This is the complete list of members for ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar >, including all inherited members.
ActionDataAbstract typedef (defined in ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar >) | ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar > | |
ActionModelAbstractTpl(boost::shared_ptr< StateAbstract > state, const std::size_t nu, const std::size_t nr=0, const std::size_t ng=0, const std::size_t nh=0, const std::size_t ng_T=0, const std::size_t nh_T=0) | ActionModelAbstractTpl< _Scalar > | |
ActionModelLQRTpl(const MatrixXs &A, const MatrixXs &B, const MatrixXs &Q, const MatrixXs &R, const MatrixXs &N) | ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar > | |
ActionModelLQRTpl(const MatrixXs &A, const MatrixXs &B, const MatrixXs &Q, const MatrixXs &R, const MatrixXs &N, const VectorXs &f, const VectorXs &q, const VectorXs &r) | ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar > | |
ActionModelLQRTpl(const MatrixXs &A, const MatrixXs &B, const MatrixXs &Q, const MatrixXs &R, const MatrixXs &N, const MatrixXs &G, const MatrixXs &H, const VectorXs &f, const VectorXs &q, const VectorXs &r, const VectorXs &g, const VectorXs &h) | ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar > | |
ActionModelLQRTpl(const std::size_t nx, const std::size_t nu, const bool drift_free=true) | ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar > | |
ActionModelLQRTpl(const ActionModelLQRTpl ©) | ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar > | |
Base typedef (defined in ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar >) | ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar > | |
calc(const boost::shared_ptr< ActionDataAbstract > &data, const Eigen::Ref< const VectorXs > &x, const Eigen::Ref< const VectorXs > &u) | ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar > | virtual |
calc(const boost::shared_ptr< ActionDataAbstract > &data, const Eigen::Ref< const VectorXs > &x) | ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar > | virtual |
calcDiff(const boost::shared_ptr< ActionDataAbstract > &data, const Eigen::Ref< const VectorXs > &x, const Eigen::Ref< const VectorXs > &u) | ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar > | virtual |
calcDiff(const boost::shared_ptr< ActionDataAbstract > &data, const Eigen::Ref< const VectorXs > &x) | ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar > | virtual |
checkData(const boost::shared_ptr< ActionDataAbstract > &data) | ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar > | virtual |
createData() | ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar > | virtual |
Data typedef (defined in ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar >) | ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar > | |
DEPRECATED("Use get_A", const MatrixXs &get_Fx() const { return get_A();}) DEPRECATED("Use get_B" (defined in ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar >) | ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar > | |
DEPRECATED("Use get_f", const VectorXs &get_f0() const { return get_f();}) DEPRECATED("Use get_q" (defined in ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar >) | ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar > | |
DEPRECATED("Use get_r", const VectorXs &get_lu() const { return get_r();}) DEPRECATED("Use get_Q" (defined in ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar >) | ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar > | |
DEPRECATED("Use get_R", const MatrixXs &get_Lxu() const { return get_R();}) DEPRECATED("Use get_N" (defined in ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar >) | ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar > | |
DEPRECATED("Use set_LQR", void set_Fx(const MatrixXs &A) { set_LQR(A, B_, Q_, R_, N_, G_, H_, f_, q_, r_, g_, h_);}) DEPRECATED("Use set_LQR" (defined in ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar >) | ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar > | |
DEPRECATED("Use set_LQR", void set_f0(const VectorXs &f) { set_LQR(A_, B_, Q_, R_, N_, G_, H_, f, q_, r_, g_, h_);}) DEPRECATED("Use set_LQR" (defined in ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar >) | ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar > | |
DEPRECATED("Use set_LQR", void set_lu(const VectorXs &r) { set_LQR(A_, B_, Q_, R_, N_, G_, H_, f_, q_, r, g_, h_);}) DEPRECATED("Use set_LQR" (defined in ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar >) | ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar > | |
DEPRECATED("Use set_LQR", void set_Luu(const MatrixXs &R) { set_LQR(A_, B_, Q_, R, N_, G_, H_, f_, q_, r_, g_, h_);}) DEPRECATED("Use set_LQR" (defined in ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar >) | ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar > | |
g_lb_ | ActionModelAbstractTpl< _Scalar > | protected |
g_ub_ | ActionModelAbstractTpl< _Scalar > | protected |
get_A() const | ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar > | |
get_B() const | ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar > | |
get_f() const | ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar > | |
get_Fu() const (defined in ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar >) | ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar > | inline |
get_g() const | ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar > | |
get_G() const | ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar > | |
get_g_lb() const | ActionModelAbstractTpl< _Scalar > | virtual |
get_g_ub() const | ActionModelAbstractTpl< _Scalar > | virtual |
get_H() const | ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar > | |
get_h() const | ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar > | |
get_has_control_limits() const | ActionModelAbstractTpl< _Scalar > | |
get_Luu() const (defined in ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar >) | ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar > | inline |
get_lx() const (defined in ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar >) | ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar > | inline |
get_Lxx() const (defined in ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar >) | ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar > | inline |
get_N() const | ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar > | |
get_ng() const | ActionModelAbstractTpl< _Scalar > | virtual |
get_ng_T() const | ActionModelAbstractTpl< _Scalar > | virtual |
get_nh() const | ActionModelAbstractTpl< _Scalar > | virtual |
get_nh_T() const | ActionModelAbstractTpl< _Scalar > | virtual |
get_nr() const | ActionModelAbstractTpl< _Scalar > | |
get_nu() const | ActionModelAbstractTpl< _Scalar > | |
get_Q() const | ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar > | |
get_q() const | ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar > | |
get_r() const | ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar > | |
get_R() const | ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar > | |
get_state() const | ActionModelAbstractTpl< _Scalar > | |
get_u_lb() const | ActionModelAbstractTpl< _Scalar > | |
get_u_ub() const | ActionModelAbstractTpl< _Scalar > | |
has_control_limits_ | ActionModelAbstractTpl< _Scalar > | protected |
MathBase typedef (defined in ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar >) | ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar > | |
MatrixXs typedef (defined in ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar >) | ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar > | |
ng_ | ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar > | protected |
ng_T_ | ActionModelAbstractTpl< _Scalar > | protected |
nh_ | ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar > | protected |
nh_T_ | ActionModelAbstractTpl< _Scalar > | protected |
nr_ | ActionModelAbstractTpl< _Scalar > | protected |
nu_ | ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar > | protected |
print(std::ostream &os) const | ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar > | virtual |
quasiStatic(const boost::shared_ptr< ActionDataAbstract > &data, Eigen::Ref< VectorXs > u, const Eigen::Ref< const VectorXs > &x, const std::size_t maxiter=100, const Scalar tol=Scalar(1e-9)) | ActionModelAbstractTpl< _Scalar > | virtual |
quasiStatic_x(const boost::shared_ptr< ActionDataAbstract > &data, const VectorXs &x, const std::size_t maxiter=100, const Scalar tol=Scalar(1e-9)) | ActionModelAbstractTpl< _Scalar > | |
Random(const std::size_t nx, const std::size_t nu, const std::size_t ng=0, const std::size_t nh=0) | ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar > | static |
Scalar typedef (defined in ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar >) | ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar > | |
set_Fu(const MatrixXs &B) (defined in ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar >) | ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar > | inline |
set_g_lb(const VectorXs &g_lb) | ActionModelAbstractTpl< _Scalar > | |
set_g_ub(const VectorXs &g_ub) | ActionModelAbstractTpl< _Scalar > | |
set_LQR(const MatrixXs &A, const MatrixXs &B, const MatrixXs &Q, const MatrixXs &R, const MatrixXs &N, const MatrixXs &G, const MatrixXs &H, const VectorXs &f, const VectorXs &q, const VectorXs &r, const VectorXs &g, const VectorXs &h) | ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar > | |
set_lx(const VectorXs &q) (defined in ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar >) | ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar > | inline |
set_Lxu(const MatrixXs &N) (defined in ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar >) | ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar > | inline |
set_Lxx(const MatrixXs &Q) (defined in ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar >) | ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar > | inline |
set_u_lb(const VectorXs &u_lb) | ActionModelAbstractTpl< _Scalar > | |
set_u_ub(const VectorXs &u_ub) | ActionModelAbstractTpl< _Scalar > | |
state_ | ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar > | protected |
StateAbstract typedef (defined in ActionModelAbstractTpl< _Scalar >) | ActionModelAbstractTpl< _Scalar > | |
StateVector typedef (defined in ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar >) | ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar > | |
u_lb_ | ActionModelAbstractTpl< _Scalar > | protected |
u_ub_ | ActionModelAbstractTpl< _Scalar > | protected |
unone_ | ActionModelAbstractTpl< _Scalar > | protected |
update_has_control_limits() | ActionModelAbstractTpl< _Scalar > | protected |
VectorXs typedef (defined in ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar >) | ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar > | |
~ActionModelAbstractTpl() (defined in ActionModelAbstractTpl< _Scalar >) | ActionModelAbstractTpl< _Scalar > | virtual |
~ActionModelLQRTpl() (defined in ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar >) | ActionModelLQRTpl< _Scalar > | virtual |