gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface Interface Reference


Public Member Functions

Windows and scenes

WindowID createWindow (in string name) raises (Error)
WindowID getWindowID (in string name) raises (Error)
boolean setBackgroundColor1 (in WindowID wid, in Color RGBAcolor)
boolean setBackgroundColor2 (in WindowID wid, in Color RGBAcolor)
void createScene (in string sceneName) raises (Error)
void createSceneWithFloor (in string sceneName) raises (Error)
boolean addSceneToWindow (in string sceneName, in WindowID wid) raises (Error)
Node creation

boolean addFloor (in string floorName) raises (Error)
boolean addBox (in string boxName, in float boxSize1, in float boxSize2, in float boxSize3, in Color RGBAcolor) raises (Error)
boolean addCapsule (in string name, in float radius, in float height, in Color RGBAcolor) raises (Error)
boolean addArrow (in string name, in float radius, in float length, in Color RGBAcolor) raises (Error)
boolean addRod (in string rodName, in Color RGBAcolor, in float radius, in float totalLength, in short maxCapsule) raises (Error)
boolean resizeCapsule (in string capsuleName, in float height) raises (Error)
boolean resizeArrow (in string capsuleName, in float radius, in float length) raises (Error)
boolean addMesh (in string meshName, in string meshPath) raises (Error)
void removeLightSources (in string meshName) raises (Error)
boolean addCone (in string name, in float radius, in float height, in Color RGBAcolor) raises (Error)
 create a Cone More...
boolean addCylinder (in string cylinderName, in float radius, in float height, in Color RGBAcolor) raises (Error)
 create a Cylinder More...
boolean addSphere (in string sphereName, in float radius, in Color RGBAcolor) raises (Error)
 create a Sphere More...
boolean addLight (in string lightName, in WindowID wid, in float radius, in Color RGBAcolor) raises (Error)
boolean addLine (in string lineName, in Position pos1, in Position pos2, in Color RGBAcolor) raises (Error)
boolean setLineStartPoint (in string lineName, in Position pos1) raises (Error)
boolean setLineEndPoint (in string lineName, in Position pos2) raises (Error)
boolean setLineExtremalPoints (in string lineName, in Position pos1, in Position pos2) raises (Error)
boolean addCurve (in string name, in PositionSeq pos, in Color RGBAcolor) raises (Error)
boolean setCurvePoints (in string name, in PositionSeq pos) raises (Error)
boolean setCurveColors (in string name, in ColorSeq pos) raises (Error)
boolean setCurveMode (in string name, in string mode) raises (Error)
boolean setCurvePointsSubset (in string curveName, in long first, in long count) raises (Error)
boolean setCurveLineWidth (in string curveName, in float width) raises (Error)
boolean addSquareFace (in string faceName, in Position pos1, in Position pos2, in Position pos3, in Position pos4, in Color RGBAcolor) raises (Error)
boolean setTexture (in string nodeName, in string filename) raises (Error)
boolean addTriangleFace (in string faceName, in Position pos1, in Position pos2, in Position pos3, in Color RGBAcolor) raises (Error)
boolean addXYZaxis (in string nodeName, in Color RGBAcolor, in float radius, in float sizeAxis) raises (Error)
boolean createRoadmap (in string nameCorba, in Color RGBAcolorNode, in float radius, in float sizeAxis, in Color RGBAcolorEdge) raises (Error)
boolean addEdgeToRoadmap (in string nameRoadmap, in Position posFrom, in Position posTo) raises (Error)
boolean addNodeToRoadmap (in string nameRoadmap, in Transform configuration) raises (Error)
boolean addURDF (in string robotName, in string urdfFilePath) raises (Error)
boolean addUrdfCollision (in string robotName, in string urdfFilePath) raises (Error)
void addUrdfObjects (in string nodeName, in string urdfFilePath, in boolean visual) raises (Error)
boolean createGroup (in string groupName) raises (Error)
Node tree manipulation

boolean nodeExists (in string nodeName) raises (Error)
void deleteNode (in string nodeName, in boolean all) raises (Error)
Names_t getNodeList () raises (Error)
 Returns the name of all the nodes. More...
Names_t getGroupNodeList (in string group) raises (Error)
Names_t getSceneList () raises (Error)
 Get the list of group (i.e. scene) nodes. More...
Names_t getWindowList () raises (Error)
 Print names of windows on the SceneViewer-corbaserver terminal. More...
boolean addToGroup (in string nodeName, in string groupName) raises (Error)
boolean removeFromGroup (in string nodeName, in string groupName) raises (Error)
Node configuration

boolean applyConfiguration (in string nodeName, in Transform configuration) raises (Error)
boolean applyConfigurations (in Names_t nodeName, in TransformSeq configuration) raises (Error)
void refresh () raises (Error)
 Change configurations according to the last applyConfigurations.d. More...
void setRefreshIsSynchronous (in boolean synchonous) raises (Error)
Transform getNodeGlobalTransform (in string nodeName) raises (Error)
Node properties

boolean addLandmark (in string nodeName, in float size) raises (Error)
boolean deleteLandmark (in string nodeName) raises (Error)
Transform getStaticTransform (in string nodeName) raises (Error)
boolean setStaticTransform (in string nodeName, in Transform configuration) raises (Error)
boolean setVisibility (in string nodeName, in string visibilityMode) raises (Error)
boolean setScale (in string nodeName, in Position scale) raises (Error)
boolean setColor (in string nodeName, in Color scale) raises (Error)
boolean setWireFrameMode (in string nodeName, in string wireFrameMode) raises (Error)
boolean setLightingMode (in string nodeName, in string lightingMode) raises (Error)
boolean setHighlight (in string nodeName, in long state) raises (Error)
Names_t getPropertyNames (in string nodeName) raises (Error)
Names_t getPropertyTypes (in string nodeName) raises (Error)
void setStringProperty (in string nodeName, in string propName, in string value) raises (Error)
string getStringProperty (in string nodeName, in string propName) raises (Error)
void setColorProperty (in string nodeName, in string propName, in Color value) raises (Error)
Color getColorProperty (in string nodeName, in string propName) raises (Error)
void setVector3Property (in string nodeName, in string propName, in Position value) raises (Error)
Position getVector3Property (in string nodeName, in string propName) raises (Error)
void setVector2Property (in string nodeName, in string propName, in Vector2 value) raises (Error)
Position getVector2Property (in string nodeName, in string propName) raises (Error)
void setFloatProperty (in string nodeName, in string propName, in float value) raises (Error)
float getFloatProperty (in string nodeName, in string propName) raises (Error)
void setBoolProperty (in string nodeName, in string propName, in boolean value) raises (Error)
boolean getBoolProperty (in string nodeName, in string propName) raises (Error)
void setIntProperty (in string nodeName, in string propName, in long value) raises (Error)
long getIntProperty (in string nodeName, in string propName) raises (Error)
void callVoidProperty (in string nodeName, in string propName) raises (Error)
Export of scenes to images or to blender
void captureFrame (in WindowID wid, in string imageFilename) raises (Error)
boolean startCapture (in WindowID wid, in string filename, in string extension) raises (Error)
boolean stopCapture (in WindowID wid) raises (Error)
 Stop the running capture of a window. More...
boolean setCaptureTransform (in string filename, in Names_t nodeNames) raises (Error)
void captureTransformOnRefresh (in boolean autoCapture) raises (Error)
 Change status of automatic capture on refresh. More...
void captureTransform () raises (Error)
 Write current configuration to the motion file. More...
boolean writeBlenderScript (in string filename, in Names_t nodeNames) raises (Error)
boolean writeNodeFile (in string nodeName, in string filename) raises (Error)
 Write a node and its children to filename. More...
boolean writeWindowFile (in WindowID wid, in string filename) raises (Error)
 Write the nodes contained in the window to filename. More...
Camera manipulation

boolean attachCameraToNode (in string nodeName, in WindowID wid) raises (Error)
boolean detachCamera (in WindowID wid) raises (Error)
Transform getCameraTransform (in WindowID wid) raises (Error)
boolean setCameraTransform (in WindowID wid, in Transform configuration) raises (Error)
boolean registerNodeCallback (in NodeCallback cb) raises (Error)

Detailed Description

Member Function Documentation

◆ addArrow()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::addArrow ( in string  name,
in float  radius,
in float  length,
in Color  RGBAcolor 
raises (Error

create a box called CapsuleName.

name: name of the arrow.
radius: radius of the arrow
length: lenght of the arrow
RGBAcolor: Color of the capsule.

◆ addBox()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::addBox ( in string  boxName,
in float  boxSize1,
in float  boxSize2,
in float  boxSize3,
in Color  RGBAcolor 
raises (Error

create a box called boxName.

boxName: name of the box.
boxSize1: lenght of the box (x axis).
boxSize2: lenght of the box (y axis).
boxSize3: lenght of the box (z axis).
RGBAcolor: Color of the box.

◆ addCapsule()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::addCapsule ( in string  name,
in float  radius,
in float  height,
in Color  RGBAcolor 
raises (Error

create a box called CapsuleName.

name: name of the capsule.
radius: radius of the capsule.
height: lenght of the segment that generates the capsule.
RGBAcolor: Color of the capsule.

◆ addCone()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::addCone ( in string  name,
in float  radius,
in float  height,
in Color  RGBAcolor 
raises (Error

create a Cone

◆ addCurve()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::addCurve ( in string  name,
in PositionSeq  pos,
in Color  RGBAcolor 
raises (Error

create a curve called curveName. The curve is the graph of the piecewise linear interpolation between each consecutive pos.

name: name of the line.
pos: waypoints of the curve.
RGBAcolor: color of the line.

◆ addCylinder()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::addCylinder ( in string  cylinderName,
in float  radius,
in float  height,
in Color  RGBAcolor 
raises (Error

create a Cylinder

◆ addEdgeToRoadmap()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::addEdgeToRoadmap ( in string  nameRoadmap,
in Position  posFrom,
in Position  posTo 
raises (Error

◆ addFloor()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::addFloor ( in string  floorName)
raises (Error

create a floor called floorName.

floorName: name of the floor.

◆ addLandmark()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::addLandmark ( in string  nodeName,
in float  size 
raises (Error

Add Landmark at the center of a node The colors are x=red, y=green, z=blue (xyz=RGB).

nodeName: name of the node
size: lenght of axises.

◆ addLight()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::addLight ( in string  lightName,
in WindowID  wid,
in float  radius,
in Color  RGBAcolor 
raises (Error

create a light

lightName: name of the light.
wid: ID of the window.
radius: radius of the bulb showing the light.
RGBAcolor: color of the light.

◆ addLine()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::addLine ( in string  lineName,
in Position  pos1,
in Position  pos2,
in Color  RGBAcolor 
raises (Error

create a line called lineName.

lineName: name of the line.
pos1: position one extremity of the line.
pos2: position the other extremity of the line.
RGBAcolor: color of the line.

◆ addMesh()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::addMesh ( in string  meshName,
in string  meshPath 
raises (Error

create a node to display a mesh (works for .dae, .obj and some other formats)

meshName: name of the new meshNode.
meshPath: full path to the mesh file.

◆ addNodeToRoadmap()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::addNodeToRoadmap ( in string  nameRoadmap,
in Transform  configuration 
raises (Error

◆ addRod()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::addRod ( in string  rodName,
in Color  RGBAcolor,
in float  radius,
in float  totalLength,
in short  maxCapsule 
raises (Error

◆ addSceneToWindow()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::addSceneToWindow ( in string  sceneName,
in WindowID  wid 
raises (Error

Add groupNode sceneName to the WindowManager windowName so sceneName and all its children will be displayed in the window windowName.

sceneName: name of the groupNode.
wid: ID of rhe window.

◆ addSphere()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::addSphere ( in string  sphereName,
in float  radius,
in Color  RGBAcolor 
raises (Error

create a Sphere

◆ addSquareFace()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::addSquareFace ( in string  faceName,
in Position  pos1,
in Position  pos2,
in Position  pos3,
in Position  pos4,
in Color  RGBAcolor 
raises (Error

create a four vertices face called faceName.

faceName: name of the face.
pos1,pos2,pos3,pos4: position of the vertices.
RGBAcolor: color of the face.

◆ addToGroup()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::addToGroup ( in string  nodeName,
in string  groupName 
raises (Error

set a node as child to a group node.

nodeName: name of the child node.
groupName: name of the mother node (=group node).

◆ addTriangleFace()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::addTriangleFace ( in string  faceName,
in Position  pos1,
in Position  pos2,
in Position  pos3,
in Color  RGBAcolor 
raises (Error

create a three vertices face called faceName.

faceName: name of the face.
pos1,pos2,pos3: position of the vertices.
RGBAcolor: color of the face.

◆ addURDF()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::addURDF ( in string  robotName,
in string  urdfFilePath 
raises (Error

Create a node from an urdf file

robotNameName of the node that will contain the robot geometry, each geometric part is prefixed by this name,
urdfFilePathto the package containing the urdf file, i.e. "/opt/ros/hydro/share/pr2_description", a groupNode is created and each link will be child node of this node. Links are named "prefix/linkName", linkName is the name of the link in the URDF file.

◆ addUrdfCollision()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::addUrdfCollision ( in string  robotName,
in string  urdfFilePath 
raises (Error

Create a node from an urdf file

robotNameName of the node that will contain the robot geometry, each geometric part is prefixed by this name,
urdfFilePathto the package containing the urdf file, i.e. "/opt/ros/hydro/share/pr2_description", a groupNode is created and each link will be child node of this node. Links are named "prefix/linkName", linkName is the name of the link in the URDF file.

Unlike addURDF, this method will load the collision geometry instead of the visual geometry.

◆ addUrdfObjects()

void gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::addUrdfObjects ( in string  nodeName,
in string  urdfFilePath,
in boolean  visual 
raises (Error

Create a node from an urdf file

nodeNameName of the node that will contain the objects, each object is prefixed by this name,
urdfFilePathto the package containing the urdf file, i.e. "/opt/ros/hydro/share/pr2_description",
visual whether to load collision or visual geometry. a groupNode is created and each object will be child node of this node. Objects are named "prefix/linkName", linkName is the name of the link in the URDF file. Unlike addURDF and addUrdfCollision, the node frame corresponds to the position of objects hold by the links and not to the position of objects.

◆ addXYZaxis()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::addXYZaxis ( in string  nodeName,
in Color  RGBAcolor,
in float  radius,
in float  sizeAxis 
raises (Error

◆ applyConfiguration()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::applyConfiguration ( in string  nodeName,
in Transform  configuration 
raises (Error


nodeName: name of the node.
configuration: Float[7] new configuration.

◆ applyConfigurations()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::applyConfigurations ( in Names_t  nodeName,
in TransformSeq  configuration 
raises (Error

Same as applyConfiguration on a list of node name and configuration. Both input list should be of same length.

◆ attachCameraToNode()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::attachCameraToNode ( in string  nodeName,
in WindowID  wid 
raises (Error

Attach the camera to the Node nodeName in the WindowManager pointed by wid If already attached, detach from the other node

nodeName: name of the node
wid: ID of the window

◆ callVoidProperty()

void gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::callVoidProperty ( in string  nodeName,
in string  propName 
raises (Error

◆ captureFrame()

void gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::captureFrame ( in WindowID  wid,
in string  imageFilename 
raises (Error

◆ captureTransform()

void gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::captureTransform ( )
raises (Error

Write current configuration to the motion file.

◆ captureTransformOnRefresh()

void gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::captureTransformOnRefresh ( in boolean  autoCapture)
raises (Error

Change status of automatic capture on refresh.

◆ createGroup()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::createGroup ( in string  groupName)
raises (Error

create a groupNode called groupName

groupName: name of the group.

◆ createRoadmap()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::createRoadmap ( in string  nameCorba,
in Color  RGBAcolorNode,
in float  radius,
in float  sizeAxis,
in Color  RGBAcolorEdge 
raises (Error

◆ createScene()

void gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::createScene ( in string  sceneName)
raises (Error

Create a group node.

sceneName: name of the group.

◆ createSceneWithFloor()

void gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::createSceneWithFloor ( in string  sceneName)
raises (Error

Create a group node and a GroudNode ("sceneName/floor") as child

sceneName: name of the group

◆ createWindow()

WindowID gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::createWindow ( in string  name)
raises (Error

Create a new window if it does not already exists.

name: name of the new window. return the value provided as input argument.

◆ deleteLandmark()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::deleteLandmark ( in string  nodeName)
raises (Error

delete Landmark of a node.

nodeName: name of the node

◆ deleteNode()

void gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::deleteNode ( in string  nodeName,
in boolean  all 
raises (Error

Delete node from visualiser

allif nodeName is a group node and all is True, nodes are deleted recursively.

◆ detachCamera()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::detachCamera ( in WindowID  wid)
raises (Error

Detach the camera of WindowManager pointed by wid from any node

wid: ID of the window

◆ getBoolProperty()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::getBoolProperty ( in string  nodeName,
in string  propName 
raises (Error

◆ getCameraTransform()

Transform gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::getCameraTransform ( in WindowID  wid)
raises (Error

get the matrix transform of the current position of the camera Camera frame convention (OpenSceneGraph): looking through the optic axis as a photographer, axis are: X -> right, Y -> up, Z -> behind It corresponds to Hartley and Zisserman's frame convention with a 180° rotation around the Y axis

wid: ID of the window

◆ getColorProperty()

Color gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::getColorProperty ( in string  nodeName,
in string  propName 
raises (Error

◆ getFloatProperty()

float gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::getFloatProperty ( in string  nodeName,
in string  propName 
raises (Error

◆ getGroupNodeList()

Names_t gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::getGroupNodeList ( in string  group)
raises (Error

Returns the name of the Group nodes contained in a group

group: name of the group.

◆ getIntProperty()

long gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::getIntProperty ( in string  nodeName,
in string  propName 
raises (Error

◆ getNodeGlobalTransform()

Transform gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::getNodeGlobalTransform ( in string  nodeName)
raises (Error

Return the Position + Quaternion orientation of an object in the global frame

nodeName: name of the node.
a length 7 array

◆ getNodeList()

Names_t gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::getNodeList ( )
raises (Error

Returns the name of all the nodes.

◆ getPropertyNames()

Names_t gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::getPropertyNames ( in string  nodeName)
raises (Error

◆ getPropertyTypes()

Names_t gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::getPropertyTypes ( in string  nodeName)
raises (Error

◆ getSceneList()

Names_t gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::getSceneList ( )
raises (Error

Get the list of group (i.e. scene) nodes.

◆ getStaticTransform()

Transform gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::getStaticTransform ( in string  nodeName)
raises (Error

get the static transform of the node

nodeName: name of the node

◆ getStringProperty()

string gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::getStringProperty ( in string  nodeName,
in string  propName 
raises (Error

◆ getVector2Property()

Position gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::getVector2Property ( in string  nodeName,
in string  propName 
raises (Error

◆ getVector3Property()

Position gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::getVector3Property ( in string  nodeName,
in string  propName 
raises (Error

◆ getWindowID()

WindowID gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::getWindowID ( in string  name)
raises (Error
Line windowId = gui.getWindowID(name) can be replaced by windowId = name.

◆ getWindowList()

Names_t gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::getWindowList ( )
raises (Error

Print names of windows on the SceneViewer-corbaserver terminal.

◆ nodeExists()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::nodeExists ( in string  nodeName)
raises (Error

Check if nodeName is an existing node.

nodeNamename of the node

◆ refresh()

void gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::refresh ( )
raises (Error

Change configurations according to the last applyConfigurations.d.

◆ registerNodeCallback()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::registerNodeCallback ( in NodeCallback  cb)
raises (Error

◆ removeFromGroup()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::removeFromGroup ( in string  nodeName,
in string  groupName 
raises (Error

remove the node from the child list of a group node.

nodeName: name of the child node.
groupName: name of the mother node (=group node).

◆ removeLightSources()

void gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::removeLightSources ( in string  meshName)
raises (Error

Remove light sources from mesh

meshName: name of the new meshNode.

◆ resizeArrow()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::resizeArrow ( in string  capsuleName,
in float  radius,
in float  length 
raises (Error

◆ resizeCapsule()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::resizeCapsule ( in string  capsuleName,
in float  height 
raises (Error

resize the capsule CapsuleName.

CapsuleName: name of the capsule.
height: lenght of the segment that generates the capsule.

◆ setBackgroundColor1()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::setBackgroundColor1 ( in WindowID  wid,
in Color  RGBAcolor 

change the background color1

wid: ID of the window
RGBAcolor: desired color

◆ setBackgroundColor2()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::setBackgroundColor2 ( in WindowID  wid,
in Color  RGBAcolor 

change the background color2

wid: ID of the window
RGBAcolor: desired color

◆ setBoolProperty()

void gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::setBoolProperty ( in string  nodeName,
in string  propName,
in boolean  value 
raises (Error

◆ setCameraTransform()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::setCameraTransform ( in WindowID  wid,
in Transform  configuration 
raises (Error

set the matrix transform of the current camera Camera frame convention (OpenSceneGraph): looking through the optic axis as a photographer, axis are: X -> right, Y -> up, Z -> behind It corresponds to Hartley and Zisserman's frame convention with a 180° rotation around the Y axis

wid: ID of the window
configuration: the desired configuration of the camera

◆ setCaptureTransform()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::setCaptureTransform ( in string  filename,
in Names_t  nodeNames 
raises (Error

Configure the capture of node transformation in YAML format

filenamefile where to write.
nodeNamename of the node to be captured (all children will also be captured)

◆ setColor()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::setColor ( in string  nodeName,
in Color  scale 
raises (Error

Change the color of a node.

nodeName: name of the node.
color: new color

◆ setColorProperty()

void gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::setColorProperty ( in string  nodeName,
in string  propName,
in Color  value 
raises (Error

◆ setCurveColors()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::setCurveColors ( in string  name,
in ColorSeq  pos 
raises (Error

set colors of a curve called curveName (there should be one color per points).

name: name of the line.
color: color of each point.

◆ setCurveLineWidth()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::setCurveLineWidth ( in string  curveName,
in float  width 
raises (Error

◆ setCurveMode()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::setCurveMode ( in string  name,
in string  mode 
raises (Error
modeThe list of possible GL modes is provided in gepetto::viewer::WindowsManager::setCurveMode. From the GL modes, remove "GL_" and put it lower case.

◆ setCurvePoints()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::setCurvePoints ( in string  name,
in PositionSeq  pos 
raises (Error

set points of a curve called curveName.

name: name of the line.
pos: waypoints of the curve.

◆ setCurvePointsSubset()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::setCurvePointsSubset ( in string  curveName,
in long  first,
in long  count 
raises (Error

◆ setFloatProperty()

void gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::setFloatProperty ( in string  nodeName,
in string  propName,
in float  value 
raises (Error

◆ setHighlight()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::setHighlight ( in string  nodeName,
in long  state 
raises (Error

Change the highlight status

nodeName: name of the node.
state: 0 for off, 1 or 2 for other things.

◆ setIntProperty()

void gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::setIntProperty ( in string  nodeName,
in string  propName,
in long  value 
raises (Error

◆ setLightingMode()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::setLightingMode ( in string  nodeName,
in string  lightingMode 
raises (Error

Change lighting mode of a node. If this node is a group node, lighting mode will be apply to all children.

nodeName: name of the node.
lightingMode: lighting mode can be "ON" or "OFF".

◆ setLineEndPoint()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::setLineEndPoint ( in string  lineName,
in Position  pos2 
raises (Error

change terminal point position of a line.

lineName: name of the line.
pos2: position of the second extremity of the line.

◆ setLineExtremalPoints()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::setLineExtremalPoints ( in string  lineName,
in Position  pos1,
in Position  pos2 
raises (Error

change extremity positions of a line.

lineName: name of the line.
pos1: position one extremity of the line.
pos2: position of the second extremity of the line.

◆ setLineStartPoint()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::setLineStartPoint ( in string  lineName,
in Position  pos1 
raises (Error

change starting point position of a line.

lineName: name of the line.
pos1: position of the first extremity of the line.

◆ setRefreshIsSynchronous()

void gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::setRefreshIsSynchronous ( in boolean  synchonous)
raises (Error

Set to false if you do not want refresh to be synchronized with the rendering loop.

This is an experimental features.

◆ setScale()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::setScale ( in string  nodeName,
in Position  scale 
raises (Error

Change the scale of a node.

nodeName: name of the node.
scale: new scale

◆ setStaticTransform()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::setStaticTransform ( in string  nodeName,
in Transform  configuration 
raises (Error

set the static transform of the node

nodeName: name of the node
configuration: static configuration of the node

◆ setStringProperty()

void gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::setStringProperty ( in string  nodeName,
in string  propName,
in string  value 
raises (Error

◆ setTexture()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::setTexture ( in string  nodeName,
in string  filename 
raises (Error

Set a texture to a face

nodeNamename of the node containing the face
filenamewhere the image is stored
Node should be a square face.

◆ setVector2Property()

void gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::setVector2Property ( in string  nodeName,
in string  propName,
in Vector2  value 
raises (Error

◆ setVector3Property()

void gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::setVector3Property ( in string  nodeName,
in string  propName,
in Position  value 
raises (Error

◆ setVisibility()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::setVisibility ( in string  nodeName,
in string  visibilityMode 
raises (Error

Change the visibility of a node. If this node is a group node, visibility mode will be apply to all children.

nodeName: name of the node.
visibilityMode: visibility mode can be "ON", "OFF" or "ALWAYS_ON_TOP".

◆ setWireFrameMode()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::setWireFrameMode ( in string  nodeName,
in string  wireFrameMode 
raises (Error

Change wireframe mode of a node. If this node is a group node, wireframe mode will be apply to all children.

nodeName: name of the node.
wireframeMode: wiredframe mode can be "FILL", "WIREFRAME" or "FILL_AND_WIREFRAME".

◆ startCapture()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::startCapture ( in WindowID  wid,
in string  filename,
in string  extension 
raises (Error

Start capturing a window into image files.

widthe ID of the window
filename,extensionimage files will be <filename>_<sequence_number>.<extension>

To make a movie from the sequence of images, you can run:

avconv -r 25 -i capture_%6d.png -vf crop=1908:1000:0:0 -r 25 -pix_fmt yuv420p -c:v libx264 ../video2.mp4
  • libx264 is not installed by default. On ubuntu 12.04, it is part of the package libavcodec-extra-53.
  • yuv420p is required only to enable support for old media players.

◆ stopCapture()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::stopCapture ( in WindowID  wid)
raises (Error

Stop the running capture of a window.

◆ writeBlenderScript()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::writeBlenderScript ( in string  filename,
in Names_t  nodeNames 
raises (Error

Export the nodes for blender

Append a python3 script corresponding the nodes, to be loaded by the blender gepetto plugin.

◆ writeNodeFile()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::writeNodeFile ( in string  nodeName,
in string  filename 
raises (Error

Write a node and its children to filename.

◆ writeWindowFile()

boolean gepetto::corbaserver::GraphicalInterface::writeWindowFile ( in WindowID  wid,
in string  filename 
raises (Error

Write the nodes contained in the window to filename.

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: