sot-tiago  1.5.2
dynamic-graph package for Tiago robot
Run Tiago's simulation on Ubuntu 18.04

Machine (Tiago's development computer and personal computer)

Testing on development machine with gazebo

In one termninal, run the following command to start tiago in gazebo:

  • For Tiago's development computer:
roslaunch /opt/pal/ferrum/share/tiago_gazebo/launch/tiago_gazebo.launch

public_sim:=true robot:=steel end_effector:=schunk-wsg

  • For personal computer:
roslaunch tiago_gazebo tiago_gazebo.launch public_sim:=true robot:=steel


  • Tiago also has other end effector: pal-gripper, pal-hey5

In another, run the following command top stop the default controllers on Tiago:

python /opt/openrobots/share/sot-tiago/tests/

On the third terminal, run the following command to start the SoT controllers on Tiago:

roslaunch roscontrol_sot_tiago controller.launch use_mobile_base:=false

simulation:=true end_effector:=schunk-wsg

Finally, on the second terminal, run the following command to test

python /opt/openrobots/share/sot-tiago/tests/

To move the "wrist" to another position:

First, Interacting with the dynamic_graph

rosrun dynamic_graph_bridge run_command

Define the new target and command the wrist to the new position

>> target = (0.5,0.5,0.5)
>> gotoNd(taskRH,target,'111',(4.9,0.9,0.01,0.9))

While interacting with the dynamic_graph, some informations of the robots could be accessed using these attributes:

Base on the key - value pairs, the 'wrist' is actually 'arm_7_joint' which is the revolute joint between 'arm_6_link' and 'arm_7_link'

>> robot.OperationalPointsMap

{'left-wheel': 'wheel_left_joint', 'mobilebase': 'root_joint', 'gaze':

'head_2_joint', 'wrist': 'arm_7_joint', 'right-wheel': 'wheel_right_joint', 'footprint': 'base_footprint_joint'}

The command below show the current state of the joints

TIAGOSTEEL:  -0.0585965

If Gazebo doesn't launch because you don't have a good graphic card, you can add this line to your .bashrc file :


Possible errors:

Bound Violations:

These errors are the limits of either the angle positions of the revolute joints or the angular velocities.

[ERROR] [1580719697.970259151, 86.019000000]: [TIAGOSTEEL]Robot position

bound violation at DoF 6: requested -0.000525127 but set 0

The location of the value is set in the urdf file of the robot ("tiago_data/robots/tiago_steel.urdf")

For example, the configure of the revolute joint of arm 4.

<joint name="arm_4_joint" type="revolute">
    <parent link="arm_3_link"/>
    <child link="arm_4_link"/>
    <origin rpy="-1.57079632679 -1.57079632679 0.0" xyz="-0.02 -0.027

-0.222"/> <axis xyz="0 0 1"/> <limit effort="17.86" lower="-0.392699081699" upper="2.35619449019" velocity="4.58"/> <dynamics damping="1.0" friction="1.0"/> <safety_controller k_position="20" k_velocity="20" soft_lower_limit="-0.322699081699" soft_upper_limit="2.28619449019"/> </joint>

Tiago's pose at start

The robot's pose is not zero in all axes. So the pose of the end-effector is affected a little.