18 #ifndef __se3_fcl_hxx__ 19 #define __se3_fcl_hxx__ 38 assert(co1 != co2 &&
"The index of collision objects must not be equal.");
41 inline bool CollisionPair::operator== (
const CollisionPair& rhs)
const 43 return (first == rhs.first && second == rhs.second)
44 || (first == rhs.second && second == rhs.first );
47 inline void CollisionPair::disp(std::ostream & os)
const 48 { os <<
"collision pair (" << first <<
"," << second <<
")\n"; }
50 inline std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & os,
const CollisionPair & X)
52 X.disp(os);
return os;
58 inline bool operator == (
const fcl::CollisionObject & lhs,
const fcl::CollisionObject & rhs)
60 return lhs.collisionGeometry() == rhs.collisionGeometry()
61 && lhs.getAABB().min_ == rhs.getAABB().min_
62 && lhs.getAABB().max_ == rhs.getAABB().max_;
65 #endif // WITH_HPP_FCL 79 inline std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream & os,
const GeometryObject & geom_object)
81 os <<
"Name: \t \n" << geom_object.
name <<
"\n" 82 <<
"Parent frame ID: \t \n" << geom_object.
parentFrame <<
"\n" 83 <<
"Parent joint ID: \t \n" << geom_object.
parentJoint <<
"\n" 84 <<
"Position in parent frame: \t \n" << geom_object.
placement <<
"\n" 85 <<
"Absolute path to mesh file: \t \n" << geom_object.
meshPath <<
"\n" 86 <<
"Scale for transformation of the mesh: \t \n" << geom_object.
meshScale.transpose() <<
"\n" 95 #endif // ifndef __se3_fcl_hxx__ JointIndex parentJoint
Index of the parent joint.
Eigen::Vector3d meshScale
Scaling vector applied to the fcl object.
boost::shared_ptr< fcl::CollisionGeometry > fcl
The actual cloud of points representing the collision mesh of the object after scaling.
CollisionPair(const GeomIndex co1, const GeomIndex co2)
Default constructor of a collision pair from two collision object indexes. The indexes must be ordere...
Name of the geometry object.
std::string meshPath
Absolute path to the mesh file.
SE3 placement
Position of geometry object in parent joint frame.
FrameIndex parentFrame
Index of the parent frame.