hpp-fcl  1.4.4
HPP fork of FCL -- The Flexible Collision Library
hpp::fcl::OBB Member List

This is the complete list of members for hpp::fcl::OBB, including all inherited members.

center() consthpp::fcl::OBBinline
contain(const Vec3f &p) consthpp::fcl::OBB
depth() consthpp::fcl::OBBinline
distance(const OBB &other, Vec3f *P=NULL, Vec3f *Q=NULL) consthpp::fcl::OBB
height() consthpp::fcl::OBBinline
operator+(const OBB &other) consthpp::fcl::OBB
operator+=(const Vec3f &p)hpp::fcl::OBB
operator+=(const OBB &other)hpp::fcl::OBBinline
overlap(const OBB &other) consthpp::fcl::OBB
overlap(const OBB &other, const CollisionRequest &request, FCL_REAL &sqrDistLowerBound) consthpp::fcl::OBB
size() consthpp::fcl::OBBinline
volume() consthpp::fcl::OBBinline
width() consthpp::fcl::OBBinline