IpoptInterface Class Reference

Class for interfacing a crocoddyl::ShootingProblem with IPOPT. More...

#include <ipopt-iface.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for IpoptInterface:

Public Member Functions

EIGEN_MAKE_ALIGNED_OPERATOR_NEW IpoptInterface (const boost::shared_ptr< crocoddyl::ShootingProblem > &problem)
 Initialize the Ipopt interface. More...
boost::shared_ptr< IpoptInterfaceDatacreateData (const std::size_t nx, const std::size_t ndx, const std::size_t nu)
 Create the data structure to store temporary computations. More...
virtual bool eval_f (Ipopt::Index n, const Ipopt::Number *x, bool new_x, Ipopt::Number &obj_value)
 Method to request the value of the objective function. More...
virtual bool eval_g (Ipopt::Index n, const Ipopt::Number *x, bool new_x, Ipopt::Index m, Ipopt::Number *g)
 Method to request the constraint values. More...
virtual bool eval_grad_f (Ipopt::Index n, const Ipopt::Number *x, bool new_x, Ipopt::Number *grad_f)
 Method to request the gradient of the objective function. More...
virtual bool eval_h (Ipopt::Index n, const Ipopt::Number *x, bool new_x, Ipopt::Number obj_factor, Ipopt::Index m, const Ipopt::Number *lambda, bool new_lambda, Ipopt::Index nele_hess, Ipopt::Index *iRow, Ipopt::Index *jCol, Ipopt::Number *values)
 Method to request either the sparsity structure or the values of the Hessian of the Lagrangian. More...
virtual bool eval_jac_g (Ipopt::Index n, const Ipopt::Number *x, bool new_x, Ipopt::Index m, Ipopt::Index nele_jac, Ipopt::Index *iRow, Ipopt::Index *jCol, Ipopt::Number *values)
 Method to request either the sparsity structure or the values of the Jacobian of the constraints. More...
virtual void finalize_solution (Ipopt::SolverReturn status, Ipopt::Index n, const Ipopt::Number *x, const Ipopt::Number *z_L, const Ipopt::Number *z_U, Ipopt::Index m, const Ipopt::Number *g, const Ipopt::Number *lambda, Ipopt::Number obj_value, const Ipopt::IpoptData *ip_data, Ipopt::IpoptCalculatedQuantities *ip_cq)
 This method is called when the algorithm has finished (successfully or not) so the TNLP can digest the outcome, e.g., store/write the solution, if any. More...
virtual bool get_bounds_info (Ipopt::Index n, Ipopt::Number *x_l, Ipopt::Number *x_u, Ipopt::Index m, Ipopt::Number *g_l, Ipopt::Number *g_u)
 Method to request bounds on the variables and constraints. T. More...
double get_cost () const
std::size_t get_nconst () const
 Return the total number of constraints in the NLP.
virtual bool get_nlp_info (Ipopt::Index &n, Ipopt::Index &m, Ipopt::Index &nnz_jac_g, Ipopt::Index &nnz_h_lag, IndexStyleEnum &index_style)
 Methods to gather information about the NLP. More...
std::size_t get_nvar () const
 Return the total number of optimization variables (states and controls)
const boost::shared_ptr< crocoddyl::ShootingProblem > & get_problem () const
 Return the crocoddyl::ShootingProblem to be solved.
virtual bool get_starting_point (Ipopt::Index n, bool init_x, Ipopt::Number *x, bool init_z, Ipopt::Number *z_L, Ipopt::Number *z_U, Ipopt::Index m, bool init_lambda, Ipopt::Number *lambda)
 Method to request the starting point before iterating. More...
const std::vector< Eigen::VectorXd > & get_us () const
 Return the control vector.
const std::vector< Eigen::VectorXd > & get_xs () const
 Return the state vector.
bool intermediate_callback (Ipopt::AlgorithmMode mode, Ipopt::Index iter, Ipopt::Number obj_value, Ipopt::Number inf_pr, Ipopt::Number inf_du, Ipopt::Number mu, Ipopt::Number d_norm, Ipopt::Number regularization_size, Ipopt::Number alpha_du, Ipopt::Number alpha_pr, Ipopt::Index ls_trials, const Ipopt::IpoptData *ip_data, Ipopt::IpoptCalculatedQuantities *ip_cq)
 Intermediate Callback method for the user. More...
void resizeData ()
void set_us (const std::vector< Eigen::VectorXd > &us)
 Modify the control vector.
void set_xs (const std::vector< Eigen::VectorXd > &xs)
 Modify the state vector.

Detailed Description

Class for interfacing a crocoddyl::ShootingProblem with IPOPT.

This class implements the pure virtual functions from Ipopt::TNLP to solve the optimal control problem in problem_ using a multiple shooting approach.

Ipopt considers its decision variables x to belong to the Euclidean space. However, Crocoddyl states could lie in a manifold. To ensure that the solution of Ipopt lies in the manifold of the state, we perform the optimization in the tangent space of a given initial state. Finally we retract the Ipopt solution to the manifold. That is:

  • \[ \begin{aligned} \mathbf{x}^* = \mathbf{x}^0 \oplus \mathbf{\Delta x}^* \end{aligned} \]

where \(\mathbf{x}^*\) is the final solution, \(\mathbf{x}^0\) is the initial guess and \(\mathbf{\Delta x}^*\) is the Ipopt solution in the tangent space of \(\mathbf{x}_0\). Due to this procedure, the computation of the cost function, the dynamic constraint as well as their corresponding derivatives should be properly modified.

The Ipopt decision vector is built as follows: \(x = [ \mathbf{\Delta x}_0^\top, \mathbf{u}_0^\top, \mathbf{\Delta x}_1^\top, \mathbf{u}_1^\top, \dots, \mathbf{\Delta x}_N^\top ]\)

Dynamic constraints are posed as: \((\mathbf{x}^0_{k+1} \oplus \mathbf{\Delta x}_{k+1}) \ominus \mathbf{f}(\mathbf{x}_{k}^0 \oplus \mathbf{\Delta x}_{k}, \mathbf{u}_k) = \mathbf{0}\)

Initial condition: \( \mathbf{x}(0) \ominus (\mathbf{x}_{k}^0 \oplus \mathbf{\Delta x}_{k}) = \mathbf{0}\)

Documentation of the methods has been extracted from Ipopt::TNLP.hpp file

See also
get_nlp_info(), get_bounds_info(), eval_f(), eval_g(), eval_grad_f(), eval_jac_g(), eval_h()

Definition at line 63 of file ipopt-iface.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ IpoptInterface()

EIGEN_MAKE_ALIGNED_OPERATOR_NEW IpoptInterface ( const boost::shared_ptr< crocoddyl::ShootingProblem > &  problem)

Initialize the Ipopt interface.

[in]problemCrocoddyl shooting problem

Member Function Documentation

◆ get_nlp_info()

bool get_nlp_info ( Ipopt::Index &  n,
Ipopt::Index &  m,
Ipopt::Index &  nnz_jac_g,
Ipopt::Index &  nnz_h_lag,
IndexStyleEnum &  index_style 

Methods to gather information about the NLP.

Ipopt uses this information when allocating the arrays that it will later ask you to fill with values. Be careful in this method since incorrect values will cause memory bugs which may be very difficult to find.

[out]nStorage for the number of variables \(x\)
[out]mStorage for the number of constraints \(g(x)\)
[out]nnz_jac_gStorage for the number of nonzero entries in the Jacobian
[out]nnz_h_lagStorage for the number of nonzero entries in the Hessian
[out]index_styleStorage for the index style the numbering style used for row/col entries in the sparse matrix format

Definition at line 91 of file ipopt-iface.cpp.

◆ get_bounds_info()

bool get_bounds_info ( Ipopt::Index  n,
Ipopt::Number *  x_l,
Ipopt::Number *  x_u,
Ipopt::Index  m,
Ipopt::Number *  g_l,
Ipopt::Number *  g_u 

Method to request bounds on the variables and constraints. T.

[in]nNumber of variables \(x\) in the problem
[out]x_lLower bounds \(x^L\) for the variables \(x\)
[out]x_uUpper bounds \(x^U\) for the variables \(x\)
[in]mNumber of constraints \(g(x)\) in the problem
[out]g_lLower bounds \(g^L\) for the constraints \(g(x)\)
[out]g_uUpper bounds \(g^U\) for the constraints \(g(x)\)
true if success, false otherwise.

The values of n and m that were specified in IpoptInterface::get_nlp_info are passed here for debug checking. Setting a lower bound to a value less than or equal to the value of the option nlp_lower_bound_inf will cause Ipopt to assume no lower bound. Likewise, specifying the upper bound above or equal to the value of the option nlp_upper_bound_inf will cause Ipopt to assume no upper bound. These options are set to -1019 and 1019, respectively, by default, but may be modified by changing these options.

Definition at line 139 of file ipopt-iface.cpp.

◆ get_starting_point()

bool get_starting_point ( Ipopt::Index  n,
bool  init_x,
Ipopt::Number *  x,
bool  init_z,
Ipopt::Number *  z_L,
Ipopt::Number *  z_U,
Ipopt::Index  m,
bool  init_lambda,
Ipopt::Number *  lambda 

Method to request the starting point before iterating.

[in]nNumber of variables \(x\) in the problem; it will have the same value that was specified in IpoptInterface::get_nlp_info
[in]init_xIf true, this method must provide an initial value for \(x\)
[out]xInitial values for the primal variables \(x\)
[in]init_zIf true, this method must provide an initial value for the bound multipliers \(z^L\) and \(z^U\)
[out]z_LInitial values for the bound multipliers \(z^L\)
[out]z_UInitial values for the bound multipliers \(z^U\)
[in]mNumber of constraints \(g(x)\) in the problem; it will have the same value that was specified in IpoptInterface::get_nlp_info
[in]init_lambdaIf true, this method must provide an initial value for the constraint multipliers \(\lambda\)
[out]lambdaInitial values for the constraint multipliers, \(\lambda\)
true if success, false otherwise.

The boolean variables indicate whether the algorithm requires to have x, z_L/z_u, and lambda initialized, respectively. If, for some reason, the algorithm requires initializations that cannot be provided, false should be returned and Ipopt will stop. The default options only require initial values for the primal variables \(x\).

Note, that the initial values for bound multiplier components for absent bounds ( \(x^L_i=-\infty\) or \(x^U_i=\infty\)) are ignored.

Definition at line 192 of file ipopt-iface.cpp.

◆ eval_f()

bool eval_f ( Ipopt::Index  n,
const Ipopt::Number *  x,
bool  new_x,
Ipopt::Number &  obj_value 

Method to request the value of the objective function.

[in]nNumber of variables \(x\) in the problem; it will have the same value that was specified in IpoptInterface::get_nlp_info
[in]xValues for the primal variables \(x\) at which the objective function \(f(x)\) is to be evaluated
[in]new_xFalse if any evaluation method (eval_*) was previously called with the same values in x, true otherwise. This can be helpful when users have efficient implementations that calculate multiple outputs at once. Ipopt internally caches results from the TNLP and generally, this flag can be ignored.
[out]obj_valueStorage for the value of the objective function \(f(x)\)
true if success, false otherwise.

Definition at line 240 of file ipopt-iface.cpp.

◆ eval_grad_f()

bool eval_grad_f ( Ipopt::Index  n,
const Ipopt::Number *  x,
bool  new_x,
Ipopt::Number *  grad_f 

Method to request the gradient of the objective function.

[in]nNumber of variables \(x\) in the problem; it will have the same value that was specified in IpoptInterface::get_nlp_info
[in]xValues for the primal variables \(x\) at which the gradient \(\nabla f(x)\) is to be evaluated
[in]new_xFalse if any evaluation method (eval_*) was previously called with the same values in x, true otherwise; see also IpoptInterface::eval_f
[out]grad_fArray to store values of the gradient of the objective function \(\nabla f(x)\). The gradient array is in the same order as the \(x\) variables (i.e., the gradient of the objective with respect to x[2] should be put in grad_f[2]).
true if success, false otherwise.

Definition at line 294 of file ipopt-iface.cpp.

◆ eval_g()

bool eval_g ( Ipopt::Index  n,
const Ipopt::Number *  x,
bool  new_x,
Ipopt::Index  m,
Ipopt::Number *  g 

Method to request the constraint values.

[in]nNumber of variables \(x\) in the problem; it will have the same value that was specified in IpoptInterface::get_nlp_info
[in]xValues for the primal variables \(x\) at which the constraint functions \(g(x)\) are to be evaluated
[in]new_xFalse if any evaluation method (eval_*) was previously called with the same values in x, true otherwise; see also IpoptInterface::eval_f
[in]mNumber of constraints \(g(x)\) in the problem; it will have the same value that was specified in IpoptInterface::get_nlp_info
[out]gArray to store constraint function values \(g(x)\), do not add or subtract the bound values \(g^L\) or \(g^U\).
true if success, false otherwise.

Definition at line 361 of file ipopt-iface.cpp.

◆ eval_jac_g()

bool eval_jac_g ( Ipopt::Index  n,
const Ipopt::Number *  x,
bool  new_x,
Ipopt::Index  m,
Ipopt::Index  nele_jac,
Ipopt::Index *  iRow,
Ipopt::Index *  jCol,
Ipopt::Number *  values 

Method to request either the sparsity structure or the values of the Jacobian of the constraints.

The Jacobian is the matrix of derivatives where the derivative of constraint function \(g_i\) with respect to variable \(x_j\) is placed in row \(i\) and column \(j\). See TRIPLET for a discussion of the sparse matrix format used in this method.

[in]nNumber of variables \(x\) in the problem; it will have the same value that was specified in IpoptInterface::get_nlp_info
[in]xFirst call: NULL; later calls: the values for the primal variables \(x\) at which the constraint Jacobian \(\nabla g(x)^T\) is to be evaluated
[in]new_xFalse if any evaluation method (eval_*) was previously called with the same values in x, true otherwise; see also IpoptInterface::eval_f
[in]mNumber of constraints \(g(x)\) in the problem; it will have the same value that was specified in IpoptInterface::get_nlp_info
[in]nele_jacNumber of nonzero elements in the Jacobian; it will have the same value that was specified in IpoptInterface::get_nlp_info
[out]iRowFirst call: array of length nele_jac to store the row indices of entries in the Jacobian f the constraints; later calls: NULL
[out]jColFirst call: array of length nele_jac to store the column indices of entries in the acobian of the constraints; later calls: NULL
[out]valuesFirst call: NULL; later calls: array of length nele_jac to store the values of the entries in the Jacobian of the constraints
true if success, false otherwise.
The arrays iRow and jCol only need to be filled once. If the iRow and jCol arguments are not NULL (first call to this function), then Ipopt expects that the sparsity structure of the Jacobian (the row and column indices only) are written into iRow and jCol. At this call, the arguments x and values will be NULL. If the arguments x and values are not NULL, then Ipopt expects that the value of the Jacobian as calculated from array x is stored in array values (using the same order as used when specifying the sparsity structure). At this call, the arguments iRow and jCol will be NULL.

Definition at line 426 of file ipopt-iface.cpp.

◆ eval_h()

bool eval_h ( Ipopt::Index  n,
const Ipopt::Number *  x,
bool  new_x,
Ipopt::Number  obj_factor,
Ipopt::Index  m,
const Ipopt::Number *  lambda,
bool  new_lambda,
Ipopt::Index  nele_hess,
Ipopt::Index *  iRow,
Ipopt::Index *  jCol,
Ipopt::Number *  values 

Method to request either the sparsity structure or the values of the Hessian of the Lagrangian.

The Hessian matrix that Ipopt uses is

\[ \sigma_f \nabla^2 f(x_k) + \sum_{i=1}^m\lambda_i\nabla^2 g_i(x_k) \]

for the given values for \(x\), \(\sigma_f\), and \(\lambda\). See TRIPLET for a discussion of the sparse matrix format used in this method.

[in]nNumber of variables \(x\) in the problem; it will have the same value that was specified in IpoptInterface::get_nlp_info
[in]xFirst call: NULL; later calls: the values for the primal variables \(x\) at which the Hessian is to be evaluated
[in]new_xFalse if any evaluation method (eval_*) was previously called with the same values in x, true otherwise; see also IpoptInterface::eval_f
[in]obj_factorFactor \(\sigma_f\) in front of the objective term in the Hessian
[in]mNumber of constraints \(g(x)\) in the problem; it will have the same value that was specified in IpoptInterface::get_nlp_info
[in]lambdaValues for the constraint multipliers \(\lambda\) at which the Hessian is to be evaluated
[in]new_lambdaFalse if any evaluation method was previously called with the same values in lambda, true otherwise
[in]nele_hessNumber of nonzero elements in the Hessian; it will have the same value that was specified in IpoptInterface::get_nlp_info
[out]iRowFirst call: array of length nele_hess to store the row indices of entries in the Hessian; later calls: NULL
[out]jColFirst call: array of length nele_hess to store the column indices of entries in the Hessian; later calls: NULL
[out]valuesFirst call: NULL; later calls: array of length nele_hess to store the values of the entries in the Hessian
true if success, false otherwise.
The arrays iRow and jCol only need to be filled once. If the iRow and jCol arguments are not NULL (first call to this function), then Ipopt expects that the sparsity structure of the Hessian (the row and column indices only) are written into iRow and jCol. At this call, the arguments x, lambda, and values will be NULL. If the arguments x, lambda, and values are not NULL, then Ipopt expects that the value of the Hessian as calculated from arrays x and lambda are stored in array values (using the same order as used when specifying the sparsity structure). At this call, the arguments iRow and jCol will be NULL.
As this matrix is symmetric, Ipopt expects that only the lower diagonal entries are specified.

A default implementation is provided, in case the user wants to set quasi-Newton approximations to estimate the second derivatives and doesn't not need to implement this method.

Definition at line 568 of file ipopt-iface.cpp.

◆ finalize_solution()

void finalize_solution ( Ipopt::SolverReturn  status,
Ipopt::Index  n,
const Ipopt::Number *  x,
const Ipopt::Number *  z_L,
const Ipopt::Number *  z_U,
Ipopt::Index  m,
const Ipopt::Number *  g,
const Ipopt::Number *  lambda,
Ipopt::Number  obj_value,
const Ipopt::IpoptData *  ip_data,
Ipopt::IpoptCalculatedQuantities *  ip_cq 

This method is called when the algorithm has finished (successfully or not) so the TNLP can digest the outcome, e.g., store/write the solution, if any.

[in]statusgives the status of the algorithm
  • SUCCESS: Algorithm terminated successfully at a locally optimal point, satisfying the convergence tolerances (can be specified by options).
  • MAXITER_EXCEEDED: Maximum number of iterations exceeded (can be specified by an option).
  • CPUTIME_EXCEEDED: Maximum number of CPU seconds exceeded (can be specified by an option).
  • STOP_AT_TINY_STEP: Algorithm proceeds with very little progress.
  • STOP_AT_ACCEPTABLE_POINT: Algorithm stopped at a point that was converged, not to "desired" tolerances, but to "acceptable" tolerances (see the acceptable-... options).
  • LOCAL_INFEASIBILITY: Algorithm converged to a point of local infeasibility. Problem may be infeasible.
  • USER_REQUESTED_STOP: The user call-back function IpoptInterface::intermediate_callback returned false, i.e., the user code requested a premature termination of the optimization.
  • DIVERGING_ITERATES: It seems that the iterates diverge.
  • RESTORATION_FAILURE: Restoration phase failed, algorithm doesn't know how to proceed.
  • ERROR_IN_STEP_COMPUTATION: An unrecoverable error occurred while Ipopt tried to compute the search direction.
  • INVALID_NUMBER_DETECTED: Algorithm received an invalid number (such as NaN or Inf) from the NLP; see also option check_derivatives_for_nan_inf).
  • INTERNAL_ERROR: An unknown internal error occurred.
[in]nNumber of variables \(x\) in the problem; it will have the same value that was specified in IpoptInterface::get_nlp_info
[in]xFinal values for the primal variables
[in]z_LFinal values for the lower bound multipliers
[in]z_UFinal values for the upper bound multipliers
[in]mNumber of constraints \(g(x)\) in the problem; it will have the same value that was specified in IpoptInterface::get_nlp_info
[in]gFinal values of the constraint functions
[in]lambdaFinal values of the constraint multipliers
[in]obj_valueFinal value of the objective function
[in]ip_dataProvided for expert users
[in]ip_cqProvided for expert users

Definition at line 718 of file ipopt-iface.cpp.

◆ intermediate_callback()

bool intermediate_callback ( Ipopt::AlgorithmMode  mode,
Ipopt::Index  iter,
Ipopt::Number  obj_value,
Ipopt::Number  inf_pr,
Ipopt::Number  inf_du,
Ipopt::Number  mu,
Ipopt::Number  d_norm,
Ipopt::Number  regularization_size,
Ipopt::Number  alpha_du,
Ipopt::Number  alpha_pr,
Ipopt::Index  ls_trials,
const Ipopt::IpoptData *  ip_data,
Ipopt::IpoptCalculatedQuantities *  ip_cq 

Intermediate Callback method for the user.

This method is called once per iteration (during the convergence check), and can be used to obtain information about the optimization status while Ipopt solves the problem, and also to request a premature termination.

The information provided by the entities in the argument list correspond to what Ipopt prints in the iteration summary (see also OUTPUT). Further information can be obtained from the ip_data and ip_cq objects. The current iterate and violations of feasibility and optimality can be accessed via the methods IpoptInterface::get_curr_iterate() and IpoptInterface::get_curr_violations(). These methods translate values for the internal representation of the problem from ip_data and ip_cq objects into the TNLP representation.

If this method returns false, Ipopt will terminate with the User_Requested_Stop status.

It is not required to implement (overload) this method. The default implementation always returns true.

Definition at line 750 of file ipopt-iface.cpp.

◆ createData()

boost::shared_ptr< IpoptInterfaceData > createData ( const std::size_t  nx,
const std::size_t  ndx,
const std::size_t  nu 

Create the data structure to store temporary computations.

the IpoptInterface Data

Definition at line 761 of file ipopt-iface.cpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: