sot-talos Documentation


This library implements a class called Device for the TALOS PAL-Robotics humanoid robots to be controlled with the Stack-Of-Tasks. A derived class is used for the first prototype of this line of humanoid robot, Pyrene.

This class is implementing a perception-action loop. To achieve this goal it is providing a Hardware Abstract Layer to communicate with the SoT control infra-structure and the robot or a simulator. It is fully compatible with the roscontrol_sot package to run on a TALOS humanoid robot or with the Gazebo simulator.

The sot-talos package contains also the class sot-talos-controller. This class is used to start the multithreading environment which is handling ROS request, starts the python interpreter to control the SoT and finally handle the control states: initialization, nominal usage, stopping or cancellation.

It also provides python scripts to be used to interact with the robot.


The SoTTalosDevice provides the following output signals:

  • accelerometer
  • gyrometer
  • currents
  • joint_angles
  • motor_angles
  • p_gains
  • d_gains
