hpp-constraints  4.9.1
Definition of basic geometric constraints for motion planning
Eigen::MatrixBlockView< _ArgType, _Rows, _Cols, _allRows, _allCols >::block_t< Derived > Struct Template Reference

#include <hpp/constraints/matrix-view.hh>

Public Types

typedef Block< Derived,(AllRows ? Derived::RowsAtCompileTime :Eigen::Dynamic),(AllCols ? Derived::ColsAtCompileTime :Eigen::Dynamic),(AllCols ?(bool) Derived::IsRowMajor :(AllRows ?(bool)!Derived::IsRowMajor :false))> type

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ type

template<typename _ArgType , int _Rows = _ArgType::RowsAtCompileTime, int _Cols = _ArgType::ColsAtCompileTime, bool _allRows = false, bool _allCols = false>
template<typename Derived>
typedef Block<Derived, (AllRows ? Derived::RowsAtCompileTime : Eigen::Dynamic), (AllCols ? Derived::ColsAtCompileTime : Eigen::Dynamic), (AllCols ? (bool)Derived::IsRowMajor : (AllRows ? (bool)!Derived::IsRowMajor : false) )> Eigen::MatrixBlockView< _ArgType, _Rows, _Cols, _allRows, _allCols >::block_t< Derived >::type

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: