hpp-fcl  1.4.4
HPP fork of FCL -- The Flexible Collision Library
Todo List
Class hpp::fcl::details::MinkowskiDiff
template this by the two shapes. The triangle / triangle case can be easily optimized computing once the triangle shapes[1] into frame0
Member hpp::fcl::details::sphereCylinderDistance (const Sphere &s1, const Transform3f &tf1, const Cylinder &s2, const Transform3f &tf2, FCL_REAL &dist, Vec3f &p1, Vec3f &p2, Vec3f &normal)
a tiny performance improvement could be achieved using the abscissa with S as the origin
Member hpp::fcl::distance (const Matrix3f &R0, const Vec3f &T0, const kIOS &b1, const kIOS &b2, Vec3f *P=NULL, Vec3f *Q=NULL)
P and Q is not returned, need implementation
Member hpp::fcl::GJKSolver::shapeIntersect (const Box &s1, const Transform3f &tf1, const Box &s2, const Transform3f &tf2, FCL_REAL &distance_lower_bound, bool enable_penetration, Vec3f *contact_points, Vec3f *normal) const
currently disabled and to re-enable it, API of function obbDisjointAndLowerBoundDistance should be modified.
Member hpp::fcl::MeshLoader::loadOctree (const std::string &filename)
add OctreePtr_t
Member hpp::fcl::overlap (const Matrix3f &R0, const Vec3f &T0, const kIOS &b1, const kIOS &b2)
Not efficient
Member hpp::fcl::overlap (const Matrix3f &R0, const Vec3f &T0, const kIOS &b1, const kIOS &b2, const CollisionRequest &request, FCL_REAL &sqrDistLowerBound)
Not efficient
Member hpp::fcl::RSS::operator+= (const Vec3f &p)
This function may have some bug.