pinocchio  3.4.0
A fast and flexible implementation of Rigid Body Dynamics algorithms and their analytical derivatives
Serializable< Derived > Struct Template Reference
Inheritance diagram for Serializable< Derived >:

Public Member Functions

void loadFromBinary (boost::asio::streambuf &container)
 Loads a Derived object from a binary container.
void loadFromBinary (const std::string &filename)
 Loads a Derived object from an binary file.
void loadFromBinary (StaticBuffer &container)
 Loads a Derived object from a static binary container.
void loadFromString (const std::string &str)
 Loads a Derived object from a string.
void loadFromStringStream (std::istringstream &is)
 Loads a Derived object from a stream string.
void loadFromText (const std::string &filename)
 Loads a Derived object from a text file.
void loadFromXML (const std::string &filename, const std::string &tag_name)
 Loads a Derived object from an XML file.
void saveToBinary (boost::asio::streambuf &container) const
 Saves a Derived object as a binary container.
void saveToBinary (const std::string &filename) const
 Saves a Derived object as an binary file.
void saveToBinary (StaticBuffer &container) const
 Saves a Derived object as a static binary container.
std::string saveToString () const
 Saves a Derived object to a string.
void saveToStringStream (std::stringstream &ss) const
 Saves a Derived object to a string stream.
void saveToText (const std::string &filename) const
 Saves a Derived object as a text file.
void saveToXML (const std::string &filename, const std::string &tag_name) const
 Saves a Derived object as an XML file.

Detailed Description

template<class Derived>
struct pinocchio::serialization::Serializable< Derived >

Definition at line 16 of file serializable.hpp.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: