hpp_tutorial  4.9.0
Tutorial for humanoid path planner platform.
Tutorial 3

To run the tutorial, open a terminal and open 3 tabs by typing CTRL+SHIFT+T twice. When the terminal is selected, you can select a tab by typing ALT-[1|2|3].

Starting hppcorbaserver

In the first tab, type


See package hpp-manipulation-corba for details.

Controlling via a python terminal

In the second tab, type

cd script
python -i tutorial_3.py

Script script/tutorial_3.py defines a manipulation planning problem.

Starting gepetto-gui

In the third tab, type


A window opens and is ready to display the scene containing the robot. The robot, environment and object will appear later.

Note that gepetto-gui and hppcorbaserver executables are completely independent.

Controlling via a python terminal

To display the scene, create a client to the viewer in the python terminal.

>>> v = vf.createViewer ()

To solve the problem, type

>>> ps.solve ()

and to display the (non optimized) solution path, type

>>> pp = PathPlayer (v)
>>> pp (0)