
class GeometryModel

Geometry model containing the collision or visual geometries associated to a model.

addAllCollisionPairs((GeometryModel)arg1) None :

Add all collision pairs. note : collision pairs between geometries having the same parent joint are not added.

addCollisionPair((GeometryModel)self, (CollisionPair)collision_pair) None :

Add a collision pair given by the index of the two collision objects.

addGeometryObject((GeometryModel)self, (GeometryObject)geometry_object) int :

Add a GeometryObject to a GeometryModel. Parameters

geometry_object : a GeometryObject

addGeometryObject((GeometryModel)self, (GeometryObject)geometry_object, (Model)model) int :

Add a GeometryObject to a GeometryModel and set its parent joint by reading its value in the model. Parameters

geometry_object : a GeometryObject model : a Model of the system

clone((GeometryModel)self) GeometryModel :

Create a deep copy of *this.

property collisionPairMapping

Matrix relating the collision pair ID to a pair of two GeometryObject indexes.

property collisionPairs

Vector of collision pairs.

copy((GeometryModel)self) GeometryModel :

Returns a copy of *this.

createData((GeometryModel)self) GeometryData :

Create a GeometryData associated to the current model.

existCollisionPair((GeometryModel)self, (CollisionPair)collision_pair) bool :

Check if a collision pair exists.

existGeometryName((GeometryModel)self, (str)name) bool :

Checks if a GeometryObject given by its name exists.

findCollisionPair((GeometryModel)self, (CollisionPair)collision_pair) int :

Return the index of a collision pair.

property geometryObjects

Vector of geometries objects.

getGeometryId((GeometryModel)self, (str)name) int :

Returns the index of a GeometryObject given by its name.

property ngeoms

Number of geometries contained in the Geometry Model.

removeAllCollisionPairs((GeometryModel)arg1) None :

Remove all collision pairs.

removeCollisionPair((GeometryModel)self, (CollisionPair)collision_pair) None :

Remove a collision pair.

removeGeometryObject((GeometryModel)self, (str)name) None :

Remove a GeometryObject. Remove also the collision pairs that contain the object.

setCollisionPairs((GeometryModel)self, (numpy.ndarray)collision_map[, (bool)upper=True]) None :

Set the collision pairs from a given input array. Each entry of the input matrix defines the activation of a given collision pair(map[i,j] == True means that the pair (i,j) is active).

class Model

Articulated Rigid Body model

addBodyFrame((Model)self, (str)body_name, (int)parentJoint, (SE3)body_placement, (int)previous_frame) int :

add a body to the frame tree

addFrame((Model)self, (Frame)frame[, (bool)append_inertia=True]) int :

Add a frame to the vector of frames. If append_inertia set to True, the inertia value contained in frame will be added to the inertia supported by the parent joint.

addJoint((Model)self, (int)parent_id, (JointModel)joint_model, (SE3)joint_placement, (str)joint_name) int :

Adds a joint to the kinematic tree. The joint is defined by its placement relative to its parent joint and its name.

addJoint((Model)self, (int)parent_id, (JointModel)joint_model, (SE3)joint_placement, (str)joint_name, (numpy.ndarray)max_effort, (numpy.ndarray)max_velocity, (numpy.ndarray)min_config, (numpy.ndarray)max_config) int :

Adds a joint to the kinematic tree with given bounds. The joint is defined by its placement relative to its parent joint and its name.This signature also takes as input effort, velocity limits as well as the bounds on the joint configuration.

addJoint((Model)self, (int)parent_id, (JointModel)joint_model, (SE3)joint_placement, (str)joint_name, (numpy.ndarray)max_effort, (numpy.ndarray)max_velocity, (numpy.ndarray)min_config, (numpy.ndarray)max_config, (numpy.ndarray)friction, (numpy.ndarray)damping) int :

Adds a joint to the kinematic tree with given bounds. The joint is defined by its placement relative to its parent joint and its name. This signature also takes as input effort, velocity limits as well as the bounds on the joint configuration. The user should also provide the friction and damping related to the joint.

addJointFrame((Model)self, (int)joint_id[, (int)frame_id=0]) int :

Add the joint provided by its joint_id as a frame to the frame tree. The frame_id may be optionally provided.

appendBodyToJoint((Model)self, (int)joint_id, (Inertia)body_inertia, (SE3)body_placement) None :

Appends a body to the joint given by its index. The body is defined by its inertia, its relative placement regarding to the joint and its name.

property armature

Armature vector.

cast((Model)arg1) Model :

Returns a cast of *this.

check((Model)self, (Data)data) bool :

Check consistency of data wrt model.

property children

Vector of children index. Chidren of the i*th joint, denoted *mu(i) corresponds to the set (i==parents[k] for k in mu(i)).

copy((Model)self) Model :

Returns a copy of *this.

createData((Model)self) Data :

Create a Data object for the given model.

property damping

Vector of joint damping parameters.

property effortLimit

Joint max effort.

existBodyName((Model)self, (str)name) bool :

Check if a frame of type BODY exists, given its name

existFrame((Model)self, (str)name[, (FrameType)type=pinocchio.pinocchio_pywrap_default.FrameType(31)]) bool :

Returns true if the frame given by its name exists inside the Model with the given type.

existJointName((Model)self, (str)name) bool :

Check if a joint given by its name exists

property frames

Vector of frames contained in the model.

property friction

Vector of joint friction parameters.

getBodyId((Model)self, (str)name) int :

Return the index of a frame of type BODY given by its name

getFrameId((Model)self, (str)name[, (FrameType)type=pinocchio.pinocchio_pywrap_default.FrameType(31)]) int :

Returns the index of the frame given by its name and its type.If the frame is not in the frames vector, it returns the current size of the frames vector.

getJointId((Model)self, (str)name) int :

Return the index of a joint given by its name

property gravity

Motion vector corresponding to the gravity field expressed in the world Frame.

hasConfigurationLimit((Model)self) StdVec_Bool :

Returns list of boolean if joints have configuration limit.

hasConfigurationLimitInTangent((Model)self) StdVec_Bool :

Returns list of boolean if joints have configuration limit in tangent space .

property idx_qs

Vector of starting index of the *i*th joint in the configuration space.

property idx_vs

Starting index of the *i*th joint in the tangent configuration space.

property inertias

Vector of spatial inertias supported by each joint.

property jointPlacements

placement of a joint i wrt its parent joint frame.


Vector of joint placements

property joints

Vector of joint models.

loadFromBinary((Model)self, (str)filename) None :

Loads *this from a binary file.

loadFromBinary((Model)self, (StreamBuffer)buffer) None :

Loads *this from a binary buffer.

loadFromBinary((Model)self, (StaticBuffer)buffer) None :

Loads *this from a static binary buffer.

loadFromString((Model)self, (str)string) None :

Parses from the input string the content of the current object.

loadFromText((Model)arg1, (str)filename) None :

Loads *this from a text file.

loadFromXML((Model)self, (str)filename, (str)tag_name) None :

Loads *this from a XML file.

property lowerPositionLimit

Limit for joint lower position.

property name

Name of the model.

property names

Name of the joints.

property nbodies

Number of bodies.

property nframes

Number of frames.

property njoints

Number of joints.

property nq

Dimension of the configuration vector representation.

property nqs

Vector of dimension of the joint configuration subspace.

property nv

Dimension of the velocity vector space.

property nvs

Dimension of the *i*th joint tangent subspace.

property parents

Vector of parent joint indexes. The parent of joint i, denoted li, corresponds to li==parents[i].

property referenceConfigurations

Map of reference configurations, indexed by user given names.

property rotorGearRatio

Vector of rotor gear ratio parameters.

property rotorInertia

Vector of rotor inertia parameters.

saveToBinary((Model)self, (str)filename) None :

Saves *this inside a binary file.

saveToBinary((Model)self, (StreamBuffer)buffer) None :

Saves *this inside a binary buffer.

saveToBinary((Model)self, (StaticBuffer)buffer) None :

Saves *this inside a static binary buffer.

saveToString((Model)self) str :

Parses the current object to a string.

saveToText((Model)arg1, (str)filename) None :

Saves *this inside a text file.

saveToXML((Model)arg1, (str)filename, (str)tag_name) None :

Saves *this inside a XML file.

property subtrees

Vector of subtrees. subtree[j] corresponds to the subtree supported by the joint j.

property supports

Vector of supports. supports[j] corresponds to the list of joints on the path between the current j to the root of the kinematic tree.

property upperPositionLimit

Limit for joint upper position.

property velocityLimit

Joint max velocity.

appendModel((Model)modelA, (Model)modelB, (int)frame_in_modelA, (SE3)aMb) Model :

Append a child model into a parent model, after a specific frame given by its index.

  • modelA – the parent model

  • modelB – the child model

  • frameInModelA – index of the frame of modelA where to append modelB

  • aMb – pose of modelB universe joint (index 0) in frameInModelA

appendModel((Model)modelA, (Model)modelB, (GeometryModel)geomModelA, (GeometryModel)geomModelB, (int)frame_in_modelA, (SE3)aMb) tuple :

Append a child (geometry) model into a parent (geometry) model, after a specific frame given by its index.

  • modelA – the parent model

  • modelB – the child model

  • geomModelA – the parent geometry model

  • geomModelB – the child geometry model

  • frameInModelA – index of the frame of modelA where to append modelB

  • aMb – pose of modelB universe joint (index 0) in frameInModelA

buildReducedModel((Model)model, (StdVec_Index)list_of_joints_to_lock, (numpy.ndarray)reference_configuration) Model :

Build a reduce model from a given input model and a list of joint to lock.

  • model – input kinematic modell to reduce

  • list_of_joints_to_lock – list of joint indexes to lock

  • reference_configuration – reference configuration to compute the placement of the lock joints

buildReducedModel((Model)model, (GeometryModel)geom_model, (StdVec_Index)list_of_joints_to_lock, (numpy.ndarray)reference_configuration) tuple :

Build a reduced model and a reduced geometry model from a given input model,an input geometry model and a list of joints to lock.

  • model – input kinematic model to reduce

  • geom_model – input geometry model to reduce

  • list_of_joints_to_lock – list of joint indexes to lock

  • reference_configuration – reference configuration to compute the placement of the locked joints

buildReducedModel((Model)model, (StdVec_GeometryModel)list_of_geom_models, (StdVec_Index)list_of_joints_to_lock, (numpy.ndarray)reference_configuration) tuple :

Build a reduced model and the related reduced geometry models from a given input model,a list of input geometry models and a list of joints to lock.

  • model – input kinematic model to reduce

  • list_of_geom_models – input geometry models to reduce

  • list_of_joints_to_lock – list of joint indexes to lock

  • reference_configuration – reference configuration to compute the placement of the locked joints

findCommonAncestor((Model)model, (int)joint1_id, (int)joint2_id) tuple :

Computes the common ancestor between two joints belonging to the same kinematic tree.

  • model – input model

  • joint1_id – index of the first joint

  • joint2_id – index of the second joint

Returns a tuple containing the index of the common joint ancestor, the position of this ancestor in model.supports[joint1_id] and model.supports[joint2_id].