hpp-core  4.9.0
Implement basic classes for canonical path planning for kinematic chains.
Todo List
Member hpp::core::ObstacleUser::filterCollisionPairs (const RelativeMotion::matrix_type &relMotion)
Before disabling collision pair, check if there is a collision.
Member hpp::core::pathOptimization::SplineGradientBasedAbstract< _PolynomeBasis, _SplineOrder >::updateParameters (vector_t &param, const Splines_t &spline) const
make this function static (currently, it only needs the robot number dof.
Member hpp::core::pathOptimization::SplineGradientBasedAbstract< _PolynomeBasis, _SplineOrder >::updateSplines (Splines_t &spline, const vector_t &param) const
make this function static (currently, it only needs the robot number dof.
Member hpp::core::pathProjector::Global::create (const DistancePtr_t &distance, const SteeringMethodPtr_t &steeringMethod, value_type step)
The parameter "PathProjectionHessianBound" and "PathProjectionMinimalDist" are taken from the SteeringMethod::problem(). So they are accessible from Python. However, the former should be deduced from the path constraints. The latter should be passed to the constructor as an argument.
Member hpp::core::pathProjector::Progressive::create (const DistancePtr_t &distance, const SteeringMethodPtr_t &steeringMethod, value_type step)
See todo of pathProjector::Global::create
Member hpp::core::RelativeMotion::fromConstraint (matrix_type &matrix, const DevicePtr_t &robot, const ConstraintSetPtr_t &constraint)
LockedJoint always has a non-constant RHS which means it will always be treated a parameterized constraint. Even when the value is not going to change...
Class hpp::core::SubchainPath
the configuration parameter cannot be rearranged.