sot-tiago  1.5.2
dynamic-graph package for Tiago robot
Source build for Tiago to include

SoT, Agimus and HPP

Install prerequisites packages

sudo apt-get install -y libopenscenegraph-dev \
                        libzbar-dev \
                        ros-kinetic-visp-bridge ros-kinetic-visp \
                        ros-kinetic-eus-qpoases \
                        omniidl-python \
                        python3-vcstool \

Download the source codes

In catkin_ws/src folder, download the packages using vcs:

vcs import --recursive < sot_tiago.repos
vcs import --recursive < hpp.repos
vcs import --recursive < agimus.repos

Build Ordering

On the Development machine:

  1. Run the following cmake config arguments

    catkin config -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python2 -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF

  2. Build the packages in the following order and arguments
    • catkin build hpp-fcl
    • catkin build hpp-manipulation-corba -DHPP_MANIPULATION_HAS_WHOLEBODY_STEP=FALSE
    • catkin build agimus-hpp -DBUILD_HPP_PLUGIN=ON -DBUILD_ROS_INTERFACE=ON
    • catkin build