hpp-manipulation-corba  4.9.0
Corba server for manipulation planning
hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Robot Interface Reference


Public Member Functions

void insertRobotModel (in string robotName, in string rootJointType, in string urdfname, in string srdfname) raises (Error)
void insertRobotModelOnFrame (in string robotName, in string frameName, in string rootJointType, in string urdfname, in string srdfname) raises (Error)
void insertRobotModelFromString (in string robotName, in string rootJointType, in string urdfString, in string srdfString) raises (Error)
void insertRobotSRDFModel (in string robotName, in string packageName, in string modelName, in string srdfSuffix) raises (Error)
void insertHumanoidModel (in string robotName, in string rootJointType, in string urdfname, in string srdfname) raises (Error)
void insertHumanoidModelFromString (in string robotName, in string rootJointType, in string urdfString, in string srdfString) raises (Error)
void loadEnvironmentModel (in string urdfName, in string srdfName, in string prefix) raises (Error)
Transform_ getRootJointPosition (in string robotName) raises (Error)
void setRootJointPosition (in string robotName, in Transform_ position) raises (Error)
void addGripper (in string linkName, in string gripperName, in Transform_ handlePositioninJoint) raises (Error)
void addHandle (in string linkName, in string handleName, in Transform_ localPosition) raises (Error)
void addAxialHandle (in string linkName, in string handleName, in Transform_ localPosition) raises (Error)
string getGripperPositionInJoint (in string gripperName, out Transform_ position) raises (hpp::Error)
string getHandlePositionInJoint (in string handleName, out Transform_ position) raises (hpp::Error)

Member Function Documentation

◆ addAxialHandle()

void hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Robot::addAxialHandle ( in string  linkName,
in string  handleName,
in Transform_  localPosition 
raises (Error

Add axial handle to an object

linkNamename of the link (hpp::model::Body) holding the handle,
handleNamename of the handle,
localPositionposition of the handle in the joint frame, rotation around x-axis is not constrained.

◆ addGripper()

void hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Robot::addGripper ( in string  linkName,
in string  gripperName,
in Transform_  handlePositioninJoint 
raises (Error

Add Gripper to a robot

linkNamename of the link (hpp::model::Body) holding the gripper,
gripperNamename of the gripper,
handlePositioninJointposition of the handle in the joint frame.

◆ addHandle()

void hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Robot::addHandle ( in string  linkName,
in string  handleName,
in Transform_  localPosition 
raises (Error

Add Handle to an object

linkNamename of the link (hpp::model::Body) holding the handle,
handleNamename of the handle,
localPositionposition of the handle in the joint frame.

◆ getGripperPositionInJoint()

string hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Robot::getGripperPositionInJoint ( in string  gripperName,
out Transform_  position 
raises (hpp::Error

Return the joint name in which a gripper is and the position relatively to the joint

◆ getHandlePositionInJoint()

string hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Robot::getHandlePositionInJoint ( in string  handleName,
out Transform_  position 
raises (hpp::Error

Return the joint name in which a handle is and the position relatively to the joint

◆ getRootJointPosition()

Transform_ hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Robot::getRootJointPosition ( in string  robotName)
raises (Error

Get the position of root joint of a robot in world frame

robotNamekey of the robot in ProblemSolver object map.

◆ insertHumanoidModel()

void hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Robot::insertHumanoidModel ( in string  robotName,
in string  rootJointType,
in string  urdfname,
in string  srdfname 
raises (Error

Insert humanoid robot model as a child of the root joint of the Device

robotNamekey of the robot in ProblemSolver object map (see hpp::manipulation::ProblemSolver::addRobot)
rootJointTypetype of root joint among "anchor", "freeflyer", "planar",
urdfNamename of the urdf file. It may contain "file://", or "package://" prefixes.
srdfNamename of the srdf file. It may contain "file://", or "package://" prefixes.

◆ insertHumanoidModelFromString()

void hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Robot::insertHumanoidModelFromString ( in string  robotName,
in string  rootJointType,
in string  urdfString,
in string  srdfString 
raises (Error

Insert humanoid robot model as a child of the root joint of the Device

robotNamekey of the robot in ProblemSolver object map (see hpp::manipulation::ProblemSolver::addRobot)
rootJointTypetype of root joint among "anchor", "freeflyer", "planar",
urdfStringurdf file,
srdfStringsrdf file. Can be empty.

◆ insertRobotModel()

void hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Robot::insertRobotModel ( in string  robotName,
in string  rootJointType,
in string  urdfname,
in string  srdfname 
raises (Error

Insert robot model as a child of the root joint of the Device

robotNamekey of the robot in ProblemSolver object map (see hpp::manipulation::ProblemSolver::addRobot)
rootJointTypetype of root joint among "anchor", "freeflyer", "planar",
urdfNamename of the urdf file. It may contain "file://", or "package://" prefixes.
srdfNamename of the srdf file. It may contain "file://", or "package://" prefixes.

◆ insertRobotModelFromString()

void hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Robot::insertRobotModelFromString ( in string  robotName,
in string  rootJointType,
in string  urdfString,
in string  srdfString 
raises (Error

Insert robot model as a child of the root joint of the Device

robotNamekey of the robot in ProblemSolver object map (see hpp::manipulation::ProblemSolver::addRobot)
rootJointTypetype of root joint among "anchor", "freeflyer", "planar",
urdfStringurdf file,
srdfStringsrdf file. Can be empty.

◆ insertRobotModelOnFrame()

void hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Robot::insertRobotModelOnFrame ( in string  robotName,
in string  frameName,
in string  rootJointType,
in string  urdfname,
in string  srdfname 
raises (Error

◆ insertRobotSRDFModel()

void hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Robot::insertRobotSRDFModel ( in string  robotName,
in string  packageName,
in string  modelName,
in string  srdfSuffix 
raises (Error

Load a SRDF for the robot. Several SRDF can thus be loaded for the same robot

◆ loadEnvironmentModel()

void hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Robot::loadEnvironmentModel ( in string  urdfName,
in string  srdfName,
in string  prefix 
raises (Error

Load model of the environment

urdfName name of the urdf file describing the environment srdfName name of the srdf file describing the environment, prefix string added in front of object names.

◆ setRootJointPosition()

void hpp::corbaserver::manipulation::Robot::setRootJointPosition ( in string  robotName,
in Transform_  position 
raises (Error

Set the position of root joint of a robot in world frame

robotNamekey of the robot in ProblemSolver object map.
positionconstant position of the root joint in world frame in initial configuration.

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: