
class BaseVisualizer(model=Nb joints = 1 (nq=0, nv=0)   Joint 0 universe: parent=0, collision_model=None, visual_model=None, copy_models=False, data=None, collision_data=None, visual_data=None)[source]

Pinocchio visualizers are employed to easily display a model at a given configuration. BaseVisualizer is not meant to be directly employed, but only to provide a uniform interface and a few common methods. New visualizers should extend this class and override its methods as neeeded.

captureImage(w=None, h=None)[source]

Captures an image from the viewer and returns an RGB array.


Delete all the objects from the whole scene

create_video_ctx(filename: str = None, fps=30, directory=None, **kwargs)[source]

Create a video recording context, generating the output filename if necessary.

Code inspired from


Display the robot at configuration q or refresh the rendering from the current placements contained in data by placing all the bodies in the viewer.


Set whether to display collision objects or not.


Set whether to display visual objects or not.


Draw current frame velocities.

getViewerNodeName(geometry_object, geometry_type)[source]

Return the name of the geometry object inside the viewer.

initViewer(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Init the viewer by loading the gui and creating a window.

loadViewerModel(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Create the scene displaying the robot meshes in the viewer

play(qs, dt=None, callback=None, **kwargs)[source]

Play a trajectory with given time step. Optionally capture RGB images and returns them.


Re-build the data objects. Needed if the models were modified. Warning: this will delete any information stored in all data objects.

reload(new_geometry_object, geometry_type=None)[source]

Reload a geometry_object given by its type


Set the visualizer background color.

setCameraPose(pose: ndarray = array([[1., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 0., 1.]]))[source]

Set camera 6D pose using a 4x4 matrix.

setCameraPosition(position: ndarray)[source]

Set the camera’s 3D position.


Set the camera target.

setCameraZoom(zoom: float)[source]

Set camera zoom value.

class GepettoVisualizer(model=Nb joints = 1 (nq=0, nv=0)   Joint 0 universe: parent=0, collision_model=None, visual_model=None, copy_models=False, data=None, collision_data=None, visual_data=None)[source]

A Pinocchio display using Gepetto Viewer


Display the robot at configuration q in the viewer by placing all the bodies.


Set whether to display collision objects or not


Set whether to display visual objects or not

getViewerNodeName(geometry_object, geometry_type)[source]

Return the name of the geometry object inside the viewer

initViewer(viewer=None, windowName='python-pinocchio', sceneName='world', loadModel=False)[source]

Init GepettoViewer by loading the gui and creating a window.

loadViewerGeometryObject(geometry_object, geometry_type)[source]

Load a single geometry object


Create the scene displaying the robot meshes in gepetto-viewer

class MeshcatVisualizer(*args, **kwargs)[source]

A Pinocchio display using Meshcat

addGeometryObject(obj: GeometryObject, color=None)[source]

Add a visual GeometryObject to the viewer, with an optional color.

captureImage(w=None, h=None)[source]

Capture an image from the Meshcat viewer and return an RGB array.


Delete all the objects from the whole scene


Display the robot at configuration q in the viewer by placing all the bodies.


Set whether to display collision objects or not.


Set whether to display visual objects or not.

drawFrameVelocities(frame_id: int, v_scale=0.2, color=65280)[source]

Draw current frame velocities.

getViewerNodeName(geometry_object, geometry_type)[source]

Return the name of the geometry object inside the viewer.

initViewer(viewer=None, open=False, loadModel=False, zmq_url=None)[source]

Start a new MeshCat server and client. Note: the server can also be started separately using the “meshcat-server” command in a terminal: this enables the server to remain active after the current script ends.

loadViewerGeometryObject(geometry_object, geometry_type, color=None)[source]

Load a single geometry object

loadViewerModel(rootNodeName='pinocchio', color=None)[source]

Load the robot in a MeshCat viewer. :param rootNodeName: name to give to the robot in the viewer :param color: optional, color to give to the robot. This overwrites the color present in the urdf.

Format is a list of four RGBA floats (between 0 and 1)

reload(new_geometry_object, geometry_type=None)[source]

Reload a geometry_object given by its name and its type

setBackgroundColor(preset_name: str = 'gray', col_top=None, col_bot=None)[source]

Set the background.


Set camera 6D pose using a 4x4 matrix.

setCameraPosition(position: ndarray)[source]

Set the camera’s 3D position.

setCameraPreset(preset_key: str)[source]

Set the camera angle and position using a given preset.

setCameraTarget(target: ndarray)[source]

Set the camera target.

setCameraZoom(zoom: float)[source]

Set camera zoom value.

class Panda3dVisualizer(model=Nb joints = 1 (nq=0, nv=0)   Joint 0 universe: parent=0, collision_model=None, visual_model=None, copy_models=False, data=None, collision_data=None, visual_data=None)[source]

A Pinocchio display using panda3d engine.


Display the robot at configuration q in the viewer by placing all the bodies.


Set whether to display collision objects or not.


Set whether to display visual objects or not.

getViewerNodeName(geometry_object, geometry_type)[source]

Return the name of the geometry object inside the viewer.

initViewer(viewer=None, load_model=False)[source]

Init the viewer by attaching to / creating a GUI viewer.

loadViewerModel(group_name, color=None)[source]

Create a group of nodes displaying the robot meshes in the viewer.

class RVizVisualizer(model=Nb joints = 1 (nq=0, nv=0)   Joint 0 universe: parent=0, collision_model=None, visual_model=None, copy_models=False, data=None, collision_data=None, visual_data=None)[source]

A Pinocchio display using RViz


Delete all the objects from the whole scene


Display the robot at configuration q in the viz by placing all the bodies.


Set whether to display collision objects or not


Set whether to display visual objects or not

initViewer(viewer=None, windowName='python-pinocchio', loadModel=False, initRosNode=True)[source]

Init RVizViewer by starting a ros node (or not) and creating an RViz window.


Create the displays in RViz and create publishers for the MarkerArray