4 from numpy.linalg
import norm, pinv
6 import pinocchio
as se3
8 from display
import Display
13 Class representing one 3D mesh of the robot, to be attached to a joint. The class contains: 14 * the name of the 3D objects inside Gepetto viewer. 15 * the ID of the joint in the kinematic tree to which the body is attached. 16 * the placement of the body with respect to the joint frame. 17 This class is only used in the list Robot.visuals (see below). 19 The visual are supposed mostly to be capsules. In that case, the object also contains 20 radius and length of the capsule. 21 The collision checking computes collision test, distance, and witness points. 22 Using the supporting robot, the collision Jacobian returns a 1xN matrix corresponding 23 to the normal direction. 25 def __init__(self, name, jointParent, placement, radius=.1, length=None):
26 '''Length and radius are used in case of capsule objects''' 30 if length
is not None:
34 def place(self, display, oMjoint):
36 display.place(self.
name, oMbody,
39 return hasattr(self,
and hasattr(self,
41 def collision(self, c2, data=None, oMj1=None, oMj2=None):
44 oMj2 = data.oMi[c2.jointParent]
46 M2 = oMj2 * c2.placement
48 assert(self.
and c2.isCapsule())
54 a1 = M1.act(np.matrix([0, 0, -l1 / 2]).T)
55 b1 = M2.act(np.matrix([0, 0, -l2 / 2]).T)
56 a2 = M1.act(np.matrix([0, 0, +l1 / 2]).T)
57 b2 = M2.act(np.matrix([0, 0, +l2 / 2]).T)
59 ab = pinv(np.hstack([a1 - a2, b2 - b1])) * (b2 - a2)
63 pa = a2 + ab[0, 0] * (a1 - a2)
64 pb = b2 + ab[1, 0] * (b1 - b2)
67 i = np.argmin(np.vstack([ab, 1 - ab]))
69 pa = a2
if i == 0
else a1
70 pb = b2
if i == 1
else b1
72 b = (pinv(b1 - b2) * (pa - b2))[0, 0]
78 pb = b2 + b * (b1 - b2)
81 a = (pinv(a1 - a2) * (pb - a2))[0, 0]
87 pa = a2 + a * (a1 - a2)
90 dist = norm(pa - pb) - (r1 + r2)
91 if norm(pa - pb) > 1e-3:
99 x = np.matrix([1., 0, 0]).T
102 x = np.matrix([0, 1., 0]).T
106 R = np.hstack([r1, r2, ab])
117 def jacobian(self, c2, robot, q):
119 Jb =
se3.jacobian(robot.model, robot.data, q, c2.jointParent,
122 Xb =
se3.SE3(c2.R, c2.w).action
124 J = (Xa * Ja)[2, :] - (Xb * Jb)[2, :]
127 def displayCollision(self, viewer, name='world/wa'):
128 viewer.viewer.gui.setVisibility(name,
129 viewer.place(name,
R, self.
134 Define a class Robot with 7DOF (shoulder=3 + elbow=1 + wrist=3). 135 The configuration is nq=7. The velocity is the same. 136 The members of the class are: 137 * viewer: a display encapsulating a gepetto viewer client to create 3D objects and place them. 138 * model: the kinematic tree of the robot. 139 * data: the temporary variables to be used by the kinematic algorithms. 140 * visuals: the list of all the 'visual' 3D objects to render the robot, each element of the list being 141 an object Visual (see above). 143 CollisionPairs is a list of visual indexes. 144 Reference to the collision pair is used in the collision test and jacobian of the collision 145 (which are simply proxy method to methods of the visual class). 151 self.
model = se3.Model.BuildEmptyModel()
153 self.
data = self.model.createData()
154 self.
q0 = zero(self.model.nq)
156 self.
v0 = zero(self.model.nv)
159 def createHand(self, root_id=0, prefix='', joint_placement=None):
161 return se3.SE3(eye(3), np.matrix([x, y, z]).T)
164 return se3.Inertia(m, np.matrix(c, np.double).T, eye(3) * m ** 2)
166 def joint_name(body):
167 return prefix + body +
'_joint' 170 return 'world/' + prefix + body
172 color = [red, green, blue, transparency] = [1, 1, 0.78, 1.0]
176 joint_placement = joint_placement
if joint_placement
is not None else se3.SE3.Identity()
177 joint_id = self.model.addJoint(joint_id,
se3.JointModelRY(), joint_placement, joint_name(
178 self.model.appendBodyToJoint(joint_id, inertia(3, [0, 0, 0]), se3.SE3.Identity())
180 L, W, H = 3 * cm, 5 * cm, 1 * cm
181 self.viewer.viewer.gui.addSphere(body_name(
'wrist'), .02, color)
182 self.viewer.viewer.gui.addBox(body_name(
'wpalm'), L / 2, W / 2, H, color)
183 self.visuals.append(
'wpalm'), joint_id, trans(L / 2, 0, 0)))
185 self.viewer.viewer.gui.addCapsule(body_name(
'wpalmb'), H, W, color)
186 self.visuals.append(
'wpalmb'), joint_id,
'x', pi / 2), zero(3)), H, W))
188 self.viewer.viewer.gui.addCapsule(body_name(
'wpalmt'), H, W, color)
189 pos =
'x', pi / 2), np.matrix([L, 0, 0]).T)
190 self.visuals.append(
'wpalmt'), joint_id, pos, H, W))
192 self.viewer.viewer.gui.addCapsule(body_name(
'wpalml'), H, L, color)
193 pos =
'y', pi / 2), np.matrix([L / 2, -W / 2, 0]).T)
194 self.visuals.append(
'wpalml'), joint_id, pos, H, L))
196 self.viewer.viewer.gui.addCapsule(body_name(
'wpalmr'), H, L, color)
197 pos =
'y', pi / 2), np.matrix([L / 2, +W / 2, 0]).T)
198 self.visuals.append(
'wpalmr'), joint_id, pos, H, L))
200 joint_placement =
se3.SE3(eye(3), np.matrix([5 * cm, 0, 0]).T)
201 joint_id = self.model.addJoint(joint_id,
se3.JointModelRY(), joint_placement, joint_name(
202 self.model.appendBodyToJoint(joint_id, inertia(2, [0, 0, 0]), se3.SE3.Identity())
203 self.viewer.viewer.gui.addCapsule(body_name(
'palm2'), 1 * cm, W, color)
204 self.visuals.append(
'palm2'), joint_id,
'x', pi / 2), zero(3)), H, W))
209 joint_placement =
se3.SE3(eye(3), np.matrix([2 * cm, W / 2, 0]).T)
210 joint_id = self.model.addJoint(palmIdx,
se3.JointModelRY(), joint_placement, joint_name(
211 self.model.appendBodyToJoint(joint_id, inertia(.5, [0, 0, 0]), se3.SE3.Identity())
212 self.viewer.viewer.gui.addCapsule(body_name(
'finger11'), H, FL - 2 * H, color)
213 pos =
'y', pi / 2), np.matrix([FL / 2 - H, 0, 0]).T)
214 self.visuals.append(
'finger11'), joint_id, pos, H, FL - 2 * H))
216 joint_placement =
se3.SE3(eye(3), np.matrix([FL, 0, 0]).T)
217 joint_id = self.model.addJoint(joint_id,
se3.JointModelRY(), joint_placement, joint_name(
218 self.model.appendBodyToJoint(joint_id, inertia(.5, [0, 0, 0]), se3.SE3.Identity())
220 self.viewer.viewer.gui.addCapsule(body_name(
'finger12'), H, FL - 2 * H, color)
221 pos =
'y', pi / 2), np.matrix([FL / 2 - H, 0, 0]).T)
222 self.visuals.append(
'finger12'), joint_id, pos, H, FL - 2 * H))
224 joint_placement =
se3.SE3(eye(3), np.matrix([FL - 2 * H, 0, 0]).T)
225 joint_id = self.model.addJoint(joint_id,
se3.JointModelRY(), joint_placement, joint_name(
226 self.model.appendBodyToJoint(joint_id, inertia(.3, [0, 0, 0]), se3.SE3.Identity())
227 self.viewer.viewer.gui.addSphere(body_name(
'finger13'), H, color)
228 self.visuals.append(
'finger13'), joint_id, trans(2 * H, 0, 0), H, 0))
230 joint_placement =
se3.SE3(eye(3), np.matrix([2 * cm, 0, 0]).T)
231 joint_id = self.model.addJoint(palmIdx,
se3.JointModelRY(), joint_placement, joint_name(
232 self.model.appendBodyToJoint(joint_id, inertia(.5, [0, 0, 0]), se3.SE3.Identity())
233 self.viewer.viewer.gui.addCapsule(body_name(
'finger21'), H, FL - 2 * H, color)
234 pos =
'y', pi / 2), np.matrix([FL / 2 - H, 0, 0]).T)
235 self.visuals.append(
'finger21'), joint_id, pos, H, FL - 2 * H))
237 joint_placement =
se3.SE3(eye(3), np.matrix([FL, 0, 0]).T)
238 joint_id = self.model.addJoint(joint_id,
se3.JointModelRY(), joint_placement, joint_name(
239 self.model.appendBodyToJoint(joint_id, inertia(.5, [0, 0, 0]), se3.SE3.Identity())
240 self.viewer.viewer.gui.addCapsule(body_name(
'finger22'), H, FL - 2 * H, color)
241 pos =
'y', pi / 2), np.matrix([FL / 2 - H, 0, 0]).T)
242 self.visuals.append(
'finger22'), joint_id, pos, H, FL - 2 * H))
244 joint_placement =
se3.SE3(eye(3), np.matrix([FL - H, 0, 0]).T)
245 joint_id = self.model.addJoint(joint_id,
se3.JointModelRY(), joint_placement, joint_name(
246 self.model.appendBodyToJoint(joint_id, inertia(.3, [0, 0, 0]), se3.SE3.Identity())
247 self.viewer.viewer.gui.addSphere(body_name(
'finger23'), H, color)
248 self.visuals.append(
'finger23'), joint_id, trans(H, 0, 0), H, 0))
250 joint_placement =
se3.SE3(eye(3), np.matrix([2 * cm, -W / 2, 0]).T)
251 joint_id = self.model.addJoint(palmIdx,
se3.JointModelRY(), joint_placement, joint_name(
252 self.model.appendBodyToJoint(joint_id, inertia(.5, [0, 0, 0]), se3.SE3.Identity())
253 self.viewer.viewer.gui.addCapsule(body_name(
'finger31'), H, FL - 2 * H, color)
254 pos =
'y', pi / 2), np.matrix([FL / 2 - H, 0, 0]).T)
255 self.visuals.append(
'finger31'), joint_id, pos, H, FL - 2 * H))
257 joint_placement =
se3.SE3(eye(3), np.matrix([FL, 0, 0]).T)
258 joint_id = self.model.addJoint(joint_id,
se3.JointModelRY(), joint_placement, joint_name(
259 self.model.appendBodyToJoint(joint_id, inertia(.5, [0, 0, 0]), se3.SE3.Identity())
260 self.viewer.viewer.gui.addCapsule(body_name(
'finger32'), H, FL - 2 * H, color)
261 pos =
'y', pi / 2), np.matrix([FL / 2 - H, 0, 0]).T)
262 self.visuals.append(
'finger32'), joint_id, pos, H, FL - 2 * H))
264 joint_placement =
se3.SE3(eye(3), np.matrix([FL - 2 * H, 0, 0]).T)
265 joint_id = self.model.addJoint(joint_id,
se3.JointModelRY(), joint_placement, joint_name(
266 self.model.appendBodyToJoint(joint_id, inertia(.3, [0, 0, 0]), se3.SE3.Identity())
267 self.viewer.viewer.gui.addSphere(body_name(
'finger33'), H, color)
268 self.visuals.append(
'finger33'), joint_id, trans(2 * H, 0, 0), H, 0))
270 joint_placement =
se3.SE3(eye(3), np.matrix([1 * cm, -W / 2 - H * 1.5, 0]).T)
271 joint_id = self.model.addJoint(1,
se3.JointModelRY(), joint_placement, joint_name(
272 self.model.appendBodyToJoint(joint_id, inertia(.5, [0, 0, 0]), se3.SE3.Identity())
273 self.viewer.viewer.gui.addCapsule(body_name(
'thumb1'), H, 2 * cm, color)
274 pos =
'z', pi / 3) * rotate(
'x', pi / 2), np.matrix([1 * cm, -1 * cm, 0]).T)
275 self.visuals.append(
'thumb1'), joint_id, pos, 2 * cm))
277 joint_placement =
'z', pi / 3) * rotate(
'x', pi), np.matrix([3 * cm, -1.8 * cm, 0]).T)
278 joint_id = self.model.addJoint(joint_id,
se3.JointModelRZ(), joint_placement, joint_name(
279 self.model.appendBodyToJoint(joint_id, inertia(.4, [0, 0, 0]), se3.SE3.Identity())
280 self.viewer.viewer.gui.addCapsule(body_name(
'thumb2'), H, FL - 2 * H, color)
281 pos =
'x', pi / 3), np.matrix([-0.7 * cm, .8 * cm, -0.5 * cm]).T)
282 self.visuals.append(
'thumb2'), joint_id, pos, H, FL - 2 * H))
286 self.viewer.viewer.gui.addCylinder(
'world/wa%i' % i, .01, .003, [1.0, 0, 0, 1])
287 self.viewer.viewer.gui.addCylinder(
'world/wb%i' % i, .01, .003, [1.0, 0, 0, 1])
288 self.viewer.viewer.gui.setVisibility(
'world/wa%i' % i,
289 self.viewer.viewer.gui.setVisibility(
'world/wb%i' % i,
291 def checkCollision(self, pairIndex):
295 dist = va.collision(vb, self.
298 def collisionJacobian(self, pairIndex, q):
302 return va.jacobian(vb, self, q)
304 def displayCollision(self, pairIndex, meshIndex, onlyOne=False):
308 va.displayCollision(self.
'world/wa%i' % meshIndex)
309 vb.displayCollision(self.
'world/wb%i' % meshIndex)
310 self.viewer.viewer.gui.setVisibility(
'world/wa%i' % meshIndex,
311 self.viewer.viewer.gui.setVisibility(
'world/wb%i' % meshIndex,
316 visual.place(self.
viewer, self.data.oMi[visual.jointParent])
317 self.viewer.viewer.gui.refresh()
def __init__(self, name, jointParent, placement, radius=.1, length=None)
void forwardKinematics(const Model &model, Data &data, const Eigen::VectorXd &q, const Eigen::VectorXd &v, const Eigen::VectorXd &a)
Update the joint placements, spatial velocities and spatial accelerations according to the current jo...
def createHand(self, root_id=0, prefix='', joint_placement=None)
PINOCCHIO_DEPRECATED void jacobian(const Model &model, Data &data, const Eigen::VectorXd &q, const Model::JointIndex jointId, Data::Matrix6x &J)
Computes the Jacobian of a specific joint frame expressed in the local frame of the joint and store t...