pinocchio  UNKNOWN
SE3Base< Derived > Class Template Reference

#include <spatial/se3.hpp>

Public Member Functions

Derived_t & derived ()
const Derived_t & derived () const
ConstAngular_t & rotation () const
ConstLinear_t & translation () const
Angular_t & rotation ()
Linear_t & translation ()
void rotation (const Angular_t &R)
void translation (const Linear_t &R)
Matrix4 toHomogeneousMatrix () const
 operator Matrix4 () const
Matrix6 toActionMatrix () const
 operator Matrix6 () const
Matrix6 toDualActionMatrix () const
void disp (std::ostream &os) const
Derived_t operator* (const Derived_t &m2) const
template<typename D >
internal::SE3GroupAction< D >::ReturnType act (const D &d) const
 ay = aXb.act(by)
template<typename D >
internal::SE3GroupAction< D >::ReturnType actInv (const D &d) const
 by = aXb.actInv(ay)
Derived_t act (const Derived_t &m2) const
Derived_t actInv (const Derived_t &m2) const
bool operator== (const Derived_t &other) const
bool operator!= (const Derived_t &other) const
bool isApprox (const Derived_t &other, const Scalar &prec=Eigen::NumTraits< Scalar >::dummy_precision()) const
bool isIdentity (const typename traits< Derived >::Scalar &prec=Eigen::NumTraits< typename traits< Derived >::Scalar >::dummy_precision()) const

Protected Types

typedef Derived Derived_t

Protected Member Functions



std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const SE3Base< Derived > &X)

Detailed Description

template<class Derived>
class se3::SE3Base< Derived >

The rigid transform aMb can be seen in two ways:

  • given a point p expressed in frame B by its coordinate vector Bp, aMb computes its coordinates in frame A by Ap = aMb Bp.
  • aMb displaces a solid S centered at frame A into the solid centered in B. In particular, the origin of A is displaced at the origin of B: $^aM_b ^aA = ^aB$.

The rigid displacement is stored as a rotation matrix and translation vector by: aMb (x) = aRb*x + aAB where aAB is the vector from origin A to origin B expressed in coordinates A.

Definition at line 50 of file se3.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

bool isIdentity ( const typename traits< Derived >::Scalar &  prec = Eigen::NumTraits<typename traits<Derived>::Scalar>::dummy_precision()) const
true if *this is approximately equal to the identity placement, within the precision given by prec.

Definition at line 127 of file se3.hpp.

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