This function has been deprecated and will be removed in future releases of Pinocchio. Please use the class RigidConstraintModel to define new contacts, and initConstraintDynamics(model, data, contact_models) and constraintDynamics(model, data, q, v, tau, contact_models, contact_datas[,prox_settings]) instead.
This function has been deprecated and will be removed in future releases of Pinocchio. Please use the class RigidConstraintModel to define new contacts, and initConstraintDynamics(model, data, contact_models) and constraintDynamics(model, data, q, v, tau, contact_models, contact_datas[,prox_settings]) instead.
forwardDynamics/impuseDynamics is deprecated, and this function signature needs forwardDynamics to be called before. Please use the inverse() function in ContactCholeskyDecomposition class instead. It computes the following matrix:
This function has been deprecated and will be removed in future releases of Pinocchio. Please use the class RigidConstraintModel to define new contacts, and initConstraintDynamics(model, data, contact_models) and impulseDynamics(model, data, q, v_before, contact_models, contact_datas[,r_coeff, mu]) instead.
This function has been deprecated and will be removed in future releases of Pinocchio. Please use the class RigidConstraintModel to define new contacts, and initConstraintDynamics(model, data, contact_models) and impulseDynamics(model, data, q, v_before, contact_models, contact_datas[,r_coeff, mu]) instead.