pinocchio  3.4.0
A fast and flexible implementation of Rigid Body Dynamics algorithms and their analytical derivatives
SE3Base< Derived > Member List

This is the complete list of members for SE3Base< Derived >, including all inherited members.

act(const D &d) constSE3Base< Derived >inline
actInv(const D &d) constSE3Base< Derived >inline
const_cast_derived() const (defined in SE3Base< Derived >)SE3Base< Derived >inline
derived() (defined in SE3Base< Derived >)SE3Base< Derived >inline
derived() const (defined in SE3Base< Derived >)SE3Base< Derived >inline
disp(std::ostream &os) const (defined in SE3Base< Derived >)SE3Base< Derived >inline
isApprox(const Derived &other, const Scalar &prec=Eigen::NumTraits< Scalar >::dummy_precision()) const (defined in SE3Base< Derived >)SE3Base< Derived >inline
isIdentity(const typename traits< Derived >::Scalar &prec=Eigen::NumTraits< typename traits< Derived >::Scalar >::dummy_precision()) constSE3Base< Derived >inline
isNormalized(const Scalar &prec=Eigen::NumTraits< Scalar >::dummy_precision()) constSE3Base< Derived >inline
normalize()SE3Base< Derived >inline
normalized() constSE3Base< Derived >inline
operator ActionMatrixType() const (defined in SE3Base< Derived >)SE3Base< Derived >inline
operator HomogeneousMatrixType() const (defined in SE3Base< Derived >)SE3Base< Derived >inline
operator!=(const Derived &other) const (defined in SE3Base< Derived >)SE3Base< Derived >inline
operator*(const Derived &m2) const (defined in SE3Base< Derived >)SE3Base< Derived >inline
operator<< (defined in SE3Base< Derived >)SE3Base< Derived >friend
operator==(const Derived &other) const (defined in SE3Base< Derived >)SE3Base< Derived >inline
PINOCCHIO_SE3_TYPEDEF_TPL(Derived) (defined in SE3Base< Derived >)SE3Base< Derived >
rotation() const (defined in SE3Base< Derived >)SE3Base< Derived >inline
rotation() (defined in SE3Base< Derived >)SE3Base< Derived >inline
rotation(const AngularType &R) (defined in SE3Base< Derived >)SE3Base< Derived >inline
Scalar typedef (defined in NumericalBase< Derived >)NumericalBase< Derived >
toActionMatrix() constSE3Base< Derived >inline
toActionMatrix(const Eigen::MatrixBase< Matrix6Like > &action_matrix) const (defined in SE3Base< Derived >)SE3Base< Derived >inline
toActionMatrixInverse() constSE3Base< Derived >inline
toActionMatrixInverse(const Eigen::MatrixBase< Matrix6Like > &action_matrix_inverse) const (defined in SE3Base< Derived >)SE3Base< Derived >inline
toDualActionMatrix() const (defined in SE3Base< Derived >)SE3Base< Derived >inline
toDualActionMatrix(const Eigen::MatrixBase< Matrix6Like > &dual_action_matrix) const (defined in SE3Base< Derived >)SE3Base< Derived >inline
toHomogeneousMatrix() const (defined in SE3Base< Derived >)SE3Base< Derived >inline
translation() const (defined in SE3Base< Derived >)SE3Base< Derived >inline
translation() (defined in SE3Base< Derived >)SE3Base< Derived >inline
translation(const LinearType &t) (defined in SE3Base< Derived >)SE3Base< Derived >inline