pinocchio  3.4.0
A fast and flexible implementation of Rigid Body Dynamics algorithms and their analytical derivatives
PowerIterationAlgoTpl< _Vector > Member List

This is the complete list of members for PowerIterationAlgoTpl< _Vector >, including all inherited members.

convergence_criteria (defined in PowerIterationAlgoTpl< _Vector >)PowerIterationAlgoTpl< _Vector >
eigen_vector_prev (defined in PowerIterationAlgoTpl< _Vector >)PowerIterationAlgoTpl< _Vector >protected
it (defined in PowerIterationAlgoTpl< _Vector >)PowerIterationAlgoTpl< _Vector >
largest_eigen_value (defined in PowerIterationAlgoTpl< _Vector >)PowerIterationAlgoTpl< _Vector >
lowest(const MatrixLike &mat, const bool compute_largest=true) (defined in PowerIterationAlgoTpl< _Vector >)PowerIterationAlgoTpl< _Vector >inline
lowest(const MatrixLike &mat, const Eigen::PlainObjectBase< VectorLike > &largest_eigenvector_est, const Eigen::PlainObjectBase< VectorLike > &lowest_eigenvector_est, const bool compute_largest=true) (defined in PowerIterationAlgoTpl< _Vector >)PowerIterationAlgoTpl< _Vector >inline
lowest_eigen_value (defined in PowerIterationAlgoTpl< _Vector >)PowerIterationAlgoTpl< _Vector >
lowest_eigen_vector (defined in PowerIterationAlgoTpl< _Vector >)PowerIterationAlgoTpl< _Vector >
max_it (defined in PowerIterationAlgoTpl< _Vector >)PowerIterationAlgoTpl< _Vector >
PowerIterationAlgoTpl(const Eigen::DenseIndex size, const int max_it=10, const Scalar rel_tol=Scalar(1e-8)) (defined in PowerIterationAlgoTpl< _Vector >)PowerIterationAlgoTpl< _Vector >inlineexplicit
principal_eigen_vector (defined in PowerIterationAlgoTpl< _Vector >)PowerIterationAlgoTpl< _Vector >
rel_tol (defined in PowerIterationAlgoTpl< _Vector >)PowerIterationAlgoTpl< _Vector >
reset() (defined in PowerIterationAlgoTpl< _Vector >)PowerIterationAlgoTpl< _Vector >inline
run(const MatrixLike &mat) (defined in PowerIterationAlgoTpl< _Vector >)PowerIterationAlgoTpl< _Vector >inline
run(const MatrixLike &mat, const Eigen::PlainObjectBase< VectorLike > &eigenvector_est) (defined in PowerIterationAlgoTpl< _Vector >)PowerIterationAlgoTpl< _Vector >inline
Scalar typedef (defined in PowerIterationAlgoTpl< _Vector >)PowerIterationAlgoTpl< _Vector >
Vector typedef (defined in PowerIterationAlgoTpl< _Vector >)PowerIterationAlgoTpl< _Vector >