pinocchio  3.4.0
A fast and flexible implementation of Rigid Body Dynamics algorithms and their analytical derivatives
ReachableSetParams Struct Reference

Parameters for the reachable space algorithm. More...

#include <pinocchio/extra/reachable-workspace.hpp>

Public Attributes

int facet_dims = 3
int n_samples = 5

Detailed Description

Parameters for the reachable space algorithm.

n_samplesThe number of samples to use for the discretization of the joint velocity space. The higher the number of samples, the more accurate the reachable set will be, however the longer the computation time will be
facet_dimsThe dimension of the facet that will be sampled. Between 0 and the number of DOF of the robot. The higher the number of samples, the more accurate the reachable set will be, however the longer the computation time will be
convexWhether to make the reachable set convex or not. If set to True, the reachable set will be convex, if False the reachable set will be non-convex.

Definition at line 39 of file reachable-workspace.hpp.

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