dynamic-graph package for Tiago robot
Machine (Tiago's development computer and personal computer)
In one termninal, run the following command to start tiago in gazebo:
roslaunch /opt/pal/ferrum/share/tiago_gazebo/launch/tiago_gazebo.launch
public_sim:=true robot:=steel end_effector:=schunk-wsg
roslaunch tiago_gazebo tiago_gazebo.launch public_sim:=true robot:=steel
In another, run the following command top stop the default controllers on Tiago:
python /opt/openrobots/share/sot-tiago/tests/
On the third terminal, run the following command to start the SoT controllers on Tiago:
roslaunch roscontrol_sot_tiago controller.launch use_mobile_base:=false
simulation:=true end_effector:=schunk-wsg
Finally, on the second terminal, run the following command to test
python /opt/openrobots/share/sot-tiago/tests/
To move the "wrist" to another position:
First, Interacting with the dynamic_graph
rosrun dynamic_graph_bridge run_command
Define the new target and command the wrist to the new position
>> target = (0.5,0.5,0.5) >> gotoNd(taskRH,target,'111',(4.9,0.9,0.01,0.9))
While interacting with the dynamic_graph, some informations of the robots could be accessed using these attributes:
Base on the key - value pairs, the 'wrist' is actually 'arm_7_joint' which is the revolute joint between 'arm_6_link' and 'arm_7_link'
>> robot.OperationalPointsMap {'left-wheel': 'wheel_left_joint', 'mobilebase': 'root_joint', 'gaze':
'head_2_joint', 'wrist': 'arm_7_joint', 'right-wheel': 'wheel_right_joint', 'footprint': 'base_footprint_joint'}
The command below show the current state of the joints
>>robot.device.display() TIAGOSTEEL: -0.0585965 -0.285931 0 0 -0 0.932487 0.300101 0.057052 -0.0107958 -1.5708 0.324973 1.5708 -1.41372 4.19303e-12 0.0306143 -0.000700038 -0.00907566
If Gazebo doesn't launch because you don't have a good graphic card, you can add this line to your .bashrc file :
These errors are the limits of either the angle positions of the revolute joints or the angular velocities.
[ERROR] [1580719697.970259151, 86.019000000]: [TIAGOSTEEL]Robot position
bound violation at DoF 6: requested -0.000525127 but set 0
The location of the value is set in the urdf file of the robot ("tiago_data/robots/tiago_steel.urdf")
For example, the configure of the revolute joint of arm 4.
<joint name="arm_4_joint" type="revolute"> <parent link="arm_3_link"/> <child link="arm_4_link"/> <origin rpy="-1.57079632679 -1.57079632679 0.0" xyz="-0.02 -0.027
-0.222"/> <axis xyz="0 0 1"/> <limit effort="17.86" lower="-0.392699081699" upper="2.35619449019" velocity="4.58"/> <dynamics damping="1.0" friction="1.0"/> <safety_controller k_position="20" k_velocity="20" soft_lower_limit="-0.322699081699" soft_upper_limit="2.28619449019"/> </joint>
The robot's pose is not zero in all axes. So the pose of the end-effector is affected a little.