
Definition: kalman.hh:61
SignalPtr< Vector, int > statePredictedSIN
Definition: kalman.hh:63
static const std::string CLASS_NAME
Definition: kalman.hh:48
SignalPtr< Vector, int > observationPredictedSIN
Definition: kalman.hh:64
Matrix S_
Definition: kalman.hh:180
Matrix Pk_k_1_
Definition: kalman.hh:177
Vector stateEstimation_
Definition: kalman.hh:159
virtual const std::string & getClassName(void) const
Definition: kalman.hh:49
void setStateVariance(const Matrix &P0)
Definition: kalman.hh:151
Kalman(const std::string &name)
Matrix & computeVarianceUpdate(Matrix &P_k_k, const int &time)
SignalTimeDependent< Matrix, int > innovationSINTERN
Definition: kalman.hh:69
unsigned int size_measure
Definition: kalman.hh:53
SignalTimeDependent< Matrix, int > gainSINTERN
Definition: kalman.hh:68
SignalPtr< Matrix, int > modelMeasureSIN
Definition: kalman.hh:59
Matrix K_
Definition: kalman.hh:183
virtual std::string getDocString() const
Definition: kalman.hh:72
Matrix stateVariance_
Definition: kalman.hh:163
SignalPtr< Vector, int > measureSIN
Definition: kalman.hh:57
Matrix FP_
Definition: kalman.hh:172
Vector z_
Definition: kalman.hh:168
SignalPtr< Matrix, int > noiseTransitionSIN
Definition: kalman.hh:60
void setStateEstimation(const Vector &x0)
Definition: kalman.hh:146
SignalTimeDependent< Matrix, int > varianceUpdateSOUT
Definition: kalman.hh:65
Vector & computeStateUpdate(Vector &x_est, const int &time)
Definition: kalman.hh:36
Definition: abstract-sot-external-interface.hh:17