

buildGeomFromSdf((Model)model, (str)sdf_filename, (GeometryType)geom_type) GeometryModel :

Parse the SDF file given as input looking for the geometry of the given input model and return a GeometryModel containing either the collision geometries (GeometryType.COLLISION) or the visual geometries (GeometryType.VISUAL).

  • model – model of the robot

  • sdf_filename – path to the SDF file containing the model of the robot

  • geom_type – type of geometry to extract from the SDF file (either the VISUAL for display or the COLLISION for collision detection).

buildGeomFromSdf((Model)model, (str)sdf_filename, (GeometryType)geom_type, (str)root_link_name, (str)package_dir, (MeshLoader)mesh_loader) GeometryModel :

Parse the SDF file given as input looking for the geometry of the given input model and return a GeometryModel containing either the collision geometries (GeometryType.COLLISION) or the visual geometries (GeometryType.VISUAL).

  • model – model of the robot

  • sdf_filename – path to the SDF file containing the model of the robot

  • geom_type – type of geometry to extract from the SDF file (either the VISUAL for display or the COLLISION for collision detection).

  • package_dir – path pointing to the folder containing the meshes of the robot

  • mesh_loader – an hpp-fcl mesh loader (to load only once the related geometries).

buildGeomFromSdf((Model)model, (str)sdf_filename, (GeometryType)geom_type, (GeometryModel)geom_model, (str)root_link_name, (str)package_dir, (MeshLoader)mesh_loader) GeometryModel :

Parse the SDF file given as input looking for the geometry of the given input model and and store either the collision geometries (GeometryType.COLLISION) or the visual geometries (GeometryType.VISUAL) in the geom_model given as input.

  • model – model of the robot

  • sdf_filename – path to the SDF file containing the model of the robot

  • geom_type – type of geometry to extract from the SDF file (either the VISUAL for display or the COLLISION for collision detection).

  • geom_model – reference where to store the parsed information

  • package_dir – path pointing to the folder containing the meshes of the robot

  • mesh_loader – an hpp-fcl mesh loader (to load only once the related geometries).

buildGeomFromSdf((Model)model, (str)sdf_filename, (GeometryType)geom_type, (str)root_link_name, (MeshLoader)mesh_loader) GeometryModel :

Parse the SDF file given as input looking for the geometry of the given input model and return a GeometryModel containing either the collision geometries (GeometryType.COLLISION) or the visual geometries (GeometryType.VISUAL).

  • model – model of the robot

  • sdf_filename – path to the SDF file containing the model of the robot

  • geom_type – type of geometry to extract from the SDF file (either the VISUAL for display or the COLLISION for collision detection).

  • mesh_loader – an hpp-fcl mesh loader (to load only once the related geometries).

Note: This function does not take any hint concerning the location of the meshes of the robot.

buildGeomFromSdf((Model)model, (str)sdf_filename, (GeometryType)geom_type, (GeometryModel)geom_model, (str)root_link_name, (MeshLoader)mesh_loader) GeometryModel :

Parse the SDF file given as input looking for the geometry of the given input model and and store either the collision geometries (GeometryType.COLLISION) or the visual geometries (GeometryType.VISUAL) in the geom_model given as input.

  • model – model of the robot

  • sdf_filename – path to the SDF file containing the model of the robot

  • geom_type – type of geometry to extract from the SDF file (either the VISUAL for display or the COLLISION for collision detection).

  • geom_model – reference where to store the parsed information

  • mesh_loader – an hpp-fcl mesh loader (to load only once the related geometries).

Note: This function does not take any hint concerning the location of the meshes of the robot.

buildGeomFromSdf((Model)model, (str)sdf_filename, (GeometryType)geom_type, (str)root_link_name, (str)package_dir) GeometryModel :

Parse the SDF file given as input looking for the geometry of the given input model and return a GeometryModel containing either the collision geometries (GeometryType.COLLISION) or the visual geometries (GeometryType.VISUAL).

  • model – model of the robot

  • sdf_filename – path to the SDF file containing the model of the robot

  • geom_type – type of geometry to extract from the SDF file (either the VISUAL for display or the COLLISION for collision detection).

  • package_dir – path pointing to the folder containing the meshes of the robot

buildGeomFromSdf((Model)model, (str)sdf_filename, (GeometryType)geom_type, (str)root_link_name, (StdVec_StdString)package_dirs) GeometryModel :

Parse the SDF file given as input looking for the geometry of the given input model and return a GeometryModel containing either the collision geometries (GeometryType.COLLISION) or the visual geometries (GeometryType.VISUAL).

  • model – model of the robot

  • sdf_filename – path to the SDF file containing the model of the robot

  • geom_type – type of geometry to extract from the SDF file (either the VISUAL for display or the COLLISION for collision detection).

  • package_dirs – vector of paths pointing to the folders containing the model of the robot

buildGeomFromSdf((Model)model, (str)sdf_filename, (GeometryType)geom_type, (GeometryModel)geom_model, (str)root_link_name, (StdVec_StdString)package_dirs) GeometryModel :

Parse the SDF file given as input looking for the geometry of the given input model and and store either the collision geometries (GeometryType.COLLISION) or the visual geometries (GeometryType.VISUAL) in the geom_model given as input.

  • model – model of the robot

  • sdf_filename – path to the SDF file containing the model of the robot

  • geom_type – type of geometry to extract from the SDF file (either the VISUAL for display or the COLLISION for collision detection).

  • geom_model – reference where to store the parsed information

  • package_dirs – vector of paths pointing to the folders containing the model of the robot

buildGeomFromSdf((Model)model, (str)sdf_filename, (GeometryType)geom_type, (str)root_link_name) GeometryModel :

Parse the SDF file given as input looking for the geometry of the given input model and return a GeometryModel containing either the collision geometries (GeometryType.COLLISION) or the visual geometries (GeometryType.VISUAL).

  • model – model of the robot

  • sdf_filename – path to the SDF file containing the model of the robot

  • geom_type – type of geometry to extract from the SDF file (either the VISUAL for display or the COLLISION for collision detection).

Note: This function does not take any hint concerning the location of the meshes of the robot.

buildGeomFromSdf((Model)model, (str)sdf_filename, (GeometryType)geom_type, (GeometryModel)geom_model, (str)root_link_name) GeometryModel :

Parse the SDF file given as input looking for the geometry of the given input model and and store either the collision geometries (GeometryType.COLLISION) or the visual geometries (GeometryType.VISUAL) in the geom_model given as input.

  • model – model of the robot

  • sdf_filename – path to the SDF file containing the model of the robot

  • geom_type – type of geometry to extract from the SDF file (either the VISUAL for display or the COLLISION for collision detection).

  • geom_model – reference where to store the parsed information

Note: This function does not take any hint concerning the location of the meshes of the robot.

buildGeomFromSdf((Model)model, (str)sdf_filename, (GeometryType)geom_type, (GeometryModel)geom_model, (str)root_link_name, (str)package_dir) GeometryModel :

Parse the SDF file given as input looking for the geometry of the given input model and and store either the collision geometries (GeometryType.COLLISION) or the visual geometries (GeometryType.VISUAL) in the geom_model given as input.

  • model – model of the robot

  • sdf_filename – path to the SDF file containing the model of the robot

  • geom_type – type of geometry to extract from the SDF file (either the VISUAL for display or the COLLISION for collision detection).

  • geom_model – reference where to store the parsed information

  • package_dir – path pointing to the folder containing the meshes of the robot

buildGeomFromSdf((Model)model, (str)sdf_filename, (GeometryType)geom_type, (str)root_link_name, (StdVec_StdString)package_dirs, (MeshLoader)mesh_loader) GeometryModel :

Parse the SDF file given as input looking for the geometry of the given input model and return a GeometryModel containing either the collision geometries (GeometryType.COLLISION) or the visual geometries (GeometryType.VISUAL).

  • model – model of the robot

  • sdf_filename – path to the SDF file containing the model of the robot

  • geom_type – type of geometry to extract from the SDF file (either the VISUAL for display or the COLLISION for collision detection).

  • package_dirs – vector of paths pointing to the folders containing the model of the robot

  • mesh_loader – an hpp-fcl mesh loader (to load only once the related geometries).

buildGeomFromSdf((Model)model, (str)sdf_filename, (GeometryType)geom_type, (GeometryModel)geom_model, (str)root_link_name, (StdVec_StdString)package_dirs, (MeshLoader)mesh_loader) GeometryModel :

Parse the SDF file given as input looking for the geometry of the given input model and and store either the collision geometries (GeometryType.COLLISION) or the visual geometries (GeometryType.VISUAL) in the geom_model given as input.

  • model – model of the robot

  • sdf_filename – path to the SDF file containing the model of the robot

  • geom_type – type of geometry to extract from the SDF file (either the VISUAL for display or the COLLISION for collision detection).

  • geom_model – reference where to store the parsed information

  • package_dirs – vector of paths pointing to the folders containing the model of the robot

  • mesh_loader – an hpp-fcl mesh loader (to load only once the related geometries).

buildModelFromSdf((str)sdf_filename, (str)root_link_name[, (StdVec_StdString)parent_guidance=[]]) tuple :

Parse the SDF file given in input and return a pinocchio Model and constraint models.

buildModelFromSdf((str)sdf_filename, (JointModel)root_joint, (str)root_link_name[, (StdVec_StdString)parent_guidance=[]]) tuple :

Parse the SDF file given in input and return a pinocchio Model and constraint models starting with the given root joint.


loadReferenceConfigurations((Model)model, (str)srdf_filename[, (bool)verbose=False]) None :

Retrieve all the reference configurations of a given model from the SRDF file.

  • model – model of the robot

  • srdf_filename – path to the SRDF file containing the reference configurations

  • verbose – [optional] display to the current terminal some internal information

loadReferenceConfigurationsFromXML((Model)model, (str)srdf_xml_stream[, (bool)verbose=False]) None :

Retrieve all the reference configurations of a given model from the SRDF file.

  • model – model of the robot

  • srdf_xml_stream – XML stream containing the SRDF information with the reference configurations

  • verbose – [optional] display to the current terminal some internal information

loadRotorParameters((Model)model, (str)srdf_filename[, (bool)verbose=False]) bool :

Load the rotor parameters of a given model from a SRDF file. Results are stored in model.rotorInertia and model.rotorGearRatio.This function also fills the armature of the model.

  • model – model of the robot

  • srdf_filename – path to the SRDF file containing the rotor parameters

  • verbose – [optional] display to the current terminal some internal information

removeCollisionPairs((Model)model, (GeometryModel)geom_model, (str)srdf_filename[, (bool)verbose=False]) None :

Parse an SRDF file in order to remove some collision pairs for a specific GeometryModel.

  • model – model of the robot

  • geom_model – geometry model of the robot

  • srdf_filename – path to the SRDF file containing the collision pairs to remove

  • verbose – [optional] display to the current terminal some internal information

removeCollisionPairsFromXML((Model)model, (GeometryModel)geom_model, (str)srdf_xml_stream[, (bool)verbose=False]) None :

Parse an SRDF file in order to remove some collision pairs for a specific GeometryModel.

  • model – model of the robot

  • geom_model – geometry model of the robot

  • srdf_xml_stream – XML stream containing the SRDF information with the collision pairs to remove

  • verbose – [optional] display to the current terminal some internal information


buildGeomFromUrdf((Model)model, (str)urdf_filename, (GeometryType)geom_type[, (object)geometry_model=None[, (object)package_dirs=None[, (object)mesh_loader=None]]]) GeometryModel :

Parse the URDF file given as input looking for the geometry of the given input model and and store either the collision geometries (GeometryType.COLLISION) or the visual geometries (GeometryType.VISUAL) in a GeometryModel object.

  • model – model of the robot

  • urdf_filename – path to the URDF file containing the model of the robot

  • geom_type – type of geometry to extract from the URDF file (either the VISUAL for display or the COLLISION for collision detection).

  • geometry_model – if provided, this geometry model will be used to store the parsed information instead of creating a new one

  • package_dirs – either a single path or a vector of paths pointing to folders containing the model of the robot

  • mesh_loader – an hpp-fcl mesh loader (to load only once the related geometries).


a new GeometryModel if geometry_model is None else geometry_model (that has been updated).

buildGeomFromUrdfString((Model)model, (str)urdf_string, (GeometryType)geom_type[, (object)geometry_model=None[, (object)package_dirs=None[, (object)mesh_loader=None]]]) GeometryModel :

Parse the URDF file given as input looking for the geometry of the given input model and and store either the collision geometries (GeometryType.COLLISION) or the visual geometries (GeometryType.VISUAL) in a GeometryModel object.

  • model – model of the robot

  • urdf_string – a string containing the URDF model of the robot

  • geom_type – type of geometry to extract from the URDF file (either the VISUAL for display or the COLLISION for collision detection).

  • geometry_model – if provided, this geometry model will be used to store the parsed information instead of creating a new one

  • package_dirs – either a single path or a vector of paths pointing to folders containing the model of the robot

  • mesh_loader – an hpp-fcl mesh loader (to load only once the related geometries).


a new GeometryModel if geometry_model is None else geometry_model (that has been updated).

buildModelFromUrdf((str)urdf_filename, (JointModel)root_joint) Model :

Parse the URDF file given in input and return a pinocchio Model starting with the given root joint.

buildModelFromUrdf((str)urdf_filename) Model :

Parse the URDF file given in input and return a pinocchio Model.

buildModelFromUrdf((str)urdf_filename, (Model)model) Model :

Append to a given model a URDF structure given by its filename.

buildModelFromUrdf((str)urdf_filename, (JointModel)root_joint, (Model)model) Model :

Append to a given model a URDF structure given by its filename and the root joint.

buildModelFromXML((str)urdf_xml_stream, (JointModel)root_joint) Model :

Parse the URDF XML stream given in input and return a pinocchio Model starting with the given root joint.

buildModelFromXML((str)urdf_xml_stream, (JointModel)root_joint, (Model)model) Model :

Parse the URDF XML stream given in input and append it to the input model with the given interfacing joint.

buildModelFromXML((str)urdf_xml_stream) Model :

Parse the URDF XML stream given in input and return a pinocchio Model.

buildModelFromXML((str)urdf_xml_stream, (Model)model) Model :

Parse the URDF XML stream given in input and append it to the input model.