pinocchio  2.4.4
A fast and flexible implementation of Rigid Body Dynamics algorithms and their analytical derivatives
pinocchio::internal Namespace Reference


struct  CallCorrectMatrixInverseAccordingToScalar
struct  CallCorrectMatrixInverseAccordingToScalar< ::casadi::Matrix< Scalar > >
struct  cast_call_normalize_method
struct  cast_call_normalize_method< SE3Tpl< CppAD::AD< Scalar >, Options >, NewScalar, CppAD::AD< Scalar > >
struct  cast_call_normalize_method< SE3Tpl< Scalar, Options >, CppAD::AD< NewScalar >, Scalar >
struct  cast_call_normalize_method< SE3Tpl< Scalar, Options >, NewScalar, Scalar >
struct  cast_call_normalize_method< SE3Tpl< Scalar, Options >, Scalar, Scalar >
struct  cast_call_normalize_method< SE3Tpl< Scalar, Options >,::casadi::Matrix< NewScalar >, Scalar >
struct  cast_call_normalize_method< SE3Tpl<::casadi::Matrix< Scalar >, Options >, NewScalar,::casadi::Matrix< Scalar > >
struct  if_then_else_impl
struct  if_then_else_impl< condition_type, condition_type, ThenType, ElseType >
struct  if_then_else_impl< CppAD::AD< Scalar >, CppAD::AD< Scalar >, ThenType, ElseType >
struct  if_then_else_impl<::casadi::Matrix< Scalar >,::casadi::Matrix< Scalar >, ThenType, ElseType >
struct  is_same_type
struct  is_same_type< T, T >
struct  isNormalizedAlgo
struct  isNormalizedAlgo< VectorLike, false >
struct  isUnitaryAlgo
struct  isUnitaryAlgo< MatrixLike, false >
struct  LHSScalarMultiplication
struct  LHSScalarMultiplication< MotionRef< Vector6ArgType >, Scalar >
struct  PerformStYSInversion
 Operation called in JointModelBase<JointModel>::calc_aba.
struct  PerformStYSInversion< Scalar, false >
struct  RHSScalarMultiplication
struct  RHSScalarMultiplication< MotionRef< Vector6ArgType >, Scalar >
struct  traits
struct  traits< if_then_else_impl< LhsType, RhsType, return_type, return_type > >
 Template specialization for similar return types;.


enum  ComparisonOperators {
  LT, LE, EQ, GE,


template<typename LhsType , typename RhsType , typename ThenType , typename ElseType >
if_then_else_impl< LhsType, RhsType, ThenType, ElseType >::ReturnType if_then_else (const ComparisonOperators op, const LhsType &lhs_value, const RhsType &rhs_value, const ThenType &then_value, const ElseType &else_value)

Detailed Description