pinocchio  2.4.4
A fast and flexible implementation of Rigid Body Dynamics algorithms and their analytical derivatives
pinocchio::urdf::details Namespace Reference


struct  UrdfTree


template<typename GeometryType >
void addLinkGeometryToGeomModel (const UrdfTree &tree, ::hpp::fcl::MeshLoaderPtr &meshLoader, ::urdf::LinkConstSharedPtr link, UrdfGeomVisitorBase &visitor, GeometryModel &geomModel, const std::vector< std::string > &package_dirs)
 Add the geometries attached to an URDF link to a GeometryModel, looking either for collisions or visuals. More...
Inertia convertFromUrdf (const ::urdf::Inertial &Y)
 Convert URDF Inertial quantity to Spatial Inertia. More...
Inertia convertFromUrdf (const ::urdf::InertialSharedPtr &Y)
SE3 convertFromUrdf (const ::urdf::Pose &M)
 Convert URDF Pose quantity to SE3. More...
PINOCCHIO_URDF_SHARED_PTR(const T) getLinkGeometry(const inline ::urdf::CollisionConstSharedPtr getLinkGeometry< ::urdf::Collision > (const ::urdf::LinkConstSharedPtr link)
 Get the first geometry attached to a link. More...
inline ::urdf::VisualConstSharedPtr getLinkGeometry< ::urdf::Visual > (const ::urdf::LinkConstSharedPtr link)
template<typename T >
const std::vector< PINOCCHIO_URDF_SHARED_PTR(T) > & getLinkGeometryArray (const ::urdf::LinkConstSharedPtr link)
 Get the array of geometries attached to a link. More...
const std::vector< ::urdf::CollisionSharedPtr > & getLinkGeometryArray< ::urdf::Collision > (const ::urdf::LinkConstSharedPtr link)
const std::vector< ::urdf::VisualSharedPtr > & getLinkGeometryArray< ::urdf::Visual > (const ::urdf::LinkConstSharedPtr link)
FrameIndex getParentLinkFrame (const ::urdf::LinkConstSharedPtr link, UrdfVisitorBase &model)
template<typename urdfObject >
bool getVisualMaterial (const PINOCCHIO_URDF_SHARED_PTR(urdfObject) urdf_object, std::string &meshTexturePath, Eigen::Vector4d &meshColor, const std::vector< std::string > &package_dirs)
 Get the material values from the link visual object. More...
bool getVisualMaterial< ::urdf::Collision > (const ::urdf::CollisionSharedPtr, std::string &meshTexturePath, Eigen::Vector4d &meshColor, const std::vector< std::string > &)
bool getVisualMaterial< ::urdf::Visual > (const ::urdf::VisualSharedPtr urdf_visual, std::string &meshTexturePath, Eigen::Vector4d &meshColor, const std::vector< std::string > &package_dirs)
void parseRootTree (const ::urdf::ModelInterface *urdfTree, UrdfVisitorBase &model)
 Parse a tree with a specific root joint linking the model to the environment. The function returns an exception as soon as a necessary Inertia or Joint information are missing. More...
void parseRootTree (const std::string &filename, UrdfVisitorBase &model)
void parseRootTreeFromXML (const std::string &xmlString, UrdfVisitorBase &model)
void parseTree (::urdf::LinkConstSharedPtr link, UrdfVisitorBase &model)
 Recursive procedure for reading the URDF tree. The function returns an exception as soon as a necessary Inertia or Joint information are missing. More...
void parseTreeForGeom (UrdfGeomVisitorBase &visitor, const std::istream &xmlStream, const GeometryType type, GeometryModel &geomModel, const std::vector< std::string > &package_dirs, ::hpp::fcl::MeshLoaderPtr meshLoader)
void recursiveParseTreeForGeom (const UrdfTree &tree, ::hpp::fcl::MeshLoaderPtr &meshLoader, ::urdf::LinkConstSharedPtr link, UrdfGeomVisitorBase &visitor, GeometryModel &geomModel, const std::vector< std::string > &package_dirs, const GeometryType type)
 Recursive procedure for reading the URDF tree, looking for geometries This function fill the geometric model whith geometry objects retrieved from the URDF tree. More...
boost::shared_ptr< fcl::CollisionGeometry > retrieveCollisionGeometry (const UrdfTree &tree, fcl::MeshLoaderPtr &meshLoader, const std::string &linkName, const std::string &geomName, const ::urdf::GeometrySharedPtr urdf_geometry, const std::vector< std::string > &package_dirs, std::string &meshPath, Eigen::Vector3d &meshScale)
 Get a fcl::CollisionObject from an urdf geometry, searching for it in specified package directories. More...
template<typename Vector3 >
static void retrieveMeshScale (const ::urdf::MeshSharedPtr &mesh, const Eigen::MatrixBase< Vector3 > &scale)

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ addLinkGeometryToGeomModel()

void pinocchio::urdf::details::addLinkGeometryToGeomModel ( const UrdfTree tree,
::hpp::fcl::MeshLoaderPtr &  meshLoader,
::urdf::LinkConstSharedPtr  link,
UrdfGeomVisitorBase &  visitor,
GeometryModel geomModel,
const std::vector< std::string > &  package_dirs 

Add the geometries attached to an URDF link to a GeometryModel, looking either for collisions or visuals.

[in]treeThe URDF kinematic tree
[in]meshLoaderThe FCL mesh loader to avoid duplications of already loaded geometries
[in]linkThe current URDF link
modelThe model to which is the GeometryModel associated
geomModelThe GeometryModel where the Collision Objects must be added
[in]package_dirsA vector containing the different directories where to search for packages

Definition at line 349 of file geometry.cpp.

◆ convertFromUrdf() [1/2]

Inertia pinocchio::urdf::details::convertFromUrdf ( const ::urdf::Inertial &  Y)

Convert URDF Inertial quantity to Spatial Inertia.

[in]YThe input URDF Inertia.
The converted Spatial Inertia pinocchio::Inertia.

Definition at line 28 of file model.cpp.

◆ convertFromUrdf() [2/2]

SE3 convertFromUrdf ( const ::urdf::Pose &  M)

Convert URDF Pose quantity to SE3.

[in]MThe input URDF Pose.
The converted pose/transform pinocchio::SE3.

Definition at line 107 of file geometry.cpp.

◆ getLinkGeometry< ::urdf::Collision >()

PINOCCHIO_URDF_SHARED_PTR (const T) getLinkGeometry( const inline ::urdf::CollisionConstSharedPtr pinocchio::urdf::details::getLinkGeometry< ::urdf::Collision > ( const ::urdf::LinkConstSharedPtr  link) const

Get the first geometry attached to a link.

[in]linkThe URDF link
Either the first collision or visual

Definition at line 257 of file geometry.cpp.

◆ getLinkGeometryArray()

const std::vector< PINOCCHIO_URDF_SHARED_PTR(T) >& pinocchio::urdf::details::getLinkGeometryArray ( const ::urdf::LinkConstSharedPtr  link)

Get the array of geometries attached to a link.

[in]linkThe URDF link
the array of either collisions or visuals

◆ getVisualMaterial()

bool pinocchio::urdf::details::getVisualMaterial ( const PINOCCHIO_URDF_SHARED_PTR(urdfObject)  urdf_object,
std::string &  meshTexturePath,
Eigen::Vector4d &  meshColor,
const std::vector< std::string > &  package_dirs 

Get the material values from the link visual object.

[in]Visual/CollisionThe Visual or the Collision object.
[out]meshTexturePathThe absolute file path containing the texture description.
[out]meshColorThe mesh RGBA vector.
[in]package_dirsA vector containing the different directories where to search for packages

◆ parseRootTree()

void pinocchio::urdf::details::parseRootTree ( const ::urdf::ModelInterface *  urdfTree,
UrdfVisitorBase &  model 

Parse a tree with a specific root joint linking the model to the environment. The function returns an exception as soon as a necessary Inertia or Joint information are missing.

[in]linkThe current URDF link.
[in]modelThe model where the link must be added.

Definition at line 253 of file model.cpp.

◆ parseTree()

void pinocchio::urdf::details::parseTree ( ::urdf::LinkConstSharedPtr  link,
UrdfVisitorBase &  model 

Recursive procedure for reading the URDF tree. The function returns an exception as soon as a necessary Inertia or Joint information are missing.

[in]linkThe current URDF link.
[in]modelThe model where the link must be added.

Definition at line 78 of file model.cpp.

◆ recursiveParseTreeForGeom()

void pinocchio::urdf::details::recursiveParseTreeForGeom ( const UrdfTree tree,
::hpp::fcl::MeshLoaderPtr &  meshLoader,
::urdf::LinkConstSharedPtr  link,
UrdfGeomVisitorBase &  visitor,
GeometryModel geomModel,
const std::vector< std::string > &  package_dirs,
const GeometryType  type 

Recursive procedure for reading the URDF tree, looking for geometries This function fill the geometric model whith geometry objects retrieved from the URDF tree.

[in]treeThe URDF kinematic tree
[in]meshLoaderThe FCL mesh loader to avoid duplications of already loaded geometries
[in]linkThe current URDF link
modelThe model to which is the GeometryModel associated
geomModelThe GeometryModel where the Collision Objects must be added
[in]package_dirsA vector containing the different directories where to search for packages
[in]typeThe type of objects that must be loaded ( can be VISUAL or COLLISION)

Definition at line 435 of file geometry.cpp.

◆ retrieveCollisionGeometry()

boost::shared_ptr<fcl::CollisionGeometry> pinocchio::urdf::details::retrieveCollisionGeometry ( const UrdfTree tree,
fcl::MeshLoaderPtr &  meshLoader,
const std::string &  linkName,
const std::string &  geomName,
const ::urdf::GeometrySharedPtr  urdf_geometry,
const std::vector< std::string > &  package_dirs,
std::string &  meshPath,
Eigen::Vector3d &  meshScale 

Get a fcl::CollisionObject from an urdf geometry, searching for it in specified package directories.

[in]urdf_geometryA shared pointer on the input urdf Geometry
[in]package_dirsA vector containing the different directories where to search for packages
[out]meshPathThe Absolute path of the mesh currently read
[out]meshScaleScale of transformation currently applied to the mesh
A shared pointer on the geometry converted as a fcl::CollisionGeometry

Definition at line 144 of file geometry.cpp.