Gepetto Viewer

This package provides a graphical user interface to visualize robots. There are two compatible interfaces to interact with the interface.

  • the CORBA interface with Python and C++ clients.
  • the graphical user interface.

To start the interface, use


To get some help on the command line options, use

gepetto-gui --help

To get command line completion for gepetto-gui command, see package

Graphical user interface

Configuration files

The interface can be customized using a few setting files. See gepetto::gui::Settings::readSettingFile for more details on configuration files.

To generate a new configuration use:

gepetto-gui -c newConfigName -g

To use the configuration config:

gepetto-gui -c newConfigName
Extending the interface

There are two ways of extending the interface: Python and C++. Python plugins are easier to write than C++ plugins, but they do not offer full control of the interface (yet).

See the List of available plugins for some examples. Building and installing plugins is made easy with CMake macros.

C++ Interface

This package implements a library built on Open Scene Graph to display various geometric primitives.

The library is able to parse urdf files and to create objects with each link of the robot. Basic geometric primitives can also be built (boxes, cylinders, capsules,...). See gepetto::viewer::Node inheritance diagram for a list of handled 3D objects.

As in OpenSceneGraph, objects are organized in trees. This package does not implement a kinematic chain. Each object must be placed separately in its parent frame.

The main entry points are: