SolverAbstract Class Referenceabstract

Abstract class for optimal control solvers. More...

#include <solver-base.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for SolverAbstract:
SolverIpopt SolverKKT

Public Member Functions

EIGEN_MAKE_ALIGNED_OPERATOR_NEW SolverAbstract (boost::shared_ptr< ShootingProblem > problem)
 Initialize the solver. More...
virtual void computeDirection (const bool recalc)=0
 Compute the search direction \((\delta\mathbf{x}^k,\delta\mathbf{u}^k)\) for the current guess \((\mathbf{x}^k_s,\mathbf{u}^k_s)\). More...
double computeDynamicFeasibility ()
 Compute the dynamic feasibility \(\|\mathbf{f}_{\mathbf{s}}\|_{\infty,1}\) for the current guess \((\mathbf{x}^k,\mathbf{u}^k)\). More...
double computeEqualityFeasibility ()
 Compute the feasibility of the equality constraints for the current guess. More...
double computeInequalityFeasibility ()
 Compute the feasibility of the inequality constraints for the current guess. More...
 DEPRECATED ("Use get_preg for primal-variable regularization", double get_xreg() const ;) DEPRECATED("Use get_preg for primal-variable regularization"
 DEPRECATED ("Use set_preg for primal-variable regularization", void set_xreg(const double xreg);) DEPRECATED("Use set_preg for primal-variable regularization"
virtual const Eigen::Vector2d & expectedImprovement ()=0
 Return the expected improvement \(dV_{exp}\) from a given current search direction \((\delta\mathbf{x}^k,\delta\mathbf{u}^k)\). More...
double get_cost () const
 Return the cost for the current guess.
const Eigen::Vector2d & get_d () const
 Return the linear and quadratic terms of the expected improvement.
double get_dfeas () const
 Return the reduction in the feasibility.
double get_dPhi () const
 Return the reduction in the merit function \(\Delta\Phi\).
double get_dPhiexp () const
 Return the expected reduction in the merit function \(\Delta\Phi_{exp}\).
double get_dreg () const
 Return the dual-variable regularization.
double get_dV () const
 Return the reduction in the cost function \(\Delta V\).
double get_dVexp () const
 Return the expected reduction in the cost function \(\Delta V_{exp}\).
double get_feas () const
 Return the total feasibility for the current guess.
FeasibilityNorm get_feasnorm () const
 Return the type of norm used to evaluate the dynamic and constraints feasibility.
double get_ffeas () const
 Return the dynamic feasibility for the current guess.
double get_ffeas_try () const
 Return the dynamic feasibility for the current step length.
const std::vector< Eigen::VectorXd > & get_fs () const
 Return the dynamic infeasibility \(\mathbf{f}_{s}\).
double get_gfeas () const
 Return the inequality feasibility for the current guess.
double get_gfeas_try () const
 Return the inequality feasibility for the current step length.
double get_hfeas () const
 Return the equality feasibility for the current guess.
double get_hfeas_try () const
 Return the equality feasibility for the current step length.
bool get_is_feasible () const
 Return the feasibility status of the \((\mathbf{x}_s,\mathbf{u}_s)\) trajectory.
std::size_t get_iter () const
 Return the number of iterations performed by the solver.
double get_merit () const
 Return the merit for the current guess.
double get_preg () const
 Return the primal-variable regularization.
const boost::shared_ptr< ShootingProblem > & get_problem () const
 Return the shooting problem.
double get_steplength () const
 Return the step length \(\alpha\).
double get_stop () const
 Return the stopping-criteria value computed by stoppingCriteria()
double get_th_acceptstep () const
 Return the threshold used for accepting a step.
double get_th_gaptol () const
 Return the threshold for accepting a gap as non-zero.
double get_th_stop () const
 Return the tolerance for stopping the algorithm.
double get_ureg () const
const std::vector< Eigen::VectorXd > & get_us () const
 Return the control trajectory \(\mathbf{u}_s\).
const std::vector< Eigen::VectorXd > & get_xs () const
 Return the state trajectory \(\mathbf{x}_s\).
const std::vector< boost::shared_ptr< CallbackAbstract > > & getCallbacks () const
 Return the list of callback functions using for diagnostic.
virtual void resizeData ()
 Resizing the solver data. More...
void set_dreg (const double dreg)
 Modify the dual-variable regularization value.
void set_feasnorm (const FeasibilityNorm feas_norm)
 Modify the current norm used for computed the dynamic and constraint feasibility.
void set_preg (const double preg)
 Modify the primal-variable regularization value.
void set_th_acceptstep (const double th_acceptstep)
 Modify the threshold used for accepting step.
void set_th_gaptol (const double th_gaptol)
 Modify the threshold for accepting a gap as non-zero.
void set_th_stop (const double th_stop)
 Modify the tolerance for stopping the algorithm.
void set_ureg (const double ureg)
void set_us (const std::vector< Eigen::VectorXd > &us)
 Modify the control trajectory \(\mathbf{u}_s\).
void set_xs (const std::vector< Eigen::VectorXd > &xs)
 Modify the state trajectory \(\mathbf{x}_s\).
void setCallbacks (const std::vector< boost::shared_ptr< CallbackAbstract > > &callbacks)
 Set a list of callback functions using for the solver diagnostic. More...
void setCandidate (const std::vector< Eigen::VectorXd > &xs_warm=DEFAULT_VECTOR, const std::vector< Eigen::VectorXd > &us_warm=DEFAULT_VECTOR, const bool is_feasible=false)
 Set the solver candidate trajectories \((\mathbf{x}_s,\mathbf{u}_s)\). More...
virtual bool solve (const std::vector< Eigen::VectorXd > &init_xs=DEFAULT_VECTOR, const std::vector< Eigen::VectorXd > &init_us=DEFAULT_VECTOR, const std::size_t maxiter=100, const bool is_feasible=false, const double reg_init=NAN)=0
 Compute the optimal trajectory \(\mathbf{x}^*_s,\mathbf{u}^*_s\) as lists of \(T+1\) and \(T\) terms. More...
virtual double stoppingCriteria ()=0
 Return a positive value that quantifies the algorithm termination. More...
virtual double tryStep (const double steplength=1)=0
 Try a predefined step length \(\alpha\) and compute its cost improvement \(dV\). More...

Protected Member Functions

 DEPRECATED ("Use preg_ for primal-variable regularization", double xreg_;) DEPRECATED("Use dreg_ for primal-variable regularization"

Protected Attributes

std::vector< boost::shared_ptr< CallbackAbstract > > callbacks_
 Callback functions.
double cost_
 Cost for the current guess.
Eigen::Vector2d d_
 LQ approximation of the expected improvement.
double dfeas_
 Reduction in the feasibility.
double dPhi_
 Reduction in the merit function computed by tryStep()
double dPhiexp_
 Expected reduction in the merit function.
double dreg_
 Current dual-variable regularization value.
double dV_
 Reduction in the cost function computed by tryStep()
double dVexp_
 Expected reduction in the cost function.
double feas_
 Total feasibility for the current guess.
enum FeasibilityNorm feasnorm_
double ffeas_
 Feasibility of the dynamic constraints for the current guess.
double ffeas_try_
std::vector< Eigen::VectorXd > fs_
 Gaps/defects between shooting nodes.
double gfeas_
double gfeas_try_
double hfeas_
double hfeas_try_
bool is_feasible_
 Label that indicates is the iteration is feasible.
std::size_t iter_
 Number of iteration performed by the solver.
double merit_
 Merit for the current guess.
double preg_
 Current primal-variable regularization value.
boost::shared_ptr< ShootingProblemproblem_
 optimal control problem
double steplength_
 < Current control regularization values More...
double stop_
 Value computed by stoppingCriteria()
double th_acceptstep_
 Threshold used for accepting step.
double th_gaptol_
 Threshold limit to check non-zero gaps.
double th_stop_
 Tolerance for stopping the algorithm.
double tmp_feas_
 Temporal variables used for computed the feasibility.
double ureg_
std::vector< Eigen::VectorXd > us_
 Control trajectory.
bool was_feasible_
std::vector< Eigen::VectorXd > xs_
 State trajectory.

Detailed Description

Abstract class for optimal control solvers.

A solver resolves an optimal control solver of the form

\begin{eqnarray*} \begin{Bmatrix} \mathbf{x}^*_0,\cdots,\mathbf{x}^*_{T} \\ \mathbf{u}^*_0,\cdots,\mathbf{u}^*_{T-1} \end{Bmatrix} = \arg\min_{\mathbf{x}_s,\mathbf{u}_s} && l_T (\mathbf{x}_T) + \sum_{k=0}^{T-1} l_k(\mathbf{x}_t,\mathbf{u}_t) \\ \operatorname{subject}\,\operatorname{to} && \mathbf{x}_0 = \mathbf{\tilde{x}}_0\\ && \mathbf{x}_{k+1} = \mathbf{f}_k(\mathbf{x}_k,\mathbf{u}_k)\\ && \mathbf{x}_k\in\mathcal{X}, \mathbf{u}_k\in\mathcal{U} \end{eqnarray*}

where \(l_T(\mathbf{x}_T)\), \(l_k(\mathbf{x}_t,\mathbf{u}_t)\) are the terminal and running cost functions, respectively, \(\mathbf{f}_k(\mathbf{x}_k,\mathbf{u}_k)\) describes evolution of the system, and state and control admissible sets are defined by \(\mathbf{x}_k\in\mathcal{X}\), \(\mathbf{u}_k\in\mathcal{U}\). An action model, defined in the shooting problem, describes each node \(k\). Inside the action model, we specialize the cost functions, the system evolution and the admissible sets.

The main routines are computeDirection() and tryStep(). The former finds a search direction and typically computes the derivatives of each action model. The latter rollout the dynamics and cost (i.e., the action) to try the search direction found by computeDirection. Both functions used the current guess defined by setCandidate(). Finally, solve() function is used to define when the search direction and length are computed in each iterate. It also describes the globalization strategy (i.e., regularization) of the numerical optimization.

See also
solve(), computeDirection(), tryStep(), stoppingCriteria()

Definition at line 61 of file solver-base.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SolverAbstract()

SolverAbstract ( boost::shared_ptr< ShootingProblem problem)

Initialize the solver.

[in]problemshooting problem

Definition at line 19 of file solver-base.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ solve()

virtual bool solve ( const std::vector< Eigen::VectorXd > &  init_xs = DEFAULT_VECTOR,
const std::vector< Eigen::VectorXd > &  init_us = DEFAULT_VECTOR,
const std::size_t  maxiter = 100,
const bool  is_feasible = false,
const double  reg_init = NAN 
pure virtual

Compute the optimal trajectory \(\mathbf{x}^*_s,\mathbf{u}^*_s\) as lists of \(T+1\) and \(T\) terms.

From an initial guess init_xs, init_us (feasible or not), iterate over computeDirection() and tryStep() until stoppingCriteria() is below threshold. It also describes the globalization strategy used during the numerical optimization.

[in]init_xsinitial guess for state trajectory with \(T+1\) elements (default [])
[in]init_usinitial guess for control trajectory with \(T\) elements (default [])
[in]maxitermaximum allowed number of iterations (default 100)
[in]is_feasibletrue if the init_xs are obtained from integrating the init_us (rollout) (default false)
[in]init_reginitial guess for the regularization value. Very low values are typical used with very good guess points (default 1e-9).
A boolean that describes if convergence was reached.

Implemented in SolverKKT, and SolverIpopt.

◆ computeDirection()

virtual void computeDirection ( const bool  recalc)
pure virtual

Compute the search direction \((\delta\mathbf{x}^k,\delta\mathbf{u}^k)\) for the current guess \((\mathbf{x}^k_s,\mathbf{u}^k_s)\).

You must call setCandidate() first in order to define the current guess. A current guess defines a state and control trajectory \((\mathbf{x}^k_s,\mathbf{u}^k_s)\) of \(T+1\) and \(T\) elements, respectively.

[in]recalctrue for recalculating the derivatives at current state and control
The search direction \((\delta\mathbf{x},\delta\mathbf{u})\) and the dual lambdas as lists of \(T+1\), \(T\) and \(T+1\) lengths, respectively

Implemented in SolverKKT.

◆ tryStep()

virtual double tryStep ( const double  steplength = 1)
pure virtual

Try a predefined step length \(\alpha\) and compute its cost improvement \(dV\).

It uses the search direction found by computeDirection() to try a determined step length \(\alpha\). Therefore, it assumes that we have run computeDirection() first. Additionally, it returns the cost improvement \(dV\) along the predefined step length \(\alpha\).

[in]steplengthapplied step length ( \(0\leq\alpha\leq1\))
the cost improvement

Implemented in SolverKKT.

◆ stoppingCriteria()

virtual double stoppingCriteria ( )
pure virtual

Return a positive value that quantifies the algorithm termination.

These values typically represents the gradient norm which tell us that it's been reached the local minima. The stopping criteria strictly speaking depends on the search direction (calculated by computeDirection()) but it could also depend on the chosen step length, tested by tryStep().

Implemented in SolverKKT.

◆ expectedImprovement()

virtual const Eigen::Vector2d& expectedImprovement ( )
pure virtual

Return the expected improvement \(dV_{exp}\) from a given current search direction \((\delta\mathbf{x}^k,\delta\mathbf{u}^k)\).

For computing the expected improvement, you need to compute the search direction first via computeDirection().

Implemented in SolverKKT.

◆ resizeData()

void resizeData ( )

Resizing the solver data.

If the shooting problem has changed after construction, then this function resizes all the data before starting resolve the problem.

Reimplemented in SolverIpopt.

Definition at line 68 of file solver-base.cpp.

◆ computeDynamicFeasibility()

double computeDynamicFeasibility ( )

Compute the dynamic feasibility \(\|\mathbf{f}_{\mathbf{s}}\|_{\infty,1}\) for the current guess \((\mathbf{x}^k,\mathbf{u}^k)\).

The feasibility can be computed using different norms (e.g, \(\ell_\infty\) or \(\ell_1\) norms). By default we use the \(\ell_\infty\) norm, however, we can change the type of norm using set_feasnorm. Note that \(\mathbf{f}_{\mathbf{s}}\) are the gaps on the dynamics, which are computed at each node as \(\mathbf{x}^{'}-\mathbf{f}(\mathbf{x},\mathbf{u})\).

Definition at line 79 of file solver-base.cpp.

◆ computeInequalityFeasibility()

double computeInequalityFeasibility ( )

Compute the feasibility of the inequality constraints for the current guess.

The feasibility can be computed using different norms (e.g, \(\ell_\infty\) or \(\ell_1\) norms). By default we use the \(\ell_\infty\) norm, however, we can change the type of norm using set_feasnorm.

Definition at line 121 of file solver-base.cpp.

◆ computeEqualityFeasibility()

double computeEqualityFeasibility ( )

Compute the feasibility of the equality constraints for the current guess.

The feasibility can be computed using different norms (e.g, \(\ell_\infty\) or \(\ell_1\) norms). By default we use the \(\ell_\infty\) norm, however, we can change the type of norm using set_feasnorm.

Definition at line 156 of file solver-base.cpp.

◆ setCandidate()

void setCandidate ( const std::vector< Eigen::VectorXd > &  xs_warm = DEFAULT_VECTOR,
const std::vector< Eigen::VectorXd > &  us_warm = DEFAULT_VECTOR,
const bool  is_feasible = false 

Set the solver candidate trajectories \((\mathbf{x}_s,\mathbf{u}_s)\).

The solver candidates are defined as a state and control trajectories \((\mathbf{x}_s,\mathbf{u}_s)\) of \(T+1\) and \(T\) elements, respectively. Additionally, we need to define the dynamic feasibility of the \((\mathbf{x}_s,\mathbf{u}_s)\) pair. Note that the trajectories are feasible if \(\mathbf{x}_s\) is the resulting trajectory from the system rollout with \(\mathbf{u}_s\) inputs.

[in]xsstate trajectory of \(T+1\) elements (default [])
[in]uscontrol trajectory of \(T\) elements (default [])
[in]isFeasibletrue if the xs are obtained from integrating the us (rollout)

Definition at line 191 of file solver-base.cpp.

◆ setCallbacks()

void setCallbacks ( const std::vector< boost::shared_ptr< CallbackAbstract > > &  callbacks)

Set a list of callback functions using for the solver diagnostic.

Each iteration, the solver calls these set of functions in order to allowed user the diagnostic of its performance.

callbacksset of callback functions

Definition at line 263 of file solver-base.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ was_feasible_

bool was_feasible_

Label that indicates in the previous iterate was feasible

Definition at line 439 of file solver-base.hpp.

◆ gfeas_

double gfeas_

Feasibility of the inequality constraints for the current guess

Definition at line 453 of file solver-base.hpp.

◆ hfeas_

double hfeas_

Feasibility of the equality constraints for the current guess

Definition at line 455 of file solver-base.hpp.

◆ ffeas_try_

double ffeas_try_

Feasibility of the dynamic constraints evaluated for the current step length

Definition at line 457 of file solver-base.hpp.

◆ gfeas_try_

double gfeas_try_

Feasibility of the inequality constraints evaluated for the current step length

Definition at line 459 of file solver-base.hpp.

◆ hfeas_try_

double hfeas_try_

Feasibility of the equality constraints evaluated for the current step length

Definition at line 461 of file solver-base.hpp.

◆ steplength_

double steplength_

< Current control regularization values

Current applied step length

Definition at line 469 of file solver-base.hpp.

◆ feasnorm_

enum FeasibilityNorm feasnorm_

Type of norm used to evaluate the dynamics and constraints feasibility

Definition at line 472 of file solver-base.hpp.

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