pinocchio  UNKNOWN
MotionBase< Derived > Class Template Reference
Inheritance diagram for MotionBase< Derived >:

Public Member Functions

Derived & derived ()
const Derived & derived () const
ConstAngularType angular () const
ConstLinearType linear () const
AngularType angular ()
LinearType linear ()
template<typename V3Like >
void angular (const Eigen::MatrixBase< V3Like > &w)
template<typename V3Like >
void linear (const Eigen::MatrixBase< V3Like > &v)
ToVectorConstReturnType toVector () const
ToVectorReturnType toVector ()
 operator Vector6 () const
ActionMatrixType toActionMatrix () const
ActionMatrixType toDualActionMatrix () const
 operator Matrix6 () const
template<typename M2 >
bool operator== (const MotionBase< M2 > &other) const
template<typename M2 >
bool operator!= (const MotionBase< M2 > &other) const
MotionPlain operator- () const
MotionPlain operator+ (const Derived &v) const
MotionPlain operator- (const Derived &v) const
Derived & operator+= (const Derived &v)
Derived & operator-= (const Derived &v)
template<typename OtherScalar >
MotionPlain operator* (const OtherScalar &alpha) const
template<typename OtherScalar >
MotionPlain operator/ (const OtherScalar &alpha) const
template<typename OtherSpatialType >
internal::MotionAlgebraAction< OtherSpatialType, Derived >::ReturnType cross (const OtherSpatialType &d) const
bool isApprox (const Derived &other, const Scalar &prec=Eigen::NumTraits< Scalar >::dummy_precision()) const
template<typename S2 , int O2>
MotionPlain se3Action (const SE3Tpl< S2, O2 > &m) const
template<typename S2 , int O2>
MotionPlain se3ActionInverse (const SE3Tpl< S2, O2 > &m) const
Scalar dot (const Force &f) const
void disp (std::ostream &os) const


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const MotionBase< Derived > &v)

Detailed Description

template<class Derived>
class se3::MotionBase< Derived >

Definition at line 29 of file spatial/fwd.hpp.

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