Corba server for manipulation planning
This is the complete list of members for hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Graph, including all inherited members.
addLevelSetFoliation(in long edgeId, in Names_t condNC, in Names_t paramNC) | hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Graph | |
addNumericalConstraints(in long graphComponentId, in Names_t constraintNames, in Names_t passiveDofsNames) | hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Graph | |
addNumericalConstraintsForPath(in long nodeId, in Names_t constraintNames, in Names_t passiveDofsNames) | hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Graph | |
applyEdgeLeafConstraints(in ID idedge, in floatSeq qleaf, in floatSeq input, out floatSeq output, out double residualError) | hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Graph | |
applyNodeConstraints(in ID idComp, in floatSeq input, out floatSeq output, out double residualError) | hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Graph | |
autoBuild(in string graphName, in Names_t grippers, in Names_t objects, in Namess_t handlesPerObject, in Namess_t contactsPerObject, in Names_t envNames, in Rules rulesList) | hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Graph | |
createEdge(in long nodeFromId, in long nodeToId, in string edgeName, in long weight, in long isInNodeId) | hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Graph | |
createGraph(in string graphName) | hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Graph | |
createLevelSetEdge(in long nodeFromId, in long nodeToId, in string edgeName, in long weight, in ID isInNodeId) | hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Graph | |
createNode(in long graphId, in string nodeName, in boolean waypoint, in long priority) | hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Graph | |
createSubGraph(in string subgraphName) | hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Graph | |
createWaypointEdge(in long nodeFromId, in long nodeToId, in string edgeName, in long number, in long weight, in long isInNode) | hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Graph | |
deleteGraph(in string graphName) | hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Graph | |
display(in string filename) | hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Graph | |
displayEdgeConstraints(in ID edgeId, out string constraints) | hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Graph | |
displayEdgeTargetConstraints(in ID edgeId, out string constraints) | hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Graph | |
displayNodeConstraints(in ID nodeId, out string constraints) | hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Graph | |
generateTargetConfig(in ID IDedge, in floatSeq qleaf, in floatSeq input, out floatSeq output, out double residualError) | hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Graph | |
getConfigErrorForEdge(in ID EdgeId, in floatSeq config, out floatSeq errorVector) | hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Graph | |
getConfigErrorForEdgeLeaf(in ID EdgeId, in floatSeq leafConfig, in floatSeq config, out floatSeq errorVector) | hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Graph | |
getConfigErrorForEdgeTarget(in ID EdgeId, in floatSeq leafConfig, in floatSeq config, out floatSeq errorVector) | hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Graph | |
getConfigErrorForNode(in ID nodeId, in floatSeq config, out floatSeq errorVector) | hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Graph | |
getConfigProjectorStats(in ID elmt, out ConfigProjStat config, out ConfigProjStat path) | hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Graph | |
getContainingNode(in ID edgeId) | hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Graph | |
getEdgeStat(in ID edgeId, out Names_t reasons, out intSeq freqs) | hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Graph | |
getFrequencyOfNodeInRoadmap(in ID nodeId, out intSeq freqPerConnectedComponent) | hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Graph | |
getGraph(out GraphComp graph, out GraphElements elmts) | hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Graph | |
getHistogramValue(in ID edgeId, out floatSeq freq, out floatSeqSeq values) | hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Graph | |
getName(in ID elmtID) | hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Graph | |
getNode(in floatSeq dofArray, out ID nodeId) | hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Graph | |
getNodesConnectedByEdge(in ID edgeId, out string from, out string to) | hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Graph | |
getNumericalConstraints(in long graphComponentId, out Names_t constraintNames) | hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Graph | |
getRelativeMotionMatrix(in ID edgeID, out intSeqSeq matrix) | hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Graph | |
getWaypoint(in long edgeId, in long index, out ID nodeId) | hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Graph | |
getWeight(in ID edgeID) | hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Graph | |
initialize() | hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Graph | |
isShort(in ID edgeId) | hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Graph | |
removeCollisionPairFromEdge(in ID edgeId, in string joint1, in string joint2) | hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Graph | |
resetConstraints(in long graphComponentId) | hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Graph | |
selectGraph(in string graphName) | hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Graph | |
setContainingNode(in ID edgeId, in ID nodeId) | hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Graph | |
setNumericalConstraints(in long graphComponentId, in Names_t constraintNames, in Names_t passiveDofsNames) | hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Graph | |
setNumericalConstraintsForPath(in long nodeId, in Names_t constraintNames, in Names_t passiveDofsNames) | hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Graph | |
setSecurityMarginForEdge(in ID edgeID, in string joint1, in string joint2, in double margin) | hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Graph | |
setShort(in ID edgeId, in boolean isShort) | hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Graph | |
setTargetNodeList(in ID graphId, in IDseq nodes) | hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Graph | |
setWaypoint(in ID waypointEdgeId, in long index, in ID edgeId, in ID nodeId) | hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Graph | |
setWeight(in ID edgeID, in long weight) | hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Graph |