pinocchio  UNKNOWN
ConstraintRevoluteUnalignedTpl< _Scalar, _Options >::TransposeConst Struct Reference
Collaboration diagram for ConstraintRevoluteUnalignedTpl< _Scalar, _Options >::TransposeConst:

Public Member Functions

 TransposeConst (const ConstraintRevoluteUnalignedTpl &ref)
template<typename Derived >
Eigen::Matrix< typename EIGEN_DOT_PRODUCT_RETURN_TYPE(Vector3, typename ForceDense< Derived >::ConstAngularType), 1, 1 > operator* (const ForceDense< Derived > &f) const
template<typename D >
const Eigen::ProductReturnType< Eigen::Transpose< const Vector3 >, typename Eigen::MatrixBase< const D >::template NRowsBlockXpr< 3 >::Type >::Type operator* (const Eigen::MatrixBase< D > &F)

Public Attributes

const ConstraintRevoluteUnalignedTplref

Detailed Description

template<typename _Scalar, int _Options>
struct se3::ConstraintRevoluteUnalignedTpl< _Scalar, _Options >::TransposeConst

Definition at line 164 of file joint-revolute-unaligned.hpp.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: