This is the complete list of members for QCustomPlotDecorator, including all inherited members.
addData(QCPGraph *g, const QVector< double > &keys, const QVector< double > &values) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
addData(QCPGraph *g, const double &key, const double &value) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
addData(QCPCurve *c, const QVector< double > &ts, const QVector< double > &keys, const QVector< double > &values) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
addData(QCPBars *c, const QVector< double > &keys, const QVector< double > &values) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
addElement(QCPLayoutGrid *lg, int row, int column, QCPLayoutElement *element) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
addGraph(QCustomPlot *o) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
addPlottable(QCustomPlot *o, QCPAbstractPlottable *ap) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
anchor(QCPAbstractItem *ai, QString a) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
axisRect(QCustomPlot *o, int index=0) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
clearData(QCPGraph *o) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
clearData(QCPCurve *o) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
clearData(QCPBars *o) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
clearGraphs(QCustomPlot *o) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
delete_QCPBars(QCPBars *g) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
delete_QCPCurve(QCPCurve *g) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
delete_QCPGraph(QCPGraph *g) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
delete_QCPItemEllipse(QCPItemEllipse *it) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
delete_QCPItemRichText(QCPItemRichText *it) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
delete_QCPItemText(QCPItemText *it) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
delete_QCPItemTracer(QCPItemTracer *it) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
delete_QCustomPlot(QCustomPlot *o) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
graph(QCustomPlot *o, int graphnum) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
insertColumn(QCPLayoutGrid *lg, int column) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
insertRow(QCPLayoutGrid *lg, int row) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
legend(QCustomPlot *o) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
new_QCPBars(QCPAxis *key, QCPAxis *value) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
new_QCPCurve(QCPAxis *key, QCPAxis *value) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
new_QCPGraph(QCPAxis *key, QCPAxis *value) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
new_QCPItemEllipse(QCustomPlot *parent) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
new_QCPItemRichText(QCustomPlot *parent) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
new_QCPItemText(QCustomPlot *parent) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
new_QCPItemTracer(QCustomPlot *parent) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
new_QCustomPlot(QWidget *parent=0) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
pixelToCoord(QCPAxis *a, double pixel) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
position(QCPAbstractItem *ai, QString p) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
rescaleAxes(QCustomPlot *o, bool v=true) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
rescaleAxes(QCPAbstractPlottable *ap, bool v=true) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
saveBmp(QCustomPlot *o, const QString &fileName, int width=0, int height=0, double scale=1.0) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
saveJpg(QCustomPlot *o, const QString &fileName, int width=0, int height=0, double scale=1.0, int quality=-1) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
savePdf(QCustomPlot *o, const QString &fileName, bool noCosmeticPen=false, int width=0, int height=0, const QString &pdfCreator=QString(), const QString &pdfTitle=QString()) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
savePng(QCustomPlot *o, const QString &fileName, int width=0, int height=0, double scale=1.0, int quality=-1) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
saveRastered(QCustomPlot *o, const QString &fileName, int width, int height, double scale, const char *format, int quality=-1) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
selectedParts(const QCPAxis *a) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
setAutoTickLabels(QCPAxis *a, bool on) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
setAutoTicks(QCPAxis *a, bool on) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
setCoords(QCPItemPosition *ip, double k, double v) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
setData(QCPGraph *g, const QVector< double > &keys, const QVector< double > &values) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
setData(QCPCurve *c, const QVector< double > &keys, const QVector< double > &values) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
setData(QCPBars *c, const QVector< double > &keys, const QVector< double > &values) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
setInteraction(QCustomPlot *o, int interaction, bool enabled=true) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
setLabel(QCPAxis *a, const QString text) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
setParentAnchor(QCPItemPosition *ip, QCPItemAnchor *a) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
setRange(QCPAxis *a, double position, double size) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
setRangeZoomAxes(QCPAxisRect *ar, QCPAxis *horizontal, QCPAxis *vertical) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
setSubTickLength(QCPAxis *a, int inside, int outside) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
setTickLength(QCPAxis *a, int inside, int outside) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
setTickVector(QCPAxis *a, const QVector< double > &ticks) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
setTickVectorLabels(QCPAxis *a, const QVector< QString > &labels) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
setType(QCPItemPosition *ip, int type) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
xAxis(QCustomPlot *o) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
xAxis2(QCustomPlot *o) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
yAxis(QCustomPlot *o) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |
yAxis2(QCustomPlot *o) | QCustomPlotDecorator | inlineslot |