pinocchio  3.4.0
A fast and flexible implementation of Rigid Body Dynamics algorithms and their analytical derivatives
ForceSetTpl< _Scalar, _Options > Class Template Reference


struct  Block

Public Types

enum  { Options = _Options }
typedef Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, 3, 3, Options > Matrix3
typedef Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, 3, Eigen::Dynamic, Options > Matrix3x
typedef Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, 6, 6, Options > Matrix6
typedef Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, 6, Eigen::Dynamic, Options > Matrix6x
typedef _Scalar Scalar
typedef SE3Tpl< Scalar, Options > SE3
typedef Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, 3, 1, Options > Vector3
typedef Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, 6, 1, Options > Vector6

Public Member Functions

 ForceSetTpl (const int &ncols)
 ForceSetTpl (const Matrix3x &linear, const Matrix3x &angular)
const Matrix3x & angular () const
Block block (const int &idx, const int &len)
const Matrix3x & linear () const
Matrix6x matrix () const
 operator Matrix6x () const
ForceSetTpl se3Action (const SE3 &m) const
 af = aXb.act(bf)
ForceSetTpl se3ActionInverse (const SE3 &m) const
 bf = aXb.actInv(af)


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const ForceSetTpl &phi)

Detailed Description

template<typename _Scalar, int _Options>
class pinocchio::ForceSetTpl< _Scalar, _Options >

Definition at line 14 of file force-set.hpp.

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