pinocchio  UNKNOWN
MobileRobotWrapper Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for MobileRobotWrapper:
Collaboration diagram for MobileRobotWrapper:

Public Member Functions

def __init__ (self, urdf, pkgs)
def initDisplay (self, loadModel)
def display (self, q)

Public Attributes


Detailed Description

The class models a mobile robot with UR5 arm, feature 3+6 DOF.
The configuration of the basis is represented by [X, Y, cos, sin], with the additionnal constraint
that (cos, sin) should have norm 1. Hence take care when sampling and integrating configurations.
The robot is depicted as an orange box with two black cylinders (wheels) atop of which is the
classical (realistic) UR5 model.
The model also features to OPERATIONAL frames, named "mobile" (on the front of the mobile basis, 30cm
above the ground) and "tool" (at the very end of the effector).

Definition at line 8 of file

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: