pinocchio  3.4.0
A fast and flexible implementation of Rigid Body Dynamics algorithms and their analytical derivatives
1 //
2 // Copyright (c) 2015 CNRS
3 //
5 #ifndef __pinocchio_spatial_force_set_hpp__
6 #define __pinocchio_spatial_force_set_hpp__
8 #include "pinocchio/spatial/fwd.hpp"
9 #include <Eigen/Geometry>
11 namespace pinocchio
12 {
13  template<typename _Scalar, int _Options>
15  {
16  public:
17  typedef _Scalar Scalar;
18  enum
19  {
20  Options = _Options
21  };
22  typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, 3, 1, Options> Vector3;
23  typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, 3, 3, Options> Matrix3;
24  typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, 6, 1, Options> Vector6;
25  typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, 6, 6, Options> Matrix6;
28  typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, 3, Eigen::Dynamic, Options> Matrix3x;
29  typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, 6, Eigen::Dynamic, Options> Matrix6x;
31  public:
32  // Constructors
33  ForceSetTpl(const int & ncols)
34  : size(ncols)
35  , m_f(3, ncols)
36  , m_n(3, ncols)
37  {
38  m_f.fill(NAN);
39  m_n.fill(NAN);
40  }
41  ForceSetTpl(const Matrix3x & linear, const Matrix3x & angular)
42  : size((int)linear.cols())
43  , m_f(linear)
44  , m_n(angular)
45  {
46  assert(linear.cols() == angular.cols());
47  }
49  Matrix6x matrix() const
50  {
51  Matrix6x F(6, size);
52  F << m_f, m_n;
53  // F.template topRows<3>() = m_f;
54  // F.template bottomRows<3>() = m_n;
55  return F;
56  }
57  operator Matrix6x() const
58  {
59  return matrix();
60  }
62  // Getters
63  const Matrix3x & linear() const
64  {
65  return m_f;
66  }
67  const Matrix3x & angular() const
68  {
69  return m_n;
70  }
73  ForceSetTpl se3Action(const SE3 & m) const
74  {
75  Matrix3x Rf(m.rotation() * linear());
76  return ForceSetTpl(Rf, skew(m.translation()) * Rf + m.rotation() * angular());
77  // TODO check if nothing better than explicitely calling skew
78  }
80  ForceSetTpl se3ActionInverse(const SE3 & m) const
81  {
82  return ForceSetTpl(
83  m.rotation().transpose() * linear(),
84  m.rotation().transpose() * (angular() - skew(m.translation()) * linear()));
85  // TODO check if nothing better than explicitely calling skew
86  }
88  friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os, const ForceSetTpl & phi)
89  {
90  os << "F =\n" << phi.linear() << std::endl << "Tau =\n" << phi.angular() << std::endl;
91  return os;
92  }
94  /* --- BLOCK ------------------------------------------------------------ */
95  struct Block
96  {
97  ForceSetTpl & ref;
98  int idx, len;
99  Block(ForceSetTpl & ref, const int & idx, const int & len)
100  : ref(ref)
101  , idx(idx)
102  , len(len)
103  {
104  }
106  Eigen::Block<ForceSetTpl::Matrix3x> linear()
107  {
108  return ref.m_f.block(0, idx, 3, len);
109  }
110  Eigen::Block<ForceSetTpl::Matrix3x> angular()
111  {
112  return ref.m_n.block(0, idx, 3, len);
113  }
114  Eigen::Block<const ForceSetTpl::Matrix3x> linear() const
115  {
116  return ((const ForceSetTpl::Matrix3x &)(ref.m_f)).block(0, idx, 3, len);
117  }
118  Eigen::Block<const ForceSetTpl::Matrix3x> angular() const
119  {
120  return ((const ForceSetTpl::Matrix3x &)(ref.m_n)).block(0, idx, 3, len);
121  }
123  ForceSetTpl::Matrix6x matrix() const
124  {
125  ForceSetTpl::Matrix6x res(6, len);
126  res << linear(), angular();
127  return res;
128  }
130  Block & operator=(const ForceSetTpl & copy)
131  {
132  assert(copy.size == len);
133  linear() = copy.linear(); // ref.m_f.block(0,idx,3,len) = copy.m_f;
134  angular() = copy.angular(); // ref.m_n.block(0,idx,3,len) = copy.m_n;
135  return *this;
136  }
138  Block & operator=(const ForceSetTpl::Block & copy)
139  {
140  assert(copy.len == len);
141  linear() =
142  copy.linear(); // ref.m_f.block(0,idx,3,len) = copy.ref.m_f.block(0,copy.idx,3,copy.len);
143  angular() =
144  copy.angular(); // ref.m_n.block(0,idx,3,len) = copy.ref.m_n.block(0,copy.idx,3,copy.len);
145  return *this;
146  }
148  template<typename D>
149  Block & operator=(const Eigen::MatrixBase<D> & m)
150  {
151  eigen_assert(D::RowsAtCompileTime == 6);
152  assert(m.cols() == len);
153  linear() = m.template topRows<3>();
154  angular() = m.template bottomRows<3>();
155  return *this;
156  }
159  ForceSetTpl se3Action(const SE3 & m) const
160  {
161  // const Eigen::Block<const Matrix3x> linear = ref.linear().block(0,idx,3,len);
162  // const Eigen::Block<const Matrix3x> angular = ref.angular().block(0,idx,3,len);
163  Matrix3x Rf((m.rotation() * linear()));
164  return ForceSetTpl(Rf, skew(m.translation()) * Rf + m.rotation() * angular());
165  // TODO check if nothing better than explicitely calling skew
166  }
169  {
170  // const Eigen::Block<const Matrix3x> linear = ref.linear().block(0,idx,3,len);
171  // const Eigen::Block<const Matrix3x> angular = ref.angular().block(0,idx,3,len);
172  return ForceSetTpl(
173  m.rotation().transpose() * linear(),
174  m.rotation().transpose() * (angular() - skew(m.translation()) * linear()));
175  // TODO check if nothing better than explicitely calling skew
176  }
177  };
179  Block block(const int & idx, const int & len)
180  {
181  return Block(*this, idx, len);
182  }
184  /* CRBA joint operators
185  * - ForceSet::Block = ForceSet
186  * - ForceSet operator* (Inertia Y,Constraint S)
187  * - MatrixBase operator* (Constraint::Transpose S, ForceSet::Block)
188  * - SE3::act(ForceSet::Block)
189  */
191  public: //
192  private:
193  int size;
194  Matrix3x m_f, m_n;
195  };
197  typedef ForceSetTpl<context::Scalar, context::Options> ForceSet;
199  template<>
200  struct SE3GroupAction<ForceSet::Block>
201  {
202  typedef ForceSet ReturnType;
203  };
205 } // namespace pinocchio
207 #endif // ifndef __pinocchio_spatial_force_set_hpp__
ForceSetTpl se3ActionInverse(const SE3 &m) const
bf = aXb.actInv(af)
Definition: force-set.hpp:80
ForceSetTpl se3Action(const SE3 &m) const
af = aXb.act(bf)
Definition: force-set.hpp:73
Main pinocchio namespace.
Definition: treeview.dox:11
void copy(const ModelTpl< Scalar, Options, JointCollectionTpl > &model, const DataTpl< Scalar, Options, JointCollectionTpl > &origin, DataTpl< Scalar, Options, JointCollectionTpl > &dest, KinematicLevel kinematic_level)
Copy part of the data from origin to dest. Template parameter can be used to select at which differen...
Definition: copy.hpp:42
void skew(const Eigen::MatrixBase< Vector3 > &v, const Eigen::MatrixBase< Matrix3 > &M)
Computes the skew representation of a given 3d vector, i.e. the antisymmetric matrix representation o...
Definition: skew.hpp:22
ForceSetTpl se3ActionInverse(const SE3 &m) const
bf = aXb.actInv(af)
Definition: force-set.hpp:168
ForceSetTpl se3Action(const SE3 &m) const
af = aXb.act(bf)
Definition: force-set.hpp:159