pinocchio  3.2.0
A fast and flexible implementation of Rigid Body Dynamics algorithms and their analytical derivatives
1 from math import pi
3 import numpy as np
4 import pinocchio as pin
5 from numpy.linalg import norm, pinv
6 from pinocchio.utils import cross, eye, rotate, zero
8 from display import Display
11 class Visual(object):
12  """
13  Class representing one 3D mesh of the robot, to be attached to a joint. The class contains:
14  * the name of the 3D objects inside Gepetto viewer.
15  * the ID of the joint in the kinematic tree to which the body is attached.
16  * the placement of the body with respect to the joint frame.
17  This class is only used in the list Robot.visuals (see below).
19  The visual are supposed mostly to be capsules. In that case, the object also contains
20  radius and length of the capsule.
21  The collision checking computes collision test, distance, and witness points.
22  Using the supporting robot, the collision Jacobian returns a 1xN matrix corresponding
23  to the normal direction.
24  """
26  def __init__(self, name, jointParent, placement, radius=0.1, length=None):
27  """Length and radius are used in case of capsule objects"""
28  self.namename = name # Name in gepetto viewer
29  self.jointParentjointParent = jointParent # ID (int) of the joint
30  self.placementplacement = placement # placement of the body wrt joint, i.e. bodyMjoint
31  if length is not None:
32  self.lengthlength = length
33  self.radiusradius = radius
35  def place(self, display, oMjoint):
36  oMbody = oMjoint * self.placementplacement
37, oMbody, False)
39  def isCapsule(self):
40  return hasattr(self, "length") and hasattr(self, "radius")
42  def collision(self, c2, data=None, oMj1=None, oMj2=None):
43  if data is not None:
44  oMj1 = data.oMi[self.jointParentjointParent]
45  oMj2 = data.oMi[c2.jointParent]
46  M1 = oMj1 * self.placementplacement
47  M2 = oMj2 * c2.placement
48  assert self.isCapsuleisCapsule() and c2.isCapsule()
49  l1 = self.lengthlength
50  r1 = self.radiusradius
51  l2 = c2.length
52  r2 = c2.radius
54  a1 = M1.act(np.array([0, 0, -l1 / 2]))
55  b1 = M2.act(np.array([0, 0, -l2 / 2]))
56  a2 = M1.act(np.array([0, 0, +l1 / 2]))
57  b2 = M2.act(np.array([0, 0, +l2 / 2]))
59  a1a2_b1b2 = np.array([a1 - a2, b1 - b2]).T
60  ab = pinv(a1a2_b1b2) * (b2 - a2)
62  if (0 <= ab).all() and (ab <= 1).all():
63  asat = bsat = False
64  pa = a2 + ab[0, 0] * (a1 - a2)
65  pb = b2 + ab[1, 0] * (b1 - b2)
66  else:
67  asat = bsat = True
68  i = np.argmin(np.vstack([ab, 1 - ab]))
70  pa = a2 if i == 0 else a1
71  pb = b2 if i == 1 else b1
72  if i == 0 or i == 2: # fix a to pa, search b
73  b = (pinv((b1 - b2).reshape(3, 1)) * (pa - b2))[0, 0]
74  if b < 0:
75  pb = b2
76  elif b > 1:
77  pb = b1
78  else:
79  pb = b2 + b * (b1 - b2)
80  bsat = False
81  else: # fix b
82  a = (pinv((a1 - a2).reshape(3, 1)) * (pb - a2))[0, 0]
83  if a < 0:
84  pa = a2
85  elif a > 1:
86  pa = a1
87  else:
88  pa = a2 + a * (a1 - a2)
89  asat = False
91  print(asat, bsat)
92  dist = norm(pa - pb) - (r1 + r2)
93  if norm(pa - pb) > 1e-3:
94  # Compute witness points
95  ab = pa - pb
96  ab /= norm(ab)
97  wa = pa - ab * r1
98  wb = pb + ab * r2
100  # Compute normal matrix
101  x = np.array([1.0, 0, 0])
102  r1 = cross(ab, x)
103  if norm(r1) < 1e-2:
104  x = np.array([0, 1.0, 0])
105  r1 = cross(ab, x)
106  r1 /= norm(r1)
107  r2 = cross(ab, r1)
108  R = np.hstack([r1, r2, ab.reshape(3, 1)])
110  self.distdist = dist
111  c2.dist = dist
112  self.ww = wa
113  c2.w = wb
114  self.RR = R
115  c2.R = R
117  return dist
119  def jacobian(self, c2, robot, q):
120  Ja = pin.jacobian(robot.model,, q, self.jointParentjointParent, False, True)
121  Jb = pin.jacobian(robot.model,, q, c2.jointParent, False, True)
123  Xa = pin.SE3(self.RR, self.ww).action
124  Xb = pin.SE3(c2.R, c2.w).action
126  J = (Xa * Ja)[2, :] - (Xb * Jb)[2, :]
127  return J
129  def displayCollision(self, viewer, name="world/wa"):
130  viewer.viewer.gui.setVisibility(name, "ON")
131, pin.SE3(self.RR, self.ww))
134 class Robot(object):
135  """
136  Define a class Robot with 7DOF (shoulder=3 + elbow=1 + wrist=3).
137  The configuration is nq=7. The velocity is the same.
138  The members of the class are:
139  * viewer: a display encapsulating a gepetto viewer client to create 3D objects and place them.
140  * model: the kinematic tree of the robot.
141  * data: the temporary variables to be used by the kinematic algorithms.
142  * visuals: the list of all the 'visual' 3D objects to render the robot, each element of the list being
143  an object Visual (see above).
145  CollisionPairs is a list of visual indexes.
146  Reference to the collision pair is used in the collision test and jacobian of the collision
147  (which are simply proxy method to methods of the visual class).
148  """
150  def __init__(self):
151  self.viewerviewer = Display()
152  self.visualsvisuals = []
153  self.modelmodel = pin.Model()
154  self.createHandcreateHand()
155  self.datadata = self.modelmodel.createData()
156  self.q0q0 = zero(self.modelmodel.nq)
157  # self.q0[3] = 1.0
158  self.v0v0 = zero(self.modelmodel.nv)
159  self.collisionPairscollisionPairs = []
161  def createHand(self, root_id=0, prefix="", joint_placement=None):
162  def trans(x, y, z):
163  return pin.SE3(eye(3), np.array([x, y, z]))
165  def inertia(m, c):
166  return pin.Inertia(m, np.array(c, np.double), eye(3) * m**2)
168  def joint_name(body):
169  return prefix + body + "_joint"
171  def body_name(body):
172  return "world/" + prefix + body
174  color = [red, green, blue, transparency] = [1, 1, 0.78, 1.0]
175  joint_id = root_id
176  cm = 1e-2
178  joint_placement = (
179  joint_placement if joint_placement is not None else pin.SE3.Identity()
180  )
181  joint_id = self.modelmodel.addJoint(
182  joint_id, pin.JointModelRY(), joint_placement, joint_name("wrist")
183  )
184  self.modelmodel.appendBodyToJoint(
185  joint_id, inertia(3, [0, 0, 0]), pin.SE3.Identity()
186  )
188  L, W, H = 3 * cm, 5 * cm, 1 * cm
189  self.viewerviewer.viewer.gui.addSphere(body_name("wrist"), 0.02, color)
190  self.viewerviewer.viewer.gui.addBox(body_name("wpalm"), L / 2, W / 2, H, color)
191  self.visualsvisuals.append(Visual(body_name("wpalm"), joint_id, trans(L / 2, 0, 0)))
193  self.viewerviewer.viewer.gui.addCapsule(body_name("wpalmb"), H, W, color)
194  self.visualsvisuals.append(
195  Visual(
196  body_name("wpalmb"),
197  joint_id,
198  pin.SE3(rotate("x", pi / 2), zero(3)),
199  H,
200  W,
201  )
202  )
204  self.viewerviewer.viewer.gui.addCapsule(body_name("wpalmt"), H, W, color)
205  pos = pin.SE3(rotate("x", pi / 2), np.array([L, 0, 0]))
206  self.visualsvisuals.append(Visual(body_name("wpalmt"), joint_id, pos, H, W))
208  self.viewerviewer.viewer.gui.addCapsule(body_name("wpalml"), H, L, color)
209  pos = pin.SE3(rotate("y", pi / 2), np.array([L / 2, -W / 2, 0]))
210  self.visualsvisuals.append(Visual(body_name("wpalml"), joint_id, pos, H, L))
212  self.viewerviewer.viewer.gui.addCapsule(body_name("wpalmr"), H, L, color)
213  pos = pin.SE3(rotate("y", pi / 2), np.array([L / 2, +W / 2, 0]))
214  self.visualsvisuals.append(Visual(body_name("wpalmr"), joint_id, pos, H, L))
216  joint_placement = pin.SE3(eye(3), np.array([5 * cm, 0, 0]))
217  joint_id = self.modelmodel.addJoint(
218  joint_id, pin.JointModelRY(), joint_placement, joint_name("palm")
219  )
220  self.modelmodel.appendBodyToJoint(
221  joint_id, inertia(2, [0, 0, 0]), pin.SE3.Identity()
222  )
223  self.viewerviewer.viewer.gui.addCapsule(body_name("palm2"), 1 * cm, W, color)
224  self.visualsvisuals.append(
225  Visual(
226  body_name("palm2"),
227  joint_id,
228  pin.SE3(rotate("x", pi / 2), zero(3)),
229  H,
230  W,
231  )
232  )
234  FL = 4 * cm
235  palmIdx = joint_id
237  joint_placement = pin.SE3(eye(3), np.array([2 * cm, W / 2, 0]))
238  joint_id = self.modelmodel.addJoint(
239  palmIdx, pin.JointModelRY(), joint_placement, joint_name("finger11")
240  )
241  self.modelmodel.appendBodyToJoint(
242  joint_id, inertia(0.5, [0, 0, 0]), pin.SE3.Identity()
243  )
244  self.viewerviewer.viewer.gui.addCapsule(body_name("finger11"), H, FL - 2 * H, color)
245  pos = pin.SE3(rotate("y", pi / 2), np.array([FL / 2 - H, 0, 0]))
246  self.visualsvisuals.append(Visual(body_name("finger11"), joint_id, pos, H, FL - 2 * H))
248  joint_placement = pin.SE3(eye(3), np.array([FL, 0, 0]))
249  joint_id = self.modelmodel.addJoint(
250  joint_id, pin.JointModelRY(), joint_placement, joint_name("finger12")
251  )
252  self.modelmodel.appendBodyToJoint(
253  joint_id, inertia(0.5, [0, 0, 0]), pin.SE3.Identity()
254  )
256  self.viewerviewer.viewer.gui.addCapsule(body_name("finger12"), H, FL - 2 * H, color)
257  pos = pin.SE3(rotate("y", pi / 2), np.array([FL / 2 - H, 0, 0]))
258  self.visualsvisuals.append(Visual(body_name("finger12"), joint_id, pos, H, FL - 2 * H))
260  joint_placement = pin.SE3(eye(3), np.array([FL - 2 * H, 0, 0]))
261  joint_id = self.modelmodel.addJoint(
262  joint_id, pin.JointModelRY(), joint_placement, joint_name("finger13")
263  )
264  self.modelmodel.appendBodyToJoint(
265  joint_id, inertia(0.3, [0, 0, 0]), pin.SE3.Identity()
266  )
267  self.viewerviewer.viewer.gui.addSphere(body_name("finger13"), H, color)
268  self.visualsvisuals.append(
269  Visual(body_name("finger13"), joint_id, trans(2 * H, 0, 0), H, 0)
270  )
272  joint_placement = pin.SE3(eye(3), np.array([2 * cm, 0, 0]))
273  joint_id = self.modelmodel.addJoint(
274  palmIdx, pin.JointModelRY(), joint_placement, joint_name("finger21")
275  )
276  self.modelmodel.appendBodyToJoint(
277  joint_id, inertia(0.5, [0, 0, 0]), pin.SE3.Identity()
278  )
279  self.viewerviewer.viewer.gui.addCapsule(body_name("finger21"), H, FL - 2 * H, color)
280  pos = pin.SE3(rotate("y", pi / 2), np.array([FL / 2 - H, 0, 0]))
281  self.visualsvisuals.append(Visual(body_name("finger21"), joint_id, pos, H, FL - 2 * H))
283  joint_placement = pin.SE3(eye(3), np.array([FL, 0, 0]))
284  joint_id = self.modelmodel.addJoint(
285  joint_id, pin.JointModelRY(), joint_placement, joint_name("finger22")
286  )
287  self.modelmodel.appendBodyToJoint(
288  joint_id, inertia(0.5, [0, 0, 0]), pin.SE3.Identity()
289  )
290  self.viewerviewer.viewer.gui.addCapsule(body_name("finger22"), H, FL - 2 * H, color)
291  pos = pin.SE3(rotate("y", pi / 2), np.array([FL / 2 - H, 0, 0]))
292  self.visualsvisuals.append(Visual(body_name("finger22"), joint_id, pos, H, FL - 2 * H))
294  joint_placement = pin.SE3(eye(3), np.array([FL - H, 0, 0]))
295  joint_id = self.modelmodel.addJoint(
296  joint_id, pin.JointModelRY(), joint_placement, joint_name("finger23")
297  )
298  self.modelmodel.appendBodyToJoint(
299  joint_id, inertia(0.3, [0, 0, 0]), pin.SE3.Identity()
300  )
301  self.viewerviewer.viewer.gui.addSphere(body_name("finger23"), H, color)
302  self.visualsvisuals.append(
303  Visual(body_name("finger23"), joint_id, trans(H, 0, 0), H, 0)
304  )
306  joint_placement = pin.SE3(eye(3), np.array([2 * cm, -W / 2, 0]))
307  joint_id = self.modelmodel.addJoint(
308  palmIdx, pin.JointModelRY(), joint_placement, joint_name("finger31")
309  )
310  self.modelmodel.appendBodyToJoint(
311  joint_id, inertia(0.5, [0, 0, 0]), pin.SE3.Identity()
312  )
313  self.viewerviewer.viewer.gui.addCapsule(body_name("finger31"), H, FL - 2 * H, color)
314  pos = pin.SE3(rotate("y", pi / 2), np.array([FL / 2 - H, 0, 0]))
315  self.visualsvisuals.append(Visual(body_name("finger31"), joint_id, pos, H, FL - 2 * H))
317  joint_placement = pin.SE3(eye(3), np.array([FL, 0, 0]))
318  joint_id = self.modelmodel.addJoint(
319  joint_id, pin.JointModelRY(), joint_placement, joint_name("finger32")
320  )
321  self.modelmodel.appendBodyToJoint(
322  joint_id, inertia(0.5, [0, 0, 0]), pin.SE3.Identity()
323  )
324  self.viewerviewer.viewer.gui.addCapsule(body_name("finger32"), H, FL - 2 * H, color)
325  pos = pin.SE3(rotate("y", pi / 2), np.array([FL / 2 - H, 0, 0]))
326  self.visualsvisuals.append(Visual(body_name("finger32"), joint_id, pos, H, FL - 2 * H))
328  joint_placement = pin.SE3(eye(3), np.array([FL - 2 * H, 0, 0]))
329  joint_id = self.modelmodel.addJoint(
330  joint_id, pin.JointModelRY(), joint_placement, joint_name("finger33")
331  )
332  self.modelmodel.appendBodyToJoint(
333  joint_id, inertia(0.3, [0, 0, 0]), pin.SE3.Identity()
334  )
335  self.viewerviewer.viewer.gui.addSphere(body_name("finger33"), H, color)
336  self.visualsvisuals.append(
337  Visual(body_name("finger33"), joint_id, trans(2 * H, 0, 0), H, 0)
338  )
340  joint_placement = pin.SE3(eye(3), np.array([1 * cm, -W / 2 - H * 1.5, 0]))
341  joint_id = self.modelmodel.addJoint(
342  1, pin.JointModelRY(), joint_placement, joint_name("thumb1")
343  )
344  self.modelmodel.appendBodyToJoint(
345  joint_id, inertia(0.5, [0, 0, 0]), pin.SE3.Identity()
346  )
347  self.viewerviewer.viewer.gui.addCapsule(body_name("thumb1"), H, 2 * cm, color)
348  pos = pin.SE3(
349  rotate("z", pi / 3) * rotate("x", pi / 2), np.array([1 * cm, -1 * cm, 0])
350  )
351  self.visualsvisuals.append(Visual(body_name("thumb1"), joint_id, pos, 2 * cm))
353  joint_placement = pin.SE3(
354  rotate("z", pi / 3) * rotate("x", pi), np.array([3 * cm, -1.8 * cm, 0])
355  )
356  joint_id = self.modelmodel.addJoint(
357  joint_id, pin.JointModelRZ(), joint_placement, joint_name("thumb2")
358  )
359  self.modelmodel.appendBodyToJoint(
360  joint_id, inertia(0.4, [0, 0, 0]), pin.SE3.Identity()
361  )
362  self.viewerviewer.viewer.gui.addCapsule(body_name("thumb2"), H, FL - 2 * H, color)
363  pos = pin.SE3(rotate("x", pi / 3), np.array([-0.7 * cm, 0.8 * cm, -0.5 * cm]))
364  self.visualsvisuals.append(Visual(body_name("thumb2"), joint_id, pos, H, FL - 2 * H))
366  # Prepare some patches to represent collision points. Yet unvisible.
367  for i in range(10):
368  self.viewerviewer.viewer.gui.addCylinder(
369  "world/wa%i" % i, 0.01, 0.003, [1.0, 0, 0, 1]
370  )
371  self.viewerviewer.viewer.gui.addCylinder(
372  "world/wb%i" % i, 0.01, 0.003, [1.0, 0, 0, 1]
373  )
374  self.viewerviewer.viewer.gui.setVisibility("world/wa%i" % i, "OFF")
375  self.viewerviewer.viewer.gui.setVisibility("world/wb%i" % i, "OFF")
377  def checkCollision(self, pairIndex):
378  ia, ib = self.collisionPairscollisionPairs[pairIndex]
379  va = self.visualsvisuals[ia]
380  vb = self.visualsvisuals[ib]
381  dist = va.collision(vb, self.datadata)
382  return dist
384  def collisionJacobian(self, pairIndex, q):
385  ia, ib = self.collisionPairscollisionPairs[pairIndex]
386  va = self.visualsvisuals[ia]
387  vb = self.visualsvisuals[ib]
388  return va.jacobian(vb, self, q)
390  def displayCollision(self, pairIndex, meshIndex, onlyOne=False):
391  ia, ib = self.collisionPairscollisionPairs[pairIndex]
392  va = self.visualsvisuals[ia]
393  vb = self.visualsvisuals[ib]
394  va.displayCollision(self.viewerviewer, "world/wa%i" % meshIndex)
395  vb.displayCollision(self.viewerviewer, "world/wb%i" % meshIndex)
396  self.viewerviewer.viewer.gui.setVisibility("world/wa%i" % meshIndex, "ON")
397  self.viewerviewer.viewer.gui.setVisibility("world/wb%i" % meshIndex, "ON")
399  def display(self, q):
400  pin.forwardKinematics(self.modelmodel, self.datadata, q)
401  for visual in self.visualsvisuals:
402, self.datadata.oMi[visual.jointParent])
403  self.viewerviewer.viewer.gui.refresh()
def createHand(self, root_id=0, prefix="", joint_placement=None)
def __init__(self, name, jointParent, placement, radius=0.1, length=None)
def isCapsule(self)